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Crew Chief to pilot to Builder

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Greetings all,

I am a USAF(reserve) Crew chief of ten years, recently earned my PPL, and am looking into owning/building a Canard of sorts.

I am a member of an EAA chapter, of which there is an individual with a Long-EZ. He is currently installing an ADS-B in it, But I will ask him for a ride along once he has everything together.

What's your favorite thing about the Canard?


Mine are split between stability, effeciency and speed, along with the "unusual" look to them.

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I like them because they are very much like flying a fighter although less maneuverable: comfortable seating position, good speed, interesting looking, can be built by one person working alone and modified pretty easily.

The downside is that the LEZ plans are somewhat dated, they need a hard-surface runway, you can't carry much in an EZ without travel adding pods, and there are not as many around as the Vans airplanes; a Vans owner can go to a Vans event every weekend.  Oh yeah, and the sanding.  😞  If it wasn't for the sanding, I would probably be working on another one.

Cozy IV N13AM-750 hrs, Long-EZ-85 hrs and sold

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If you got a project that was complete except for finishing, would you still have 51% of the work to do? 😅

I've never flown in a canard yet, but busy building my own. I really like the look of the design, the easy to follow plans and the performance. Plus, I wanted to build something from scratch, rather than a kit.

Aerocanard (modified) SN:ACPB-0226 (Chapter 8)

Canardspeed.com (my build log and more; usually lags behind actual progress)
Flight simulator (X-plane) flight model master: X-Aerodynamics


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Oh, said project is entirely NOT aviation related...I can go into detail about  it if you guys want. There is another project (a group one as well) sitting NEXT to my garage, and believe it or not it's sort of related to the first project.

I enjoy flying, and I think the Rutan (and various mods and renditions) are the most interesting bunch. The Canard is appealing as the added safety feature.

My favorite production executive transport is the Piaggio Avanti, it's definitley unconventional. I would love to get a chance to fly one of those puppies...

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On 3/1/2019 at 1:07 PM, Kent Ashton said:

The downside is that the LEZ plans are somewhat dated, they need a hard-surface runway, you can't carry much in an EZ without travel adding pods, and there are not as many around as the Vans airplanes; a Vans owner can go to a Vans event every weekend.

You would like to go to a canard event every weekend, but I haven't seen you at Rough River once. Going this year?

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Good Afternoon.

From one NEWBY to another !  Looks like you have the background of aircraft maintenance. I Retired from the Air Force about 5 years ago, A crew chief too 2A373. I will tell you it is the best thing i have done. I have Purchased a Cozy III and it is great for my mission. For my girlfriend and myself.  I am still in the process of building the cozy, but dreaming of flying it to next meet. Or even meet up with people that have canards, and  individuals building themselves have been great. I have used the zone to get help and even now I have individuals come by to help. Slowly it has taken back off, I believe soon the canards will better then RV's.  

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3 hours ago, Ron Springer said:

You would like to go to a canard event every weekend, but I haven't seen you at Rough River once. Going this year?

I have been twice.  The first time was good.  The second time I went the airplanes were mostly closed up and people were out playing golf or something and it wasn't as much fun.  If you hit the sweetspot when everybody is out on the ramp, it's good.  I thought I would try Sun-n-fun this year now that they have new parking for experimentals away from the flightline.  I just want to sit by my airplane and talk to people that are interested in building.

Cozy IV N13AM-750 hrs, Long-EZ-85 hrs and sold

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5 hours ago, Kent Ashton said:

I have been twice.  The first time was good.  The second time I went the airplanes were mostly closed up and people were out playing golf or something and it wasn't as much fun. 

Went for the first time in 2018, there was a bunch building talk along with checking out the goods. Hopefully another local Varieze will join this year.


Long eze ,  # 712    Chapter 14,   Chapter 13 and 16 done. 


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