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Joe Patterson

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Posts posted by Joe Patterson

  1. Originally posted by LargePrime

    If "The Great White Father" (Burt) were to do it now, (Which he wont so dont even ask) what do you think he would do differently?


    Large P,


    I just REALLT LOVE the term "Great White Father"............. Sounds kinda Native American.


    I know hs is admired by many, but as for me, I would love him equally, as I do you.



    but I do love that term.........

  2. Does anyone know of a Graph or chart comparring Db levels to Cessna 172, etc. etc. etc........My 1959 C172.....will raddle your brains, after four or five hours with a pair of headsets clamped to my head, I get a headach..........


    Of course, I guess in four or five hours in a Cozy, I will be a LONG way down the road.



    I suppose, When Marc gets out this way, I will get to ride in a Cozy........I am Just feeling inquisitive.



    Does anyone know of a Graph or chart comparring Db levels to Cessna 172, etc. etc. etc


    Love your brother, Groove Doggers.

  3. Ok....giving you the word on the "What Where Composites"..........Dust.........maybe you skipped my post , just ahead of yours...


    So, new Thread....I have never flown in a Canard pusher(Or any Pusher for that matter). I have only seen one canard in my life.


    Again, I am interested to know from someone that has flown in a Cozy......What are the noise levels......and not in technical terms, but in human terms...like "Loud".."Not So loud"...."pisses My wife off/Loud"....."Quieter than Most"......etc.etc.etc.


    If I can build something into the cowl, or firewall to dampen the noise, I would like to......Therefore the "Investigation"

  4. When I first joined this, and other forums(all recently)........Someone used the information to start sending junk e-mail.


    I have no idea which place, but because of the new influx of E-Mail , I attibute it to one of the new forums,or e-mail list I joined and gave information to.


    In the Pilot Community, there is far less for me to be worried about than in most computer network forums.............BUT, that is just far less, NOT nothing to worry about.


    Anything an Administrator could do to keep privacy as a main issue is important to me.


    Heck the FAA, don't like "A Secret Society of Pilots" (SSP). You look up someones "N" number for their plane, you have enough info. to go searching.



    I suppose a reservist in Civil Air Patrol could be .......CRAP


    Woops I had to edit this, because I forgot to reply to the Main Question.


    I like the Search Idea..........There are alot less of us out West........The member list is rather long........It would be nice to have member search for Location ,Chapter, Length of Hair too....:cool:

  5. My biggest concern is Noise dampening.


    If I can build in something now(while I am getting going) to dampen the noise, I would like to check into it.


    I have no experience at all with these canard pushers, they may already be QUIET enough.


    Does anyone here ,Have experience flying in one of these BIRDS, are they significantly quieter????????


    It seems everywhere this question is posed, all are in agreement ......Do not mess with the building materials.

  6. I picked up my plans from USPS today..................It is SWEET to have them in my hands.



    Cozy Mark IV Plans #1266

    Airplane Name - "Rising Spirit"

    Tail Number N9941E


    See ya in the questions Department.


    Steve,Steve Davies, & macleodm3...........If you are not on the Cozy Mail List, Administered by M,Zeitlin............I strongly recomend it. There are some rules to abide by, but nothing more than common courtesy. It is unsurpassed in kind, helpful buildrs...........There are some conversations that are "Opinionated" but never "Abrasive".


    This Forum, too , seems to be a plethora,of knowledge. I plan on utilizing it for what it's worth.

  7. I do hope that it was not insinuated that I bowed , or gave in to anyone.


    That doesn't sound like me at all.


    I have several major issues that have been affecting my life recently, I became overwhelmed when "A few Newer Minor Issues" arose, and I lost my composer in this forum.........I was embarassed, and ashamed of my behaivor.


    I apologized for the benifit of me.


    Just making sure things are set straight. I take pride in being a kind and courteous person, this is not giving in. It is simply giving.


    Peace Brothers.

  8. I couldn't find a good place to ask this question.hence the new thread.


    having read as much as possible, It seems it would be OK to use , Kevlar on the Engine Cowlings a bonus for holding down noise, and vibrations.


    It also seems to me that using it on the fuselage, would create no problems. Is expense the only reason not to use it???? At least on bulkheads.......and maybe for fire protection.


    I understand it is important for the "Glass to Give" on wings, strakes and Verticle Sabalizors, and flying surfaces.


    Any thoughts.........<ducking behind large embankment>

  9. I missed getting to the p[ost office in time to receive my plans this weekend.........Looks like yo got the jump on me.


    Monday morning I will go pick them up. I live so far up in the mountains, they don't bring big packages up here.


    What are they like,................You must be high as a kite.



    Steve Davies , You are close, I will wait for you. NOT.


    But I should bot begin the actaul building process before March.


    Good-luck to you both. Like luck has osmething to do with it. I shoudl say, "Hard work to you both"

  10. John,


    Nicely put....................however, I and my wife were just a bit offended by the "F" word even masked as it was with and "*".


    But we have heard it before........seems there is no way around it. I prefer the "@!%#$&@*#$" Method myself.


    I often have nephews or nieces online, though not yet in "Airplane Forums". I am sure by the time the reach Jr. High.there are no New Words to them.


    And to Jim Sower............Who said:


    :"I feel like I'm back in grammar school snickering and whispering in the corner of the school yard.

    How is this not juvenile silliness and hypocritical bullp**p?"

    Lovely as well, may I use these words in my web-page??? I would not attach your name to it, unless you insist on that as well.

  11. Originally posted by Jon Matcho

    What does everyong think about adding a Chat Room to the forum? Would you use it?


    I should start with, YES the forum seems to need a Chat-Room.


    It seems to be a waste of forum archives for me to tell everyone how great my day was. This does seem to be a nice "Family/Club".


    This forum,Although new to me, seems to be a blend of several distinctly different cultures. The culture I come from needs to interact differently than another may interact. In any business I have been assoc. with, half of building a good moral of is Having non-work involment activities.


    If I was into noticing my feelings, and talking about them...........:D I would have felt like the hot-tub atmosphere yesterday, was a very warm and pleasant experience. There seemed to be more "Brotherhood" there than at any other time I have visited this forum.

  12. Originally posted by Rui

    I just finished my flight training and the procedure that I was taught was that as soon as the power came under 1700 RPM the carb heat went on, no matter what the weather conditions.


    Just a small difference in Instructors, but let me share with you what my Instructor taught me, and WHY>


    Before[/b} pulling the power below the green arc....Pull carb heat(2200rpm, in my C172).........This allows warm air to the carb, before the heat is gone.


    If you , HAVE CARB_ICING,and you then PULL THE POWER, there may not be enough heat to melt the Icing, once you pull the carb/heat.............(REMEMBER DECENTS CAN COOL AN ENGINE SIGNIFICANTLY)............... the ice will build..

    All the while you are getting closer to the Earth......

    With what could be NO ENGINE ( Inthat there will not be enough power for a go around, Leaving you with a MUST LAND SCENERIO


    So, when we flew today.........we talked a lot about this,(Me and my flight buddy.) She was taught by a different Insrtuctor, than I, and she had flown a Fuel Injected Plane.

  13. I got my plans, for Cozy Mark IV,

    Name "Rising Spirit"

    Tail Number "N9941E"


    First thing in the morning I open them up

    .........I believe they will be plans #1266.................



    I look forward to keeping up with your progress. :)

  14. I started a thread with this name because ETIQUETTE, is a good thing, it is way of being kind to others.


    You guys should have the debate about Computer Law" elsewhere............:D


    Your brother is worth lifting up, if he becomes more of what he is intended to be...The world will be better off.




    Peace Out

  15. C'Mom .John & LargeP..............What would you have me do?


    I agreed to the rules. I broke them. Marc is in charge of protecting the rules. What is he to say to the gentleman, when he sees the posting. "Well, it's just Joe, he is too stupid to follow the rules."


    It isn't that hard to say.I was wrong.


    It might be ok to think out of the box, but our reality is in the box.


    I haven't a leg to stand on, not to mention it is bad manners to have bad manners, I am ashamed of my behaivior( anxiety got the best of me).


    plus..................I am a Taos-hippy and I should be saying stuff like peace & love to you my brother.:cool:

  16. Just to set things straight, about me Posting someone else opinion on this forum.


    I just read over the rules of an E-Mail group, that I am "Privileged" to be a part of, and agreed to follow.


    I agreed "not" to cross publish, and when I did it(even though doing nothing intetionally wrong)........It WAS WRONG.


    I have apologized to Gentleman, whos words I used. He was very kind and gracious.


    I also owe an apology to Mr. Marc Zeitlin, "I apologize Marc you were correct in bringing this to my attention in a public forum, It will not happen again" I hope to be included in future e-mails from this e-mail listing.


    While "cross-polination is good, I have no right to do so without the consent of the neighboring "Farmer".Rules are rules, we should all read and abide by them.


    My apologies to all.

  17. Now I got to an Agree with this "Large Prime Character".<grin>


    Copy and paste.....is standard computer chit.


    You can bet I will not do it again, but jeeze iffin you gotta ask, about everything.


    I'm a little gun shy now, I wanted to put a web address up for a great site, but the owner of the site visits here.......sure don't wanna tick him off too.


    I'm a gonna put a link to Marc Z's web-site on top now instead of on the bottom, that'l learn him.:D


    <bending over to kiss Marc's shoes> I haven't met Marc, but I think the world of him, in the past year I have learned a lot from his web site, and in the past couple of weeks a whloe lot more from this forum........Stole a whole bunch of words......<begging permission> Pleasea Mr. Marc, may I keep em words I stole.


    Cripes, I don't want to upset people,........but Please stop looking for something to be upset about....I really am good at Kissing @$$............I just would rather not.

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