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Joe Patterson

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Posts posted by Joe Patterson

  1. There seems to be at least "Two Schools Of Thought", about when to ask questions about (research) something.


    1.) I have noticed a lot of the builders say..."Don't read ahead", "Just start building from page one", "You can change stuff later." (Personality type A)-It may be too overwhelming for this person to plan ahead, and it may cause him to not build.


    2.) Other builders (myself included) say.... "I could never start on page one building until I have read Chapter 26", "You shouldn't build the fuselage until you know if your canopy will open forward or to the side", You should look a Cozy over very carefully, taking measurements, and pictures, before starting you build".(personality type B) It may be that this person has too much fear of the unknown, and will not build without what he considers "Proper Preparation".


    The second (#2 Type B) is me, without a doubt. I may change things later, but I may opperate a little different than someone else. A whole lot of the work has been done for me, in the "Cozy Plans/ Materials List", but I really see some potential problems ahead, if I do not work out a few kinks.


    There is no correct Personality, just at least the two ways of looking at things...........So Please, Help A Brother out, be up front with your opinions, Now. For me Later will be too Late.





  2. Coming up with Instruments for My own Build, is an overwhelming persuit. I want to get good equipment, and it would be nice if It could look SEXY.(Hhhhmmmmm.but not Pink, or maybe so)


    I have plenty of time, before I will need to install any, so this gives me time to listen to others, and gain some valuable insight.


    One of my first thoughts, as an Automobile Lover, is why don't I use some of the latest "Hot-Rod", gauges. There are some very snazzy looking ones. I know the Hot -rod industry has some really high performance Equipment and monitoring devices/gauges.


    Any one ever thought about using , or used performance auto gauges?

  3. Jon,Lookiing at the link you included ,Here's an example: www.maddyhome.com/canardpages/pages/waynehicks/wilson.htm


    In the picture, the arragment looks good to go.

    It looks to me the front of the Canopy is Squared off, and the back door entry looks fine.


    I agree with you that most of time there will be no rear passengers, so when There are tow rear passengers, they can quite easily gauin raer access, through the One side........


    This whole arrangement (forward opening canopy), is for giving easy access to the Front seat.That is the only reason I was trying to find a way to do this.


    I'll know more once I get Uli's plans.

  4. I didn't mean to be insulting..........Maybe I said it wrong.


    I am hard on MYSELF, the statement about "BetterScience",is the criteria I impose on myself, not on others.


    1.) The pump seems to be for Efficiency.

    2.) While the Scale seems to be less efficient, and more controlable.


    Don't be pickin a fight with me, the day ofter my birthday...unlessen you bought me a really nice gift...............Like a pump or a scale, or some Cozy buildin materials.:D

  5. Sounds to me like having both the scale and the pump, is the way to go.


    I thank you guys for the information. I had found some scales with 0.1 gram increments , but thought that was "Overkill".


    I am just guessing, as I haven't done ANY of this kind of Epoxy Mixing.


    So 36 ounces would be fine, with 1/10 gram (o.1)increments......


    I know everyone likes the pump, it just sounds, to me anyway, like BETTER SCIENCE to use measurements.

  6. I do appreciate that dust, but I really was hoping one of the people using scales, would give me their input........


    I f you look two posts up, ....I need to get some opinion of Scale increments that a person would want their "Scale Only Method" of mixing epoxies to have.


    Do you think 2 gram increments will suffice?


  7. Of course I am asking this question for a friend,.........


    If someone was to use the scales method of measuring Epoxy/Hardener, what Increments might he/she want the scale to be able to measure.



    I.........I mean he/she found scales that measure 2 or 5 gram increments. Would that be sufficiently small enough increments.


    There are also scales that measure in 1 gram increments, but you have to give up Total capability or Versatility, or something.


    Here is the Link my friend sent me........




    My personal pick would be the "Ultra Ship 30", under the Postage & Shipping section.Scale = shipping is $60.40

  8. I was gonna call it rear access...but that didn't sound quite right.


    Andrew,.......I hope you found you answer, a single hinged "gull Door", opens up to allow access to the backseat.


    I am simply just going to have a set of these plans, to adapt this to my cozy.......sshhhh , don't tell dust.




    enjoy the discovery


  9. I like the idea of the forward canopy. I have a swing-up-and -back Idea fro the rear "door"..........but I think what Uli has may work just fine.


    Brilliant..just brilliant.


    macleodm3............Congrats.....on the plans .


    Seems like there is a bunch of us Newbies..We may end up taking over the world.


    Newness is Greatness....peace & harmony to you man.

  10. I can't get started on building anything on my Cozy,.....Until I Thank-You Guys, for the QUICK RESPONCE.


    Last year on my Birthday I bought "The Damn Cessna", as referred to by El-Dust, Received my PPL, in It.............


    and This year I really wanted to have another special "Birthday Gift" ..........


    Since, not even ONE of you guys bothered to send me the materials needed for "Building my Cozy", I will have to do it myself.


    The plane on which I live is based in My Making things Happen.............I manifest whatever it is I desire,sometimes with help from others.


    Forum - 3

    E-mail list - 2


    We Men on Earth, are Angels, with but one wing........

    It is only when we Embrace each other, That we may Soar.........



  11. I am not sure if i can build anything tomorrow on my plane, because I am not sure, if I can use "BIRCH" plywood instead of "FIR"........


    Chapter Four..."Temporary Firwall"......Plans says to use IR........I have not ordered any materials....(Have no Money)........I have some Birch 1/4 inch?


    I wan to build something .NOW............Can I use the Birch??????










    aahhhhhhhh ....Somebody , help me PLEASE>>>>>>>>>>>James Brown....

  12. Chapter four, says:

    One of the Firwalls is to be mabe of 1/4 Inch Birch.

    And a temporary Firewall ,for assembly purposes from Fir.............It can't be so important to use fir, I have some extra 1/4 inch birch...........any reason I can't use that.


    I am Really wanting to get this done tomorrow.



  13. 1.)I can't build a plane cause they need me to help the newbies, on a plane building forum.........


    oh, oh,.here's one........


    2.) I couldn't build my plane today, because there was a bunch of NAKED people on the other side of the fence.............





    Dang, I meant to put this in "Reasons Not to Build a Plane"

  14. John Slade and Dust,


    Why have you pumps not leaked..that is scary. :D



    What do you do different, Do you keep the warmth up, Do you clean them regularly?????????


    Y'all ain't been sniffin varnish have ya?





    enjoy the build , dust......

    woops.I mean Peace My Brothers, Joe:cool:

  15. Mr. Marble Turtle


    I have been watching posts here and there......I Kinda already thought I would never be able to fully trust a pump............Every other Mix/batch, I would want to put it on a scale.....


    What with all the leaks............I have started leaning back towards "Scale".........



    Love to you Brothers all ,


    Chapters 4-26

  16. at the risk of getting in big poopoo caca................



    I was thinking about an Aluminium frame for the Instrument panel/bulkhead, so that I could easily change out an Instrument Panel , or Upgrade to IFR............


    I thought if I made the stiffners out of 1/2 inch alum "c" channel, it might be easier to form a solid sheet alum. panel that screws on to that...Radios could mount on some Verticle "C" channels.........Kinda like a Cessna, or Bowing..


    anyone ever considered anything like that???


    am I a Quack?


    Almost ready to proceed to Ch. 4.................Going to look at my first Cozy Thursday.

  17. Doggonit, John, and Jon.........That sure makes it sound like I was refering to Those exact words"Bye-bye"...........and that is not exactly ALL I was talking about.


    I really just trying to express, that , while it is a great place to gain information, it is not the paradise I may have led others to believe it is.


    That mail list, and this forum, are IMHO equally necesary to builders, And there are equals that equal each other.... <whew>:confused:


    <running for govna here>;)

  18. Originally posted by Joe Patterson

    Steve,Steve Davies, & macleodm3...........If you are not on the Cozy Mail List, Administered by M,Zeitlin............I strongly recomend it. There are some rules to abide by, but nothing more than common courtesy. It is unsurpassed in kind, helpful buildrs...........There are some conversations that are "Opinionated" but never "Abrasive".

    Ok,........I would like to draw special attention to the part about, "Unsurpassed in Kind", & "Never Abbasive"...........Boy was I WRONG. I still recommend the e-mail list..............But i guess every Apple Barrel has a few BAD APPLES. If I were, the rough type, I would say, "There is always an "@$$" looking for a place to take a $hit> ". but since I am not...I won't.....:D


    Peace Out, Joe

  19. Originally posted by marbleturtle

    uh... guys? Maybe you should make that point without pictures attached to your ID's. Just a thought. :D




    I was merely stating that I wanted nothing to do with shutting any Soildiers out of the forum.( Your point does seem ironic) [is that {ironic}word used correctly]


    It seems most of you guys are brilliant with Math, or computers, Or something.......


    Some of us are a bit more challenged. Four years ago, the word Computer scared me to death. I have taught myself about typing and computers, just enough to be DANGEROUS I have no idea WHY and HOW all this stuff works, I am just glad it does.


    abra-cadabra............make this forum pleasant...........wow it worked.

  20. I would like to chime in, and agree with Mr. Slade here............


    Some buisnesses and Govs. restrict access to site with pics.


    I would hate to think that any service people could be banned...........I have always clicked on the links just fine, kinda prefer it.

  21. Step 1.) I think I will paint as if The plane will be white, and after sanding the last couple of coats i will try some kind of Pinkish Color,Hopefully achieving the color aI want without to much "Darkness", or depth.


    Step 2.) Set the painted Test piece in the Mohave Desert with Temp sensors...and monitor it.


    I have a few friends out there..........where Hell and the Earth meets. I will find out myself in a few months, if I can't find someone who knows a better way to do a test.

  22. Adam,

    At my house (8,600'MSL) it never gets above 80F. At Taos Airport Never above 95F.......but my concern would be the places I go, and can not hangar "Rising Spirit".


    I was wondering if I could get some kind of color test done, with eithr that "Greenish-Yellow" paint in the Above Picture, or something on the "Pinkish-red" side of that spectrum.


    I also will "Post-Cure" all the Parts made of composite, to extent the Temp range I will be safe in.


    yes, I had seen that "Yellow Cozy" before ........Pictures of it.

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