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New Long-ez build


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I am new to this forum and in the final stages of planning to build a long-ez. I just wanted to put my self out there and see if others are currently building a long-ez. I have been wanting to do this for about 10 years now and finally ready and am very eager to get started;  hopefully within the next month.

I live in west central Illinois and am an airline pilot. A lot of the info I have seen and read is over 10 years old and I am basically just wondering how much active support there currently is in the community or that I could expect during this process if I run into questions. I’m planning on going to Oshkosh this summer and next to try to meet and introduce myself to some builders. 

Anyways, thanks in advance for the support.

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There is still plenty of support for the Long-ez online.  The biggest obstacle IMO is to keep the flow of parts coming  so you don't spend days and weeks waiting for stuff.  That's a real momentum-killer.   You can build one in two years if you have the parts.  If I were building another EZ, I would buy one of the projects.  Also, there are some dirt-cheap Cozy projects out there where people are giving away $12,000 projects for peanuts.  The EZ is fun but a Cozy has more utility and the Cozy plans are more current.  See some of the projects for sale here


And here is a bunch of canard-builder links:



Cozy IV N13AM-750 hrs, Long-EZ-85 hrs and sold

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For certain, the canard-building community is quieter than it once was, but there are still many builders out there!
I also planned to build a Long, but after some research and feedback from my wife, switched to a Cozy.

Aerocanard (modified) SN:ACPB-0226 (Chapter 8)

Canardspeed.com (my build log and more; usually lags behind actual progress)
Flight simulator (X-plane) flight model master: X-Aerodynamics


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Thanks for the replies! I’ve been reading about the cozy and it does seem like it would be a great plane to build also!  I have debated on what to build and have settled on the longez for a few reasons. Thank you for the links, I will definitely keep reading as much as I can find. It is so helpful and inspiring to see people sites with pictures and progress.

1: I fly for a living so if I am going to go fly for fun on my time off I really want it to be fun

2: I don’t envision myself flying my family on vacations with it. I would use flight benefits. It would mostly be for fun or occasionally flying to commute to work (on good weather days) which would be a 2-3 hour flight at most. I would need to bring a suitcase and another small bag which i would put in the Back seat.

My goal is to build it in 5 years. 


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Sounds like a Long is a perfect candidate, then!

5 years is ambitious, but doable, especially if you get a head start by buying an existing project.

Aerocanard (modified) SN:ACPB-0226 (Chapter 8)

Canardspeed.com (my build log and more; usually lags behind actual progress)
Flight simulator (X-plane) flight model master: X-Aerodynamics


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Those are two big schnitzels to swallow, Herr Fritz.  I have built a Cozy IV and an EZ.  It probably took me 4 years on each of them.  Actually I built them over about 16 years but I had other projects in between but I'd count on about 4 years each doing something every day.  I think it's better to build the Cozy first.  I applied a lot of ideas later to the EZ.

Cozy IV N13AM-750 hrs, Long-EZ-85 hrs and sold

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On 2/9/2019 at 3:47 PM, Kent Ashton said:

Those are two big schnitzels to swallow, Herr Fritz.  I have built a Cozy IV and an EZ.  It probably took me 4 years on each of them. 

I figure I am only going build once so why not.  Before I know better I will have two fuselages.  :wacko:  Seriously I have very good local support from a Vari/Cozy3 builder who already has saved me much pain. The second time you do something it is much quicker. During my lunch breaks all my metal fab is done in a full fledged machine shop.  There is a lot of building going on with our local EAA chapter, turns into more of a group project unless your a loner.


Long eze ,  # 712    Chapter 14,   Chapter 13 and 16 done. 


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Yeah, if you can make your own metal parts, that’ll help.  The only ones I could not make were the canard offset actuator hinges.  I could not get the 1/4” (or 3/16”?) hole drilled correctly for the long pin.  Not sure what the secret is to that.

now that I think about it, i wonder if the Cozy centerspar jig can be used to build a spar for an EZ?  I suspect the EZ spar is a little smaller in thickness and shorter, of course, but likely the same geometry.  The Cozy jig could probably be reused.

Cozy IV N13AM-750 hrs, Long-EZ-85 hrs and sold

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The Cozy spar is not as thick in the middle section, but 2ft longer. Curious, I'd have expected it to be thicker.

Aerocanard (modified) SN:ACPB-0226 (Chapter 8)

Canardspeed.com (my build log and more; usually lags behind actual progress)
Flight simulator (X-plane) flight model master: X-Aerodynamics


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On 2/8/2019 at 10:01 AM, slmbluesky said:

A lot of the info I have seen and read is over 10 years old and I am basically just wondering how much active support there currently is in the community or that I could expect during this process if I run into questions.

Welcome!  There really is a alot of online support...but the support is spread out in different places.   I recommend the following resources in no particular order...

This forum

Canard Aviators (yahoo email list with searchable database)

COZY Builders Mailing List (google group list with searchable database)

Rutan LongEz and VariEze Facebook group

Cozy MKIV Pilots and Builders Facebook group

Vans Airforce online forum (daily discussions involving engines, instruments, wiring... very active group good for all homebuilders).

Central States Association 

Squadron III Newsletter


Check out the ones you want.... the great thing is that the plans for your Long-EZ are excellent, and you don't need online support to finish.






Andrew Anunson

I work underground and I play in the sky... no problem

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