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Joe Patterson

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Posts posted by Joe Patterson

  1. I would rather not watch someone giving their power away.


    The Bird you are building, Just MAY be the most Powerful Bird A Young Flyer has ever seen. Especially with all those Starship based ideas.



    You are the CREATOR that will Give it Character........You are the artist .

  2. When you see- "enjoy the build" at the bottom of Mike/Dusts posts, it isn't just some guy being nice ( Although mike is Quite nice) . I would guess, "This is a man that knows there is no other way to complete a project such as this" .


    I have not began building my aircraft, but I have rebuilt a Vehicle, down to sanblasting each and every bolt, washer, and nut..repainting them all in various colors, Color coding the suspension parts different from the Transmission lines and fuel lines. I have also rebuilt a 24 foot RV,a boat or two,A mobile Home, and a house...............The BUILD is Enjoyable, to me........I can't see how it isn't enjoyable to anyone that builds something.


    I will know at the end of bulding my aircraft, and get back to you.....But............I would imagine it is going to be a BLAST.


    :cool: Joe:cool:

  3. Please note the above method of acquiring copies for Templates is not approved by Mike/Dust.


    However: As I was tracing the Wing template drawings, I did NOT like the outcome of my freehand .


    My tracing skills must be rusty (Hey that is a good name for me "Rusty" ), and my hands must shake too much.


    ...Pros and Cons of Second copy *M*Drawings, from AS&S...


    Con: Tracing paper is cheaper.


    Pro: Easier on the Back.


    Con: You can make changes with tracing paper.


    Pro: You can make changes with the Second Copy.


    Pro: Your wing templates will have more exact lines.


    I guess we could go on, and on......Some probably will.


    This method has the JO-Z Stamp of Approval. As if that means something


    enjoy everything





  4. I recently spoke with Renee at Aircraft Spruce, and asked if we could get an extra set of the "M"Drawings instead of having to copy them. She sent me the below e-mail today.




    Hey Joe,


    Got the pricing for the M Drawings. It is part number 01-00570 COZY M

    DRAWINGS 2ND SET $49.95. If the other builders are interested in buying

    these have them call me or email me. I will need their plans number to

    process the order, as these are only to be sold to Cozy MKIV plans owners.


    Renee Gelinas


    P.S. Feel free to post this message if needed.


    I am getting myself a second set, to cut up as templates.


    I LOVE aircraft Spruce, & Renee & Jim......."Edited to include"....Of course I think $20 would be about the right price, considering we just spend $500 on the plans.




    :cool: Joe:cool:

  5. I haven't been Jumping Ship, As in permanent Jump, however, I have on occasion stolen away for a bit of relaxing reading.


    I as well, am working on a web-site, in preparation for "The Build". Of course, I doubt my web-site could match up to some of the GREATS you mentioned. I only hope.

    I would include a Link to Both Forums, Anyone Building an aircraft would need both.


    I mean.........If you are gonna listen to "Airpugnant Blabstards", listen to them all.:D



  6. Steve,


    It is inappropriate for anyone to tell you or your *gurl* to Lie. You can't ask that sort of question of someone. That is one of those things you have to decide from within.


    There is no reason not to study and learn from the ground school.


    ………..Now, I would like to get Personal…………


    I hate to come off as the "Wierdo Spiritualist", but.....Now that you brought up Bipolar……. Bi-Polar is a Quite a Hand of Cards.


    Getting your GIRL involved in your daily life is a GREAT idea. True, that could help in "Getting Approval For The Build", but I do hope there are more Honorable reasons you are doing this. Be gentle, plan ahead, building an aircraft will bring about a lot of anxiety, especially for her.


    The More a person does their homework in understanding the condition, The Better things will be. . Perhaps, it would be best to go to a Doctor and ask questions about bipolar Issues. Do some Internet research and reading on BI-POLAR. SEARCH FOR & Find The Things That Are REAL in life, Grow Spiritually, and(As A fantastic person says) Live With Passion. There is a lot Two People can do Together that will build each other and make Life Very enjoyable.




    My wife received TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury)and has some mental conditions that resemble bipolar, hers resulted from an auto accident, and she takes drugs not allowed as Pilot In Command(PIC) of any aircraft. I am teaching her to fly, just incase I were to pass out or something while we are in the air, she could land the plane. (Her condition Makes Her very Violent, especially to PEOPLE that upset me<wink) By all means, If your girlfriend is anything like my wife when she is angry, keep her away from Hammers and The COZY.<SMILE>


    Our journey has been long and hard fought, we have learned a lot. It would be silly for someone to go through the same kinds of struggles if there is another way over the wall. Sorry if I am coming off as your Preacher, It is just that I care.




    Counselor Joe


  7. I joined BECAUSE I am building an Aircraft, and as Mike said...They are the Lobbyist we need.


    We have to become active to change anything. The VERY least we can do is contribute finacial support.


    How many REAL givers are there. How many Pilots are at the airport giving kids a ride. What percentage of the Pilot community is actually out there doing anything for the GOOD OF THE MANY.

  8. Bob,


    I just sat in my first Cozy. I thought it was going to be difficult, It was NOT .It was extremly easy with the nose down. I think grandma could get in pretty easy.(I took my shoes off)


    I am going to mount my Canopy to open forwards, this will make it easier(In my Opinion)to enter the front seat from both sides.

  9. I do feel it may be necessary to Note those that have offered to view their project, or a ride in their Cozy.................First you Ask.


    In November of 2003, I requested a ride in an n e-mail to Nathan Puffer, before purchasing Plans #1266


    1.)Nat Puffer Apologized, and said he was quite busy, but sent a request to the "Cozy E-mail List" asking someone to E-Mail me and offer a ride.....To which there was no response

    February 6th, 2004..........I sent an e-mail request to the "Cozy E-Mail List" requesting a ride, or to view a Cozy. I also requested in this "Canard Forum"...............I received the following from Extremely Gracious peoples:These are not quotes, just overviews


    1.)Burral Sanders..I am near completion......Please come see, and I would love to give you a ride ASAP


    2.) Nathan Puffer..We will try to get you a ride here at a mutually satisfactory date.


    3.) Nathan Puffer In a second personal e-mailIf

    you ever get out this way, and we are home, give us a buzz and you will get your ride.


    4.)Brian & Susan DeFord You're welcome to visit any time. I should have my Cozy back flying again in March.


    5.)Rick Maddy Please come see my project , any Time.


    6.)Lloyd GimpleMy plane has the motor out right now, it should be back in before summer, Please visit my project.......I would love to give you some "Stick Time", as soon as I can. I did visit Lloyd, as he is REALLY close, He is a generous and kind man. I have adopted him as "MY MENTOR".


    7.)Marc ZeitlinI will be making a trip out towards Taos, I would be honored to give you a ride.<WINK>


    8.) Mike/Dust I will give you a ride when I get a plane in the air. Please feel free to visit anytime.


    9.) John Slade I would love to make a trip out towards Taos, and give you some "Stick Time"<WINK>


    10.) There were several other builders that said, "If I had a Plane in the air I would give you a ride, All You Have To Do Is Ask".


    If I have forgotten anyone, I do applogize. I am working from memory ,Here.


    I thank you, each and every one. These have all been kind offers.







  10. Well, I have exaggerated in one of my statements,"It is easier to build a Cozy, than to get a ride in one"


    The main point I wanted to make is:........."Do not let the WORST of situations Determine or Rule the Best of Situations."


    If, The Best of Situations is "You Build a Cozy Aircraft".......Why would you want to keep this from ever happening because "I never got a ride in a Cozy aircraft".


    Knotam Wrote:


    >There are two things that are stopping me from building a Cozy.


    This is how I felt last year, when I was looking to buy Cozy plans. I had requested a ride and was ready to deny myself "The Greater Of Two things Unless I first had The LESSER " Sometime around February of this year, I realized this logic didn't "Hold Water".


    So, in my own inept way I am saying to [b Knotam:........ "Don't let getting a ride in a Cozy become an excuse not to build a Cozy, The proof of any plane is in the Stats. Suppose You base building a plane on a Ride with "The worlds worse Pilot", or "The Worlds Builder", don't blame it on the plane."



    Jim, I am supprised at you. Why would you want to make something of this?


    Nat Puffer did offer me a ride. Pay close attention to my wording (above) in my prior post.................AND THEN , pay close attention to Nats wording.



    Nat Wrote: In early February


    >PS: We will try to get you a ride here at a mutually satisfactory >date.



    How much more fair, can I be?

    Who has exagerated?

    The real question was asked by the man at the "top of the thread.


    Also.......... I DO NOT like how this puts NAT On The SPOT, He has given his @$$ off.


    I saw my first Cozy last Thursday, and Grinned like a $hit Eatin Possum for over an hour, the fine gentleman offered to give me stick time once he could, that is good enough for me. I think it is quite amazing how many peolpe will spend $500 and 3,000 hours labor on something they have never riden in...That says alot, about the Numbers.


    :cool: I will be happy to give rides, as soon as I get Spirit Rising in the air. And, I WILL MAKE IT SO.



  12. Knotam,


    You HAVE to ASK........That is the only way.;;;However that being said, It isn't that easy to get a cozy ride.


    Number one, I don't think there are many flying, and setting up a time between two parties (in different states perhaps) isn't that easy.


    I swore I wouldn't spend $500 on something I had never had a ride in....Now I have plans at home, and I Just saw my first Cozy last Thursday.


    I hope you get a ride, but I think it is easier to build a Cozy-Than to get a ride in one.:D


    I am still hoping to get a ride in one, if not this month, then next, and if not then ...MAYBE IN JUNE or JULY;)


    Just put it out there, and let the GODS do as they will with it.




  13. You sure are easy to please, that was the first edition/Rough sketch. Take your time think about it. I personally think the "Little Earth " could be done away with.

  14. HHHhmmmmmmmmmmmmm.................Now I am thinking, I can't make t-Shirts on a computer.


    Here is a sample. Chris, Notice I put a Velo on the Badge.


    Hang On John, Your next.


    Edited to add: If you want to make changes, Just ask. Once it is set up in the computer it is easy to change.


    Edited again to add: Just E-Mail me with requests.Please. To make T-Shirts or Stickers or Badges, I will need to make a Large File, I am sure Money is no object to You.:D


  15. <glowing>


    Thanks, Chris, your praise is very kind, and appreciated. I did create it.


    I do have it in a 5inch X 5 inch size.........However, What you can not read on the smaller size is Around the Top;" United Federation of StarShips " and Around the Bottom ; "UFS Rising Spirit".......The name of my plane.


    I would be glad to make one with the name of your plane on it, or if you prefer The Tail Number on the bottom.



    This Thread, or "Not For Old Timers-Exterior Thread", is as good a place as any to chat about it.


    I will go on record and say,."If anyone would like to join the Federation", I would be glad to make one for each.


    Edited to Include link to larger Federation Badge:


  16. Hey John,


    It is a good time to take out the gabage. Your "Count Down Thread", IMHO , would look better without my meaningless Feedback.


    I think from now on, I will put my daily coments HERE.


    It seems I will NOT be able to keep my Mouth(keyboard) shut.:cool:

  17. Japan specifications.


    Seems they do not have to meet the same regulations as USA, or Europe. They also have to pull the engines after so many miles(30,000 I believe) and replace them with new. A lot of engines are shipped to the USA, and sold for bebuilds.

  18. Wow, aren't learning curves neat. Two months ago, I only had heard of "Rotary Engines", I had no concept of "WHAT" they were. I have researched and understood *EVERYTHING* you just said.....That is so Kewl.


    Two years ago, I knew nothing about aircrafts at all, except that they flew....I didn't know the difference between a Cessna, and Piper, or a Bonanza.........


    ........Back to "Your Rotary".......


    I would like, also, to hear more from Mike/Dust on this since I now have a better grip on Rotary Engines.


    A month or so ago, You and Mike, and a few others were talking about your Rotary, Of course knowing anothing about Rotary Engines, it was "GREEK" to me......but I remember Mike saying asomething about using twin Turbos. Now having read about it, and as to *WHY*Low-Power / High-Power, My question is:


    1. "Did you use twin Turbos?" (Which I believe you did not)




    2. "What was your reasoning?" ( I am wondering is there room under the Cowl for twins)


    3. (Edited To ask) I forgot to ask, Is your Rotary a J-Spec?


    I am not sure where to have this exchange(there is a Rotary Thread), as there is plenty to "chat" about. I am just following through on my thoughts about your progress.


    I realize you are very busy with your Plane.So, Thanks ahead of time for your responce. But you can Take your time, I have at least 7 months.


    John......I Hope all went well today, Joe

  19. Sorry Chris, I should have touched on that.


    I really never got far enough into the books(Ron Michado & FAR-AIM)before it was strongly suggested by my Mentor to spring for the new ones. I already felt I was being a miser. My books were "Pre 9/11", his argument made sense, I just "TOTALY FELT" uncomfortable without the BEST INFORMATION I could find.


    I do know that alot of ,"Watching and Caring for Your Airport" "Being A Responsible Pilot/Security Official", "Proper Identification Issues", Your Role in Security with your Passengers" kind of stuff was different.......


    I understand your point, "Money Is Hard to Come By". I Also agree with some of the other statements from the others here, " There probably isn't much of a change" "You Will Be Able To PAss Your Test"..........That just Isn't good enough for me.I PUT MY ALL into my training..


    Buying books was a year ago for me, I am no "POORER" today than I was before I started.............. WELL, If I don't sell my Cessna, I am going to be poorer.

  20. Hey John, I have been at study on your web-site........"Engine Install".


    I was wondering what are the performance specs on *YOUR* 13B, I see you had it street ported, and Turbo........What kind of HP would it be as a Car engine, and is it different for Aircraft because of the PSRU????



    You must be great at typing, I don't see how you can Keep up with your Build Progress. Of course to me , Typing is kind of new, and a chore.


    Way to go again on your progress, and keep up the GREAT WORK.........Good-Day, Fine sir.



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