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Everything posted by mfryer

  1. So I imagine that sometime between the Long-EZ plans and the Cozy development, folks got wise to the problem. I ordered the bolts as the Long-EZ plans indicated. I needed to make some adjustments to get everything to work, but for now I think I will leave the bolts as is. I imagine there is probably something about this in a central states newsletter. I have to join that soon.....
  2. Over the last couple of days I have made some progress on the main strut attachments.... http://flyingbackward.blogspot.com/ Flying Backward
  3. Yes and Limbaugh, interesting mix. I saw Yes in Seattle about 6 years ago, Audioslave a few years back as well. Ill see Rush at the George in Eastern, WA in a month or so....I wish there was an airstrip near by and I would fly, unfortunately I will have to take a car this time.
  4. Well, we all know that conventional prop/tractor aircraft do have a left turning tendency on take off due to p factor, torque etc. That being said, cannard pusher aircraft......darn it! why do I let you folks suck me into these political things!!! Back on the topic, I listen to the local alternative rock station 107.7 from Seattle. Why? I don't know. I am not a big fan of any of the bands that play, but it just seems now to fit the atmosphere of the shop. The smell of epoxy and the sound of the music seems to fit now... I am starting to get the urge to go back into the shop and work now....
  5. I agree with Waiter that a parachute during those critical test phases is probably good insurance. I still am not quite understanding the function of the chain... Also... Being that I am a GA pilot I will probably not be doing to much of that in my Long-EZ!
  6. I think the point though is that a parachute and some technique for bailing out is sometimes recommend during initial flight testing.
  7. I agree. I must admit some guilt by responding to NeoTom's political post to begin with. My apologies. Lets talk about Parachutes and bailing out....
  8. That helps. I was picturing the chain being dropped down. I can now picture the chain being thrown into the prop. On the political side of things... funny you say that. We just had our county caucus today and I am was an alternate Obama delegate! . Moron I may be, but at least I'm not a...... ahem, were we not talking about parachutes???
  9. More progress on the landing brake... I was thinking that this step would be a simple one. Unfortunately I have been plagued by all sorts of little problems. Perhaps its just time again to clean the workshop and slow down. Maybe put the curry on the shelf and regroup . Really the main problem I had, was the interference of the plywood reinforcement block in the landing brake and the middle piano hinge bolt, preventing the brake from closing all the way. I removed a portion of the block and I will lay up 3 or so plies of BID in its place. If anyone has a concern about that remedy please let me know. More photos at the blog..... http://flyingbackward.blogspot.com/ Flying Backward
  10. I understand #1. But are you sure the wind speed would be sufficient to blow that chain back to the prop?
  11. I'm not sure I understand the purpose of the chain....
  12. Below is a photo you posted of your fuse just proir to glassing. I circled the areas of concern in red. For comparison also pictured is a photo of mine. Please understand I am not presenting mine as some ideal example, this is the first time I have done this, however I do feel that I have followed the plans closely. I hope this helps explain the concerns, perhaps a couple more photos will lay that to rest. Martin
  13. I have to agree with HatSwitch here. Something does not quite look right where your fuse sides and F22 and F28 are joined. Also with F22 being installed backwards, I would suggest you remove and redo both F28 and F22. You will probably need to figure out some alternate method of jigging the fuse sides to F22 since you have already cut the top longerons, but something pretty simple can be figured out.
  14. Good luck on the solo. Wear extra heavy shoes or you will be walking on air all day after....
  15. What happened where the fuselage side and F22 join? Also where the top longeron and f28 meet look a little different. Perhaps I just cannot see well due to the glass that still needs trimming....
  16. Im not sure if this counts a progress, but it is Christmas in August. Two shinny new wheels arrived today
  17. http://www.wicksaircraft.com/catalog/product_detail.php/pid=780~subid=320/index.html
  18. mfryer


    There is cooking oil and then there is boideisel. Biodeisel is refined and contains lye and perhaps other chemicals??? Some older cars and trucks can experience problems with dissolved hoses and gaskets, however newer autos use more synthetic materials that work fine with bio-d.
  19. I will probably go that route as well. However I still suggest that folks watch the video of possible, it explains the process of finishing the airfoils and why the cores are shaped the way they are.
  20. mfryer


    Caution!!! boidiesel will desolve some materials (ie rubber hoses etc.) that regular diesel will not. I suggest you test the bio-d on a samples of the epoxy material in question just to be sure.
  21. mfryer


    Caution!!! boidiesel will desolve some materials that regular diesel will not.
  22. It's not the curry I am worried about, I actually enjoy a good curry dish, Tai or Indian. Its the other ingredient I am worried about! The EZ-Poxy and blue foam do produce some fun colors, but the flourecent lighting probably does it's part to enhance the effect. I will put the color wheel away until it comes time to paint.... So many choices...
  23. I was curious about that as well, until I watched the Rutan video, Burt and Mike demonstated on a little sample (lower wiglet) and it make the process pretty clear.
  24. Curry powder and urine??? Lets examine the color wheel and perhaps that will shed some light on the situation. Blue (the color of the foam) + amber (the color of the epoxy)=green. Add a little micro (white) and you get some various hues from yellow to green. Some folks are used to MGS (clear). If anyone has experience with EZ-Poxy (amber colored hardener) and see that what I am producing is off, then please let me know what I might be doing wrong here.
  25. I just finnished a little more work on the landing brake today.... http://flyingbackward.blogspot.com/ Flying Backward
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