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Joe Patterson

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Posts posted by Joe Patterson

  1. Marc I am new to aviation and to building my own plans built airplane............but I keep hearing Dust and Nike saying.......Just do it


    I figured you were probably looking for real ideas, and perhaps even some kind of sketch.


    I just really admire people who let nothing stand in their way, and I know there are quite a few of them in here.


    I wouldn't be surprised if you find someone with plans aready drawn up--- BUT if not.....Just do it.

  2. I just looked through the "Plane Raising" thread...................Well Done


    I was thinking when I started this thread, that if I can't get it out of my Garage.......I would just make a new and Bigger door.....


    There should be no walls, no stops, no obstacles to finishing.


    I feel I am in good company...........

  3. Please...............keep good records of the engineering required to do this, and pass them on to me:D , as it will make it soooooooo much easier for me.


    As a matter of proof of my Sincerity, .......If you are planning this on Your Cozy, I will come help you install such hinging canopy.:cool:


    No plans.....but plenty of ideas.



    I went to school with a David Pierce in South Texas.

  4. I had a very nice conversation with Mike today, and between that and the information offered here from all of you; The way I figure it,.........Supercharger NO / Turbo Maybe .........I also learned today....that................... even if I use an Aviation Engine

    ( Lyco/Conti ) I will be able to work on it myself.



    This is an important part, as I will need to keep my overall cost down.


    If I use the Lyco-360(that mike is gonna use)-Well not that one, but one like it-I will have 220 HP @ Sea Level...........Reckon what that will give me @ Altitude ????????? 60 % ???? or so.....


    wow...... What a learning curve this day has been.


    I have about a year to get this engine stuff under my belt, maybe less.


    Need I say it............Thanks for all the input, and bare with me .........I will get it, my head is not as thick as my Mom says it is.


    Notice I spelled Bare incorrectly


  5. Having never seen or used either turbo/supercharged anything, I am UNFAMILIAR with these beasts.


    I have heard mention of them while hangar flying at our local airport.


    I have no information about the fuel useage. I was under the impression that the same amount of fuel was getting pushed9or sucked ) into the intake, JUST WITH MORE AIR ADDED.


    Again,...............I have risen to the point of my Incompetence.


    I will need to find some information online about fuel useage, before persuing this on my engine.


    % HP at Altitude.........Is what I wanted .


    Our Airfield is at 8,500..........and I want to fly in the Mountains , with some power.


    Joe Joseph@TheNativeSpirit.net

  6. well here I go.................overstepping the level of my knowledge.


    but, what is the difference other than supercharge sounds "sexier".


    One hooks to the exaust. One runs off a belt.


    Hmm...turbo?????????// you say...................

  7. -------------------------------

    Mike wrote:

    my tsio360a and cs prop


    Mike .I wish I knew what this meant,......But I don't.

    I do know that "cs prop" is constant speed prop.


    and......The part about the nose being a little different just made it lookuh....what is the word........ah yes."Sexier"

  8. I had not heard about the "Shirl Dickey Fire".........but I am kinda new to Aviation.


    Shirl Dickey helped Jack try to figure out why it was having heating problems. actually came down and spent a week trying to get to the problem.


    The article I read , said Jack had the V-6 in it at OSH. He later took it out and put a Supercharged IO-540, giving him 340 hp/ Power loading of 6.59lbs per Hp/ Sea Level climb of 300 fpm.............I do NOT need that kind of power.


    I think maybe, (even though I know nothing about aircraft engines) i should look into Supercharging some kind of 180 hp Cont or Lyc.

  9. I read about Jack Morison (Sport Aviation 11-2003)putting a Supercharged V-6 into an E-Racer, in the article they made mention of an overheating problem "excessive radiant heat in the engine compartment" seems the exaust manifolds were getting too hot.


    Anyone know anything about this guy or the aircraft. Where is that V-6, I sure would like to see it.


    Actually the article is confusing to me..........They siad he flew it to Osh in 2002, and some where else in the article he yanked it out in 1998 and replaced it with a Supercharged Lyc IO-540.


    Weight Issue


    Someone is South Africa added some length to the nose end of a CozyM IV, and changed the shape of the nose to make it a bit more pointed( I like the way it looks), but it gave him enough room to put the battery up front(counter-balance, offset the weight of the supercharger is my thought) , I am wondering .


    I know about V-6's and V-8's(I know Very little bout aircraft engines) are there any other reasons not to use a Chevy V-6 or V-8 on a Cozy Mark IV????????????


    Signed, Lost and Searching


    joe Patterson E-Mail: Joseph@TheNativeSpirit.net

  10. The problem generaly encountered is Width, not height.


    Thanks Prime, for the "getback".


    Hmmm,.............I understand the fuse is 12 feet wide(Strakes)?


    I have been reading everthing I can find about canards and Cozy's for the last 7 months.............I feel really good and ready.........Send me the plans............Fire up the heaters.


    Stewart......Good luck

    I am in the same situation as you. About to buy plans and begin, need to take care of a few "housekeeping" items first


    I could not have said it more eloquently.


    Actually I might have said something like, " I 've got to get a bunch of &%@#*#!@ $#it out of the way first, then maybe I will have enough room. And I must sell my Sweet dear Baby 41E(1959 Cessna 172 Straight Tail)


    Joe Spirit


  11. I really do need a bit of expert advice(Builders-Marc,Chris,John,etc.)


    I live HIGH in the Rocky Mtns. (Elev.8560 Feet) , On the hottest day of summer temperatures do not reach 80 degrees..........I must build inside.


    What is the height of the fuselage,Cozy Mark IV .........Will it roll out of my garage, if door is only 6'11"????


    I am serious about building, Just need to get an idea of where to build.


    Also..........I would love to visit someone with a Cozy project, I would also love a ride in one.


    I have worked in the manufacturing Industry(Electrical/Electronics), and home remodeling..( I have cleaned, sanded, and painted more surfaces than most people have looked at)I have good skills. I am for the most part retired and 42 years old(plenty of time on my hands).

  12. Hey Folks,


    I am wanting to buy some plans for a Cozy Mark IV, and have been taking measurements trying to figure out where to build it/her.


    My garage door is only 6'11" high. Will I be able to get the fuselage under/through that to transport to airfield when completed?


    I have noticed the height being given for the Cozy is 7'9".


    Thanks, Joe Spirit.

  13. I have found my answer, and then some..............


    Thanks for the thoughts expressed in this "Thread".


    I also found this in Newsletter #75...............8/27/01



    Gull-wing doors are not a good idea. They are not a good idea on the Velocity either. I have heard Danny Maher (original Velocity designer) criticize the doors. To create the gull-wing doors, the upper longerons have to be cut. This destroys the torsional and bending moment path from the main wing to the canard. The effect is the main wing "leads" the canard in a turn. The torsional and bending stiffness cannot be replaced because the stiffness is a cubic function which depends on the distance from the outer most skins. A center trunion like in the Velocity can help, but cannot make up for the loss. IMHO, because of the overall differences between a Cozy and a Velocity, gull-wing doors on a Cozy would be dangerous. The entry/exit can be made comfortably with the powered nose lift.


    Paul Krasa

    Long EZ




    Marc.........Seems exactly like what you were saying.


    Thanks again for the input.

    Joseph Spirit

  14. The seats are reclined at 45 degree angle .........


    I have only seen pictures on the web, but I would not have thought they were reclined that much. I have tried to catch some "zzz's"while waiting out a storm in my 1959 Cessna 172.....Immpossible........


    Can one sleep in this seat. ( While opn the ground of course.)


    While there may be some advantages to the canopy


    I would imagine the view is spectacular,however;I was thinking the canopy would have to have some sort of sun shield, at least for long cross-countries.


    Maybe a little motorized platform that slides up and down rails on the seatback


    I was trying to come up with the same sort of thing, with a swiveling seat, Just sit down throw your legs in and lower...... but for myself ,of course. I ain't about to say that about my wife(1/3Cherokee, 1/3 Choctaw, 1/3 French). Shoot, she could jump in, from the ground.


    If I were to get caught saying what Jim S said,I wouldn't need side by side seating.


    very important in the torsional stiffness of the fuselage


    It is my understanding that Velocity has added a beam made of Carbon Fiber, for this exact reason, as well as carbon fiber in the overhead part of cabin.


    It is nice to see oppinions from others. ....and.......... After reading and looking at some of your web-sites regarding building of aircraft, you know more than myself.


    What I need, is a ride in a Cozy. Anyone live anywhere close to Taos, NM. Or Maybe Santa Fe,NM........until I sell my Cessna 172 , close can be 250 miles

  15. Jon & Stewart,Thanks for the replys.

    I felt sure I could figure out a way add to the "building plans".



    I will be more cautious as to what I say. I chuckeled at the chat that was confrontational.All said and done I learned a lot from it.


    I suppose a person who thinks they can build their own airplane must be a strong, forceful, and oppinionated soul.


    I surely didn't want to get anyone in trouble. Let them go at it, Jon. This is a fantastic forum for "Newbies".


    Front seats, seem to have some sort of Beam/Bulkhead, to lean back on.


    What is this used for? I would like seats that could be made to recline, for those days when waiting for rain to clear.

  16. I have not purchased any plans, however I have received a video, and information package from Nat Puffer. I am near the "Ready to Purchase" phase of building an aircraft from plans.


    I have found most of the Forums-Chat interesting.(some of it confrontational).....Coming from a very abusive family, I am totally not into confrontaion.


    I would like to thank all of you that have posted helpful links and information for "New Builders" (me). I would also like to thank those that have build web-pages documenting "The Build".


    Has anyone ever added Velocity styled doors? Or have you heard of anyone doing this?

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