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Everything posted by steve

  1. i had a cad placed over my fw last year and the fit was to wide and to tall but other than that it looked OK, i think they all work together but the wing may need to be tweaked a little
  2. yes , i think. if you want to use your molds, go for it ! just do the layup on the stakes Le as per plans, then install your Le skins and bit tape them in place don't go empty, to soft. do we have are fuel tanks in the bumper of are cars? no (only Chev would do that) we don't, so some how fill your Le skins with Styrofoam and move on. if you had did it the plans way one time you would not do it the way you are planing. your way will work just longer, heavier,cost more. don't go dusty on us, you'll never get done but you will be in good company. let see, there was Todd (canopy) then there was JD (infinity) um, o ya the girls:cool: (cozy-girls) dust and there are lots of others (me)lol getter dun:brocolli:
  3. steve


    there was a kit sold over seas like that.
  4. i have used the blue/green foam cut-outs as tests now and then to show others how strong this plane is. we jump on them until it fails then i show why it failed then show them how we do the edges so it cant fail, and all will say that there would be no way to hurt the part. now, as per the yellow foam or the home-depo pink stuff...............not so good:bad:
  5. if you foam yours you will in short be doing it plans. but heres my 2 cents.. the leading edge board has 2 sides, 2 bid per side. then you at some point you add 2 more bid per side called tapes, then you add (some don't) a 2 bid lip and install the lip with 2 bid. add all this up and it is all be for you do the out side of the strake and the LE. your way you will be deleting a step in the planes that have you overlap the LE board 4 times when you do the out side. so in all, you lose 10 layers of glass and 3/8's of foam. if i were you....do the mold thing (way cool) but put on the Le board per planes using the 10 layers. fill your Le's with foam (fuel type)and install like the plans say to do, then go fine a big bird and wing him at the plane at 180k then say to your wife when she is cleaning it off after you land................. that Steve guy is all right ! we like him, we need to give him a ride a the next RR:D
  6. Ty dust, and to all the help, i did such a gr8 job doing lunch, i don't even think i was there ??? was i flying again? hum, thanks all for allowing me to roam about the planes and forgo my duties
  7. if it were mine i think i would try a fix, at first glance I'd try heat and shape it back, then id drill in a 12" or so long bar and flox it in so the part would be stronger, then re-drill per plans on the axle and 2 way bid over all with that said (Marc is pushing me) i will have a lot of cash in my bird and 2 grand and two weeks work mite be the way to go on this one all new and just say......my first lost is my best lost ! the fix may work but who knows, down the road a year or so and you come in on one wing tip and whats left of your Cato. just the tow bill home will be over the price of a new gear. best of luck with this one:sad:
  8. I am very pleased with the smooth power of the 3-rotor rotary engine. With a Catto fixed pitch prop (66" dia, 80" pitch) I get a takeoff roll of about 1300' at sea level, an easy cruise of 170 KTAS at 7500' with about 50% power and 9.5 gph (21 mpg), and a top speed of 210 KTAS. opps, got the post mixed up, plz dont read
  9. that sounds like good "year one thinking" but I'm at year 5 , sorryand at year five....WE FIX SHI* and move on. remember what Randi said 3 years back measure with mic's, mark with a sharpie, trim with a chain saw. there is flex in that bulk head:rolleyes:
  10. the guy that was the last to see him did a long right up and the plan was to fix the valve as soon as he got home it was #1 on a short list of things to do on the plane:sad:
  11. i have to go with answer 4 as well.i have seen a gear hit so hard that it was flat, and it removed about 5" of foam all around the bulk head . so if you were to add plys to the back side a the landing bh then hit hard you would remove both layups and 5" of foam. marc is right.....but, add the plys and move on
  12. just add the plys and move on, the tube will fit fine
  13. Dust Super Moderator Join Date: Apr 2004 Location: Troy, Michigan Posts: 7,577 Re: Rough River 2008 - Personal Problem -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OK, here it is last year i collected 485, 60 went to reimburse the pop guy, that leaves 425 i am sending 300 to steve to get the food listed and i am spending 120+6% on dawgs. Note that there is no ice, water or beer, if you wants it bring it! It would be nice if someone could ice the pop down at 10:30, that is about the time that steve should show up with the food. Neverquit will have the dawgs Doug will have the cooker and propane for the dawgs Ed will have the stove and pots for the chili Steve or doug or rick or ed will send me the collections this year and i will see to it that there is lunch next year. This is the 4th year of the lunch. As i have paid for 90% of the lunch each of the past 3 years it became expensive. Now that the contributions pay for the food - it can continue. Code: Item Manufacturer Size Quantity Cost Per Unit Total Pop Various 24 Pack 10 7.5 75 Relish - Sweet Pickel 1/2 Gallon 1 4.75 4.75 Chili Hearthstone 6 LB 3 7.99 23.97 Foil Pans Half Size 6 0.99 5.94 Paper Plates Kitchen Essentials 100 Pack 4 2.29 9.16 Spoons GFS 125 2 5.79 11.58 Serving Spoons GFS 7 Pack 1 4.79 4.79 Potato Salad/Southern Style GFS 10 LB 4 8.49 33.96 Potato Salad/American GFS 10 LB 4 8.49 33.96 Macaroni Salad GFS 10 LB 2 8.99 17.98 Cole Slaw GFS 10 LB 2 8.99 17.98 Hot Dog Buns Aunt Millies 16 Pack 15 1.99 29.85 Cooler Styrofoam if available 50 Qt. 3 2.19 6.57 275.49 Hot Dogs 25 Pack 12 10 120 395.49 plus tax on all mustard ketchup & kraut rick hallAttached Files RoughRiver.xls (26.0 KB, 4 views)
  14. buy the way, could you bring my wheel and the mking bushing set (8)+2 tubes with you to RR plz,plz,plz ?
  15. part 3 of 3 from marc's list Continued from Part 3: So what's happening here? As Mr. Cottner and Mr. Read have stated, the Pmag/Emag units lose timing information, firing at arbitrary and sometimes random times. Clearly, this screws up the workings of the engine, sometimes to the point of having no power whatsoever. Mr. Cottner had four failures and lost his airplane because of this failure mode - Mr. Read had to make a precautionary landing, and I had three failures and one precautionary landing. Emagair has issued a SB on both the 113 and 114 units. If you recall, I had timing issues with my 113 units as well. They have instituted a "fix" for the issue, notwithstanding that the 114 mechanical redesign was in part already a "fix" for the problems with the 113 versions. The Emagair units use a small magnet and a hall effect sensor to determine crankshaft position. It's an ingenious solution, because it uses a sensor that can determine crank position within 1 degree, not just when at TDC or within 10 - 30 degrees, as some other EI's do. However, the mounting of the sensor magnet has been flawed from version 113 onward. In version 113, the magnet was epoxied into a metal cup at the end of a shaft. The other end of the shaft had the magneto gear on it and was in intimate contact with the accessory case gears inside the engine, along with the engine oil. This guaranteed that the shaft would get just about as hot as the oil in the accessory case - about 200 F, if not more. Due to the very thin bond line of the epoxy holding the magnet in the cup and the differential CTE's (coefficients of thermal expansion) of the magnet and cup, the thermal stresses in the epoxy can be very large, cracking the epoxy. This would allow the magnet to rotate, thereby losing positional accuracy and timing. After having this failure mode pointed out to them (by me) a year and a half ago, and after having refused my offers to assist them in redesigning the mechanical portion of the units gratis (I am a mechanical engineer with 27 years of experience), Emagair, with an EE but no ME on staff, redesigned the magnet holding portion of the units for the version 114's. They soldered the magnet into a large brass holder, and then glued the holder onto the same shaft that the cup had previously been attached to. They then added two locktited set screws to the holder which applied force to the shaft. There was no flat on the shaft where the set screws touched it. This "fix" was far worse than the disease it was attempting to solve, and is the root cause of the horrible performance of the version 114's under heat and vibration loading. Now that the mass of the brass holder has been made much larger than the mass of the magnet alone, the stresses in the glued bond-line are far higher than previously, and under heat and vibration is guaranteed to fail eventually. The set screws do absolutely nothing, since the CTE of brass is much higher than the CTE of the steel shaft, so as the system gets hot, the set screws don't even touch the shaft. Failure of the glue bond line is sufficient to cause the holder to be able to rotate, with the same mis-timing issues as with a magnet disbond in the version 113 units. Although Emagair has issued an SB, describing a "fix", I do not have ANY confidence in this "fix"'s actually working in the long term. As with Mr. Cotner's warning, I don't believe that the keyway and roll-pin are anything resembling an adequate solution to the magnet mounting problem, which is obviously NOT specific to my engine and/or installation. As more hours are put on these units (I fly 120 hours/year - more than twice the homebuilt average), more will fail, and I have no confidence that this fix will substantially change this situation. Recommendations: My recommendations, based on my opinions and my examination of MANY Emagair unit disassemblies are these: 1) If you are flying with a version 113 or 114 product from Emagair, ground your plane immediately and remove the units. Do NOT fly with them, or with the "fix" described in the SB. It will work for a while, but for how long? 2) If you have a unit that you have purchased but haven't used yet, return it for a refund - do NOT put it on your aircraft and fly it. 3) If you were considering Emagair products for your engine, consider something else - do NOT purchase one and put in on your aircraft. When Emagair have hired a competent mechanical engineering firm to redesign their systems, have FULLY tested the units under O-360 type vibration loads for thousands of hours, and publicly published the results, THEN in may be appropriate to consider these units. Until then, it is not. If Mr. Cotner, Mr. Read, and my experiences with these units put Emagair out of business, and it costs some of you the opportunity to get a refund on your units, I'm sorry for that, but Mr. Cotner was lucky, and relying on luck to keep people alive is not acceptable. Everything that I have written here is either my personal experience, my opinion, or my recommendation based on my opinion. I know that many of you are saying (to yourselves or to others) "I told you so", and you're right - you told me so, but my desire for Emagair to succeed overrode what should have been enough evidence to the contrary. Feel free to write me with "I told you so" messages, if it makes you feel better. I'm happy to address any issues, comments, or questions that anyone may have. Since Emagair never responded to my entreaties to sign an non-disclosure agreement with them, I do not have any responsibility not to explain the inner workings of the units or the problems therein. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE - distribute these messages (and Mr. Cotner's and Mr. Read's) to any and all aviation related mailing lists, fora, and printed newsletters. -- Marc J. Zeitlin mailto:marc_zeitlin@alum.mit.edu http://www.cozybuilders.org/Copyright © 2008 http://www.mdzeitlin.com/Marc/______________________________________________________________Cozy_Builders mailing listHome: http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/cozy_buildersHelp: http://mailman.qth.net/mmfaq.htmlPost: mailto:Cozy_Builders@mailman.qth.net
  16. i dont know, but you can call him:confused:
  17. C:\Users\Steve Parkins\Desktop at osh..06? we heard nat say that the strake has bad air from the canard and there for has little lift (he said no lift). just more gas for the fire.
  18. well i for one love the look of the rendering and hope it works out well so i can steel the planes and mass prod.....i mean help my 20b get 7 hours of flt
  19. Wagabound or vegabond or is it this cool looking piper ?
  20. i think lynn should give his #2 plane to the new kid ..lol it could be a wonderfull 20 year build. you could call it a curmudgeon mark4
  21. lol, i just saw the 06, but if you are going to be there i'd love a ride:D
  22. 320.00 round trip seatac-kentuky , car 150(3days) room 76.(one night) 2 days ago
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