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Everything posted by mfryer

  1. You don't need alchemy to do that. All you need is a battery. Still not an efficient process.
  2. One extra left wing, one extra right wing, one additional cannard.... then cut the cozy fuse in half...... etc etc....
  3. Today I test fit the bulkheads to the fuse sides. Most everything seems to be fitting as planned. More photos and a description are at: http://flyingbackward.blogspot.com/ Flying Backward
  4. Anyone out there know where I can obtain the NB nose gear cover? If so, about how much does one cost? I have been thinking of building a form and making my own. I think I have a fairly good idea of its shape. If I do build my own, how many plies would be appropriate for this part?
  5. mfryer

    Varieze video

    Nice little video of a Varieze and a Long-EZ (mostly Varieze). This first link is better quality http://www.earthflight.com/HD_EZ_X.html This link does not require the DIVX player http://www.earthflight.com/HD_EZ.html
  6. Last weekend my brother stopped by and helped me glass up the fuse sides, you can see pictures and more details at http://flyingbackward.blogspot.com/ Yesterday and today I installed the lower triangular stringer. I should have another update in the next day or two.
  7. Still an interesting thought....
  8. Chapter 5 started yesterday. Today I cut and started to glue up the foam for the sides. Any words of wisdom before I carve and glass up the sides is welcome. Martin http://flyingbackward.blogspot.com/ Flying Backward
  9. I have. You can see my progress at: http://flyingbackward.blogspot.com/
  10. On my way back from my first x-country solo I had a brief moment of relaxation, knowing that I could find my way back and that the weather was just about perfect. Flying over slightly rolling green hills of southwest Washington at 3500 ft I got a real appreciation for flying and really felt like I was atop the flying carpet I thought about as a child. I hope I will have one or two moments like that in the Long when its flying.
  11. It probably would be if not for the fact that the fuselage bottom is made from 2x4s and MDF!
  12. I have finnaly finished chapter 4! Just for the fun of it I clamped everything up the workbech to get an idea of how this will all fit together. You can check out more at: http://flyingbackward.blogspot.com/
  13. For all you rotor heads.... http://www.mazda.com/mazdaspirit/rotary/howto/index.html
  14. Jon, did you get a chance to review the files I sent you?
  15. Progress has been slow, but yesterday I finished the rear seat back. So I now have about half the bulkheads complete. Also my brother was kind enough to pick up some aluminum extrusion for the landing gear brackets. Unfortunately he made a mistake while fabricating on of the larger rear brackets. So I am in need of about a 5" long 2"x2"x1/4" piece to complete the landing gear brackets. If anyone has a scrap that size I would be happy to take it off your hands for a price. Photos of my progress can be seen at: http://flyingbackward.blogspot.com/
  16. Back to the drawing board. Its things like that that make me excited about building an airplane. If it were all so easy, there would be little satisfaction in completing the project.
  17. This probably will not help you much but I do have enough ply wood for the bulkhead, let me know if you are interested.
  18. Still if anyone has an overall length of these, please let me know what it is, i would like to produce a cad drawing.
  19. FIRST PART! Today I received a call from my brother in Seattle. I tasked him with finding for me 1/4" 5 ply birch plywood. Not only did he find the plywood, he also cut out the firewall for me! We have lots of extra plywood left over so if anyone is in needs some, let me know. I can probably provide it for less than through wicks or AS&S. If someone needs a n Open-EZ firewall I could duplicate mine in a short time with my router. Your can see my progress at http://flyingbackward.blogspot.com/ Flying Backward
  20. After VERY close examination I did notice what might some tiny tiny (smaller than a flea) air bubbles. I will take care in the future to not pull out too much excess resin.
  21. What I think you are seeing is dust from my hands. If you could see it up close the finish is a uniform color, thickness, etc. I can see no bubbles or areas that appear dry. The instructions say that the lightest one should expect is 10-1/2 oz. Frankly I am not too worried about it. I might have been a little anal in getting rid of the excess epoxy.
  22. Ok enough with Powered Toast Man, just a little to silly for me I think. I have completed the first practice lay up and it weighed in a 9-7/8 oz. This is a little lighter than called out for in the instructions. There are no voids or bubbles or anything so I can't think of why its so light. Perhaps the scale is not accurate. I will take the piece down to the post office and double check it there. It will be nice to know if my scale is even close. More about this and other things on my blog.... http://flyingbackward.blogspot.com/
  23. !!! I am 6'3" and I am starting a Long-EZ. Will I have problems?
  24. Hmmm. I never really thought Ren&Stimpy was popular, gross, imature and strange perhaps. Really I was kind of an antifan of the show, but I liked PTM because he flew backward.
  25. Well, perhaps honest is not quite the right word, as I in no way am trying to imply there is anything dishonest about Open-EZ. Accurate might be better, but...... Ok now I have a head ache:confused: . I think for now I will just build my Open-Long-EZ and worry about these details until later. I cant wait to finish my first part!
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