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Everything posted by Neverquit

  1. I'm currently carving the strake ends. I want a perfect alignment so I attached the wings. I want to make the end gap straight and smooth. Wayne Hicks used a thin piece of plastic to micro a perfect mating edge. John and some others glassed the strake end to the wing and then cut them apart. The glassing together thing sounds like a way to get a perfect match but it sounds like a pain to form the glass underneath with the wing attached. Especially now it's 60 deg. outside and difficult to wrap an electric blanket around it. Do you actually overlap the BID on the wing? When cutting, do you make the cut line 90 deg. to the attach points or finesse the line to run parallel to the centerline of the plane? Wayne's way sounds good so I can squeege the micro on, let it cure, then hard shell the BID over it after removing the wing and putting the plane in its firewall. Any other ideas?
  2. Neverquit

    N200LZ: Power!

    I've seen this pic. somewhere else.
  3. Likewise here too Rick. Thought I had enough RR pics but there's always room for more. Rick, can you "invent" a robust strobe/recognition light setup for us? Current ones on the market are rediculously priced. I'd be the first to buy it.
  4. Okay RGoldman, you thinking of making a bombing run to Det. from Chi town?
  5. Nice concept Hans but the brakes get extremely hot. So hot rotors are know to glow red at night. Probably not a good combination. Would make a great show if ignited while landing though.
  6. Rough River turned my switch back on this week after a 6 month lull. I really needed the push. Actually, honeydoos. Strakes should have been done last winter. Focus! Focus!
  7. If I can get the price and setup within reason (my reasoning) I'll go CS prop. Colby Farmer (Cat's Meow) has a great setup I'd like to follow. But I was told he has a hundred grand in his AC.
  8. Post-porting. Is that like teleporting? There's an easy way to get your own posts...copy/paste.
  9. MPlafleur said he was inspired by RR and was thinking about starting some wings. He's helped two other builders for the fast 4-5+ years. I told him we can go get the foam locally. This weekend if he's available. Anyone else think he needs to think about himself for once?
  10. Well, it's back. http://www.canardcommunity.com Jon, to be fair I'll plug yours there too.
  11. Quit kissing up guys. He'll learn we're not all that we seem eventually. Welcome to the hazing rsrguy3. I believe you're still in early 80's technology. Ask your pop. Hey Spod, not all of us. Your bias is most likely from the ratio of "United Statsians" to Aussies on the forum(s). I call foul even if there was T.M.I. about bottles and such on the Cozy mail list yesterday. A f$%^&* shovel is a shovel. A spade is on playing cards and a different shaped shovel. In the States we call a spade a spade when we see one (you "United Statsians" know what I mean). What the H#$% is a "spanner"? It spans nothing. Just kidding around. Cheers to you Spod.
  12. Sorry if I'm going a bit off topic but the best "alternate runway" story recently was the from David Orr tagging a powerline and ending up going through a neighborhood the hard way. He talks about ripping things off the plane as he skidded tagging joshaua trees along the way. He and his GF stepped out with little injury.
  13. 1. Stick with the group. 2. Muster up the money to at least get the plans. 3. Take wife and kids to OSH or a canard fly-in. You need your support team. 4. The rest will fall in place sooner.
  14. T-Mann thanks to you this thread is getting funnier as it goes. So what's wrong with the plans seatbelts? You just looking for the cool factor or are they more comfortable?
  15. You can pull this Jon if you feel it inapropriate at this time of remorse but here's an old link to the plane if Mark's certain it's the one. http://www.ez.org/tufting.htm
  16. And they were counting per side. 1725 lbs per side.
  17. I remember Burt saying somewhere in the "middle" of the test, "this is like two people standing on each end."
  18. Forgot to mention this... There was a Burt Rutan video Saturday night where Burt's team mounted a "rejected" canard on an A-frame by the lift tabs. Two guys places 25 lb shot bags one at a time on each end. They kept doing it until the canard snapped. Correct me if I'm inaccurate but the canard flexed up to 11.5 and 12.5 inches with over 800 lbs on each end before it snapped. Flick was like watching corn grow for those outside the canard community but we watched as if it were a magic trick. Burt was trying to prove the shear strength under max G-load. It turned out the strength was four times the amount you could ever get out of the plane. Great to know and tell passengers.
  19. Wow! This topic is as old as the hills and the digging of coal is just as controversial. Mark Z will make you go to the archives and do some learnin' for sure. I can't afford the stuff for savings of a few ounces but if money is no object, what's the method to you madness? I've also learned that CF is very sensitive to orientation for strength. As T-Mann says, bag it.
  20. Got a call today. Dan found the first post on that site. For those who are curious, re-check the site later. Interesting...
  21. Syringes work great for those. The trick is to drill two holes. One for the air to exit. I tried drilling one hole and it just doesn't work well. If you fill from the foam side, be sure you do the same. If your fill is vertical, get a patch of duct tape or something to keep it in. Big bubbles (I say 1" or larger) get out the dremel and go by the plans.
  22. Ahem! That's a 1.35 (short)car garage. Mike S.' hanger is not heated. I do believe if I move there my plane will take an extra several years or worse. If I need the space Mike LaFleur has a real big garage with a high ceiling he's not doing anything with. I'll just sneak my stuff over there and work on it while he's in MX.
  23. 17 x 17 garage. Nose tip is at the door, strakes are from bench to garage door. Broke a hole in the ceiling when I flipped it. No more room. Hope the weather stays a bit longer to mount the wings in the yard to get that foam tip just right. Going to have to engineer a lift of sorts to get the plane out. One stake up at 45 deg., nose to floor. Hmmm...
  24. That's it! An Onan! I was talking with Colby Farmer about it. He gave me a bit of history about the plane. It had a great put-put-put sound. Beautiful lines.
  25. Mike's looking for tech help for another server.
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