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Canard Aviation Forum?


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No guru here I'm afraid, but have tried today and yesterday with no problems. I do note the only new post since yesterday: "I'm in the process of moving canardaviation.com from one registrar to another. This SHOULD be seamless, but you never know for sure." Seamless, yah! Fallen for that one before...

Mark Spedding - Spodman
Darraweit Guim - Australia
Cozy IV #1331 -  Chapter 09

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Does it ever seem silly to you'all to have so many canard forums to visit each day? :rolleyes:

I wonder about all the 'moderating' and editing and censoring....


There are so many other aviation forums without all this hoopla that work just fine. People post what they want. Ugly stuff is ignored......duh!


The Lycoming forum is an excellent examply of a non-ego, non-weirdo forum where posts are not "moderated" (I.E. you post a question, it is up immediately) If a poster is inappropriate he/she is gone, done deal. I think.... that this time sensitive moderation nonsense is a big part of the problem. That doesn't seem to happen here but then I've ahd a few posts dissapear for no aparent reason other than those in control censoring them.


It's sad to see so many other forums that have none of the big ego issues and the responses to those issues. They operate just fine.


Come on people. Let's open up the web, maybe combine some groups and keep the wonderful world of Canards growing with all of the marvelous knowledge and advice that is available!


And if not, oh well......... :)

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Does it ever seem silly to you'all to have so many canard forums to visit each day? :rolleyes:

Yes, but...


I wonder about all the 'moderating' and editing and censoring....

No need to wonder about it here!


The Lycoming forum is an excellent examply of a non-ego, non-weirdo forum where posts are not "moderated" (I.E. you post a question, it is up immediately) If a poster is inappropriate he/she is gone, done deal. I think.... that this time sensitive moderation nonsense is a big part of the problem. That doesn't seem to happen here...

No, it doesn't -- no member's posts are moderated! Newly registered users (not yet members) have their first post moderated, as is common practice on many forums. After that, posts made by all members appear immediately.


...but then I've ahd a few posts dissapear for no aparent reason other than those in control censoring them.

Dave! That's a serious statement that I take great exception to. No member, including yourself, has ever had their posts deleted as you suggest. That simply has not happened here, ever.


I would like to think this forum is popular because of the hands-off style of how discussion just happens, without moderation.


It's sad to see so many other forums that have none of the big ego issues and the responses to those issues. They operate just fine.

I'm not clear on what you're suggesting. I think here is fine so far. :confused:

Jon Matcho :busy:
Builder & Canard Zone Admin
Now:  Rebuilding Quickie Tri-Q200 N479E
Next:  Resume building a Cozy Mark IV

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Okay, I slept on this, but am still upset by your suggestion that there are mysterious moderation controls here when I am certain there are none. I also checked the logs to confirm this.


Posts or threads may be moved and split to be filed under better sub-forum sections here, but they are never deleted. The ONLY time a post can change is either (a) within 60 minutes of posting, by the original poster ONLY, and (b) by special request of the original poster citing some sort of life or death scenario (ex. posted personal information and they have a stalker chasing them).


Of course the admin/moderators (Waiter and I) have the ability to change any post we like, but it should be clear that neither of us has done any such thing, and thus the reason behind why I am surprised by your suggestion that some of your posts have disappeared.


Perhaps you are confused with the other forums where this nonsense has run rampant, but I assure you and everyone else that it's simply not the case here.

Jon Matcho :busy:
Builder & Canard Zone Admin
Now:  Rebuilding Quickie Tri-Q200 N479E
Next:  Resume building a Cozy Mark IV

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I am new to the forum and really just a lurker, trying to decide if I can, have the endurance to build a plane and have the right desire. I have found this resource valuable in helping me to evaluate these things.


I have also looked at other resources and there does not seem to be any others that are as active and have as much information. I would encourage you to keep up the good work on this forum. I would also say that I am in a number of organizations and I have learned that no matter what you do, how good or bad, there will be people who don't like it. This is usually a small percentage and we all need to let this flow off our backs.


Thanks for all of your effort!


Larry Wiggins

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fyi. I can know access that OTHER site. I think it was something with my router. Reseting it solved the problem. Strange how it was just a couple sites.


thanks all for the suggestions.

Drew Chaplin (aka the Foam Whisperer)


www.Cozy1200.com - I'm a builder now! :cool:


Brace for impact...

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This is usually a small percentage and we all need to let this flow off our backs.

Yes, but still surprised nonetheless -- I had thought Dave thought well of this place!!!


Thanks for all of your effort!

You're very welcome, and do feel free to ask whatever questions you need in order to get comfortable with whatever decision you may make.

Jon Matcho :busy:
Builder & Canard Zone Admin
Now:  Rebuilding Quickie Tri-Q200 N479E
Next:  Resume building a Cozy Mark IV

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Okay, I slept on this, but am still upset by your suggestion that there are mysterious moderation controls here when I am certain there are none. I also checked the logs to confirm this.


Posts or threads may be moved and split to be filed under better sub-forum sections here, but they are never deleted. The ONLY time a post can change is either (a) within 60 minutes of posting, by the original poster ONLY, and (b) by special request of the original poster citing some sort of life or death scenario (ex. posted personal information and they have a stalker chasing them).


Of course the admin/moderators (Waiter and I) have the ability to change any post we like, but it should be clear that neither of us has done any such thing, and thus the reason behind why I am surprised by your suggestion that some of your posts have disappeared.


Perhaps you are confused with the other forums where this nonsense has run rampant, but I assure you and everyone else that it's simply not the case here.

Perhaps the problem was due to some sort of technical error....

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