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Voidhawk9 last won the day on April 2

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About Voidhawk9

Flying Information

  • Flying Status
    Part time CFI
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Personal Information

  • Real Name (Public)
    Cameron Garner
  • Location (Public)
    Timaru, New Zealand
  • Occupation
    Flight sim aircraft developer

Project/Build Information

  • Plane Type
    Other/Custom Canard
  • Plane (Other/Details)
    'Aerocanard GT-R'
  • Plans/Kit Number
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  • Country
    New Zealand
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  1. Whoops, my typo! I meant to say a gather OR two, not OF two! 😅
  2. Hi all, Are there any canard-related gatherings or events I should know about at Osh? My first time attending since 2011, and that fateful year I was convinced to start building!! I'm not presently following the old mailing lists (I haven't the time to deal with so many e-mails), so may have missed announcements there. I will be attending Tuesday - Thursday. Planning to be wearing my red Cozy hat and a black backpack with New Zealand flags on the sides. Stop me and say hi!
  3. I have post-cured my fuselage tub. It wasn't hard to do as I had already built a frame that clips onto my workbench that I can cover with a tarp and heat the inside to accelerate curing, which also enables layups in otherwise off-nominal temperatures. I post-cured to 70C (158F), but this was just the tub. As Kent mentioned, beware of the temperature limits of blue wing foam. I am no epoxy expert, but my understanding is this: Post-curing is merely a continuation of the chemical process. As such, it really doesn't matter if there is a period of time between initial cure and post-cure - if there is still a reaction possible at higher temps, the post-cure will accomplish it. Side-note: When the above is generally true, I am also using a non-standard epoxy, as the commonly-used ones are not available in this country - except West, which has the worst properties of those deemed acceptable. I have better options available here, and they were chosen with much research, discussion with experts, and subsequently with inspection by experienced builders including a former Scaled employee. All were satisfied with what I have.
  4. Make sure you compare and 'fit' the templates to the coordinates from that site. Designers often make small tweaks to airfoils for (reasons) that go unmentioned, ie filling a cusp or tweaking a trailing edge. This is important.
  5. Both Gary and Klaus each gave a Zoom presentation awhile back. Should be a good intro into what they did and their thinking. Not sure if anyone has a link to the recordings from the archives. If you can't find them, I can upload them, I have a local copy of each.
  6. Is there an advantage to heating in intake air? Or is the advantage just in packaging?
  7. Maybe peel-ply and / or unfinished surfaces. But couldn't be certain from the photos.
  8. Assuming all else is equal, which is often not the case for birds with upgrades of this sort. They become much more significant if speeds are pushed up a bit by other means.
  9. Thanks for the additional info, Marc. I agree it is a good habit to make all approaches a glide (where practical) as practice - will certainly work strongly in your favour should the fan get quiet for real. I've been doing this for most approaches for many years, and like Marc, I probably have 1 in 10 that requires a blip of power due to wind being a bit stronger than expected, distance slightly misjudged, or simply a failure occurring between the panel and the seatback.
  10. Good write-up Kent, I completely agree. Pushing the glide just a bit further than it looks like you can make is a recipe for serious disappointment. I recently flew a type I hadn't flown in a year, and so practiced some glides for my own currency. Happily I nailed them, but admittedly this particular aircraft glides a bit like a Space Shuttle, which I think actually makes it easier in some ways. I have tried the return-to-runway 'impossible turn' in several different aircraft. It certainly varies a LOT with the characteristics of the aircraft in question, and can require some aggressive maneuvering - which is VERY risky if you are in a stall-able type and not practiced in such flying. And most people are not, and would likely fail to complete the turn safely. I try to practice some 'emergency' or 'off-nominal' procedure on every flight, if practical, to maintain some currency in them. And a good flight simulator is a suitable place to practice some of the more hazardous maneuvers in safety, it can be educational and enlightening.
  11. I haven't, yet. Re-airfoiling a canard comes with more considerations and risks than on a more conventional aircraft. Thus I want to be wary about sharing and having people who don't fully understand trying them without recognizing the significance of the mod and performing a thorough test campaign. But perhaps I can share some performance predictions vs stock sometime.
  12. More important is the increase in projected area ahead of the CG, which will make that number bigger. My analysis is X-plane based, which while imperfect, I have the experience (20+ years) to have high confidence in it. Besides which, Marc Zeitlin has reported real-world flight experience showing the same thing. Improving the aesthetics is certainly a worthwhile thing to do in my opinion, but not at the cost of noticeably worse handling and performance. Indeed, my goals are to improve handling and performance, which includes developing new airfoils more suited to the much higher performance anticipated compared with the original Long-Ez.
  13. I simulated a similar canopy for a Cozy. The additional side area that far forward noticeably reduces yaw stability. FYI. You could enlarge the winglets to compensate, I suppose, but it all extra weight and wetted area. I have elected to go for a smoothed but stepped nose.
  14. Hi Fred, Sound you've got a real hot-rod! Have any photos to share? Will be very interested tom hear about the performance once you are flying again!
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