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Joe Patterson

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Posts posted by Joe Patterson

  1. I jst received my PPL in July, 2003.


    When I started looking to take flight training, the costs scared me...So I thought I would save money and go onto E-Bay and find used books. I bought some out of date books. .........Yadayada yada....Long story.............

    Then as I got into the training, I decided I needed the newer books, I wanted to know exactly "What Had Changed"...........So I ended up spending More than if I would have just bought the new books right off the bat.


    Now , I think of how easy it is to buy the new FAR-AIM book every year, and subcribe to Jeppesen, AOPA, EAA........Knowledge is POWER.....


    Flight Training is a "BIG DEAL".......I would not think of it as a place to save money.



    As a wise Old Indian Chief said,


    The more you understand, the more you will trust and the less you will fear.

    - Midewiwin Prayer, Ojibwa

  2. Jim,


    I think it was quite considerate of you to write in to us (Builders) and keep us up to date.


    I also think it is a "Bold Company" that makes this kind of decision. I assume you must agree competition is a good thing. With continued good customer support, Your Customers will continue to return. I for one think that having a representative attend & monitor this Forum is another example of your commitment and desire to offer Your Customers quality service. Everyone knows you have to be BOLD to read through some of the... .uh.... stuff, here in the forum


    Thanks again for filling us in on "What has been going on".


    I look forward to placing my "First Order" soon.




  3. Yeah,......Uh.....Going great......No questions here.<Laugh>


    I am really Still on Ch. 1,2,3. I would like a bit of help, though.


    I have been looking to purchase some Polyester Cloth, and have found so many densities, I am not sure which one will work.


    Would it be too much to ask for someone to send me a 3inch X 3inch square of "Peel-Ply" in the mail?


    I will send you a buck.



    Send to :


    Me .......

    #10 Clint Road

    You know my city and State, Zip is 87571

  4. MT...........I aggre with the part about a HUG will not cure the BIG PROBLEMS.



    I am VERY SURE you do*** NOT ****want to hear my SUGGESTIONS on how a BLAZE of GLORIFIED WAR, could solve a lot of ISSUES. Besides these days, I don't think it is LEGAL to even talk about this sort of thing.


    We are not ALL on the same PAGE, that is for sure,and You only think we are all on the same ***BOOK****


    SO HOPE and PEACE ;)

  5. I am keeping a EYE on the Fuel Flow Issues.........


    What we need on this forum, is a Tool similar to the "Experimental Panel Builder" Here: http://www.epanelbuilder.com/


    But with "T's" and Valves, Fittings, and pieces of Fuel Line.....Any one know how to build such a site?


    One could see, what the other is talking about, then expand on that idea.


    Other than that, Keep up the chat. And take your time, I have quite a while, before I will need to implement this.



  6. Jon,

    I like that burned off skin/StarWars looking Paint job...Probably only because it is different. I think I would rather have the whole thing showing the underskin.



    Has anyone ever heard of an "Insulation Paint " where Micro Beads are mixed with the paint? I would like to examine mixing this with my filler, and primer coats.


    I think as Chuck-the-dog said, weight is "AN" issue. However it is very important to me, the overall look and feel..........Someone else said, I can't remember who if we wanted planes that look alike we would all be flying a Cessna, or a Mooney.


    I edited to include a link to an sddress about "Insulating Paints"



  7. I don't know where it is best to say this.......so I picked here.


    About Chuck-The-Dogs, P.S., .that I responded to , quite willingly...........and may I say, I was not offended.......(Well not much anyway)


    Chuck-The-Dog, has valuable input to this forum. I would imagine also, He Served With Honor. I doubt he meant to be confrontational, I just saw it as an Open Door.


    I would imagine that my acting like a “Hippy” brought this up. I will be a bit more cautious, and thoughtful to others. I live in a neighborhood, with a gold course, out my window……nothing Hippy about it. My family threw me out, when I decided to, hang out with Blacks, Latin’s, and Boat People from Viet-Nam. We have a brother that served in Viet Nam, and between “The Grandpa WW1, The Father WW2, and the Brother Nam………I was too liberal. So I chose to call myself a Hippy. All of those Old Issues still hurt deep inside a lot of people, it is understandable.


    I do not want to be Offensive,By saying I am a hippy. I will drop it.....Even the Hippies would be Offended.


    peace, uh.I mean...hope:cool:

  8. Chuck-The-Dog


    First about your P.S

    .....Almost seemed confrontaional. I don't know if this is the place to go into all of that. + I have to be nice to YOU , YOU have SCALES


    If they were at Woodstock, I do not see how they were your peers. Perhaps your peers were in the army or the navy. Dosen't make you any better than them.


    As for me, I was born in 1961, and was taught to hate everyone who is different than me, by a WW2 vet. I always feel a sence of Honor and obligation to those that served, but there aren't a lot of them I admire.


    On to the Airplane Stuff........

    You make some good points HERE. I will not be able to have the same quality paint job, I can get close, or at least try. I have read about "Insulation Paint" , Its made with Glass Sheres in it, weights less, around 6 lbs per gal.Sounds like a good undercoating.




    Hhhhm.........That Ain't gonna happen of my space ship.


    Edit:..Now I am wondering, Chuck-The_dog.are you tring to get me riled??????

  9. As a City employee I am not allowed to breath any of the Cactus smoke, or the other Herbs used in Religious Ceremonies.


    So I hold my breath during all ceremonies, and Sweat Lodge meetings, or go outside.........


    To be serious, I don't do drugs, or alcohol...............I get my high from life, and love, Peace and Hope.




  10. I have been out of the building community for some time now, and I find myself lost as to some of the terms used in building materials.


    On the Alpine web site, where the "Not For Old-Timers" car was made (website: http://www.alpine-usa.com/ ){Look under "Support/Demo Cars"} they do a great job showing how the entire fibergalss panels were made.........


    They mention what looks like some kind of Particle Board, and call it MDF , I have been seeing theis term a lot, and do not know what it is.


    What is MDF?

  11. I really am not trying to get booted out of the Country Club.


    See picture below.

    We ARE building Planes that look like space ships

    I like this exterior.

    Again, this is from Motor Trend, a show car.



    I am thinking more Airy than the Aqua Idea here. Something with clouds Eagles, and Native American Women, After all they are the Mother as in Mother Earth. Probably close in color, if only underside..........But I still think that with Post-Curing and lighter paints, plus keeping it covered , more can be done than most think on the top sode. .


  12. Well, I have been wanting fromthe biginning to go in a different way with "Everything" about my build.........I know , I know , ..You can't do this.........It won't be a Cozy. Cool by me, mine is officially a Jo-z.


    I like Red, I like Pink, I like "New Green"(don't know what else to call it, when i find a pic I will send it.), I am an artist, so normal is out. I understand my "responsibility" to the Experimental Aviation world, "Rising Spirit" will be safe.


    Any way here is the direction I want to go, in the enclosed picture. This is a "Road Vehicle", actually a show Vehicle. Motor Trend, article


    Have you seen this? I also like some of the art on the "Low Riders", out west.


  13. I am not a victim, and he is not a predator.

    Let us not condemn only one man, everyone can be more considerate. I feel there is a direction of frustration directed towards one Individual. This time I feel, it is Mr. Z. It is ,sometimes, that we do this, to lessen the burden we ourselves must bare. He did not prey on me, and I am no victim.


    Marc, gave his response to my question. In that response was something of merit, and there was also something that I thought had NO MERIT. I quickly pointed out( so that all may see) that while you may wonder if someone did their "Homework", and you may think it your duty to assure they do their "Homework"........... it is a waste of your time and mine to defend such a position in reference to my question.


    We should all take into consideration that we KNOW NOTHING about the day to day life of the person we are responding to. The person we are talking to could have very easily lost their mother the same week, and never mentioned it to you. It could be they come here for brotherhood , alone. The human soul is fragile. The pressures on a man are the accumulations of all things, not the last straw.

    As both Mike/Dust and Marc have said, You can build this plane without anyone else. At the risk of being called a "Fruit-cake" or a "Free Loving Hippy", I come here for Brotherly Love. Let me share this..........................


    A Salish Elder underlines the role of Love below:

    Love is something you and I must have. We must have it because our Spirit feeds on it. We must have it because without it we become weak and faint. Without love our self esteem weakens.Without it our courage fails.Without love we can no longer look out confidently at the world. We turn inwards and begin to feed upon our own personalitties, and little by little WE Destroy Ourselves.

    With love we are creative. With it we march timelessly. With it, and with it alone, we are able to sacrafice for others.


    Ok, I Love You, My Brothers.

  14. Whip out the Crystal Balls, and fire up the "Sage Blessing Smudges".

    Out here we believe in Kharma, and we see Auras. We believe in the Dream World, and learn from it.


    I am really into Spiritual & Cosmic Energy. I can not fly in a plane that has "Negative Energy". I do not allow "Negative Energy" in my home, I cannot allow it in my plane. I cannot allow anything but Positive Energy in something that I create.


    Plenty of times I have chosen not to go with someone, or to eat with someone, or to fly with someone......Simply Because I tuned into some Energy that I didn't like the feel of.


    Some of you have been VERY KIND , I do appreciate this. I would hate for anyone to be discouraged about building a Cozy. It is a Fine aircraft. To be different I will call mine a Jo-Z...........I vow to be always kind to builders.

  15. Like I said earlier...I found this thread by doing a SEARCH(Notice how I demand recognition for searching)


    Forgive me Dear Dusty One.

    Quoting John Slade:

    John Slade wrote:While on this subject, I have a suggestion. Dust recently asked me to clean out his "chatter" from my launch count-down. Chatter is good because it lightens the tone of the whole forum and I for one like that, but we don't need it in the database. How about a simple text note on the bottom of any "chatter" message you're about to post. Simply "DNA" (do not archive) would do. Jon or I could do a weekly search for DNA and delete these messages. Simple. I guess Jon could program this in, but the DNA code would work for now.


    I would suggest cleaning out this thread.............and let us keep the subject to Suppliers. You wouldn't have to be too BRIGHT to figure out what part need to stay and what part needs to be canned.


    I mean no disrespect to the kind BUILDERS comments, but this is not the place to archive KINDLY statements of those who care about me.(Notice how I made the distinction that these kind remarks are not from FLYERS of Cozy's, but from BULDERS of Cozy's)


    Hoping this will just be canned along with the rest of non-subject matter in this "Thread".........Joe, Builder of the Un-Cozy Jo-Z, Named Rising Spirit

  16. Wisdom –Acceptance-Patience


    This BELOW, is MY VIEW, and I realize it is a view NOT shared by all………. But…………


    I was at the airport today, and was able to watch a few groups of pilots without being noticed. I was reminded of this Forum Group, and Others Like it. I thought of what a boastful and sometimes arrogant group “Pilots” can be.


    There is a little group of the “REALLY COOL LOOKING” Pilots, wearing Pilot-Shades, Leather Pilot-Jackets, and standing quite to themselves. I thought they were like little boys, playing “PILOT”. When a Lady(My Pilot friend) walked by, their faces lit up, they all stared, slapped each other on the backs as they pointed at the lady by nodding their heads towards her, quite openly. I also have noticed in the past this same group of Pilots, has only time to acknowledge each other. They need each other, to validate themselves.


    I remembered a few weeks ago, several young (20ish Year Old) Pilots standing just outside a hanger, that had an Experimental Hot-Rod inside, as two young gentlemen were pulling it out. These guys weren’t wearing the “Pilot Garb” but they were indeed, all about looks and power. You could almost hear their eyes roll back, when the Fireman-Part Time Airport Manager, issued a warning about the winds over the mountains. I was being given the tour of the “Job to Come”. The older Fireman/Airport Manager, was wise enough to continue walking, and let the KIDS do what they were going to do.


    Being pretty much a newbie to Aviation, all the pilot arrogance and attitude is a fresh perspective. It is not unlike the “Fisherman”, or the “Hunter” that I have been associated with in the past, Just another group of “Peoples”. Social Beings making their way through “The Maze Of Life”.


    I have a few Mentor Pilots, that I sometimes expect everyone to model themselves after.


    One of my Mentors (Richard Nichols) is an Ex-Vietnam Fighter Pilot/ Delta Pilot, both Passenger and Cargo………a very kind gentle soul. A bit arrogant, I am sure at times. I figure he has “Been There and Done That”, to about anything I could come up with. But Richard always has time to be uplifting. Richard has accepted himself, and has given Himself validation. He never disagrees with the “Young KID Pilots”, to their faces and in front of their “Buddies”. He understands the Social Implications. He WILL pull you off to the side and talk quite openly about the Mistake you are fixing to make, or the Mistake you just made. I have listened to him and NEVER walked away thinking, “He sure is full of himself”.


    I should stop after the one mentor, as this seems to have turned into a “Short Book”. I hope to model myself after Richard a bit more………TO have more PATIENCE, and to be more ACCEPTING of the different “Social Needs”. I suppose that being able to handle these situations better, would mean I have gained “WISDOM”.


    Oglala Lakota Proverb:

    The First Peace,

    Is that which comes within the Souls of Men

    When they Realize the Oneness

    With the Universe and All its Powers.

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