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Everything posted by Spodman

  1. You've been burning on that since 2004??? Whole bunch of members made their mind up since the last graph, oh, I see they've BEEN DELETED!!! Cruel Moderator...
  2. Has there ever been a recorded case of somebody winning an online auction and then actually handing over the shekels for the aircraft they bought?
  3. No guru here I'm afraid, but have tried today and yesterday with no problems. I do note the only new post since yesterday: "I'm in the process of moving canardaviation.com from one registrar to another. This SHOULD be seamless, but you never know for sure." Seamless, yah! Fallen for that one before...
  4. I don't seem to be able to edit... After reflection, I'm only aware of one source of the carbon spars, here in Australia. Details here: http://quickiebuilders.org/QBA05/qba_020.htm Or contact him direct: peterjfharris@bigpond.com I'm not really up to date on these beasts, I only learnt enough about them to realise it is not a practical aircraft for me. Have heard some horrible things about the original QAC carbon spars, and would not use them if I found them. Not much info on the Q-birds here, but plenty at: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Q-List/ Please beware though, some of these people are not rational and are expecting too much from a severely limited machine.
  5. Marvellous to see the Silver Centenary. It never flew when first built in the 1930's, under the rules that applied then until three years ago you had to submit plans to the DCA, and the builders had just chalked it out on the workshop floor. I saw it rotting in a museum years ago, long may it fly!
  6. Looks nice and, erm, cozy! If I understand the Jurassic weight units correctly for the 3 aircraft I have numbers for you are at a zero fuel c of g of 98.4, 96.7 or 97.5. Two out of three aren't bad, as the big guy says. Swonickles? You guys should get into the Goons:o
  7. In any particular continent? I'm only aware of one source of the carbon spars, here in Australia. Details here: http://quickiebuilders.org/QBA05/qba_020.htm Or contact him direct: peterjfharris@bigpond.com I'm not really up to date on these beasts, I only learnt enough about them to realise it is not a practical aircraft for me. Have heard some horrible things about the original QAC carbon spars, and would not use them if I found them. Not much info on the Q-birds here, but plenty at: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Q-List/ Please beware though, some of these people are not rational and are expecting too much from a severely limited machine.
  8. Comment when he saw the website, "OH! Great, what if one of mates sees that???" I think I mentioned all the changes in the 'details on the mockup' page, I was trying out different stuff. Stop Press: I just noticed two of the links on the intro pointed to the same page, these details are there now: http://thespodplane.googlepages.com/themockup2 Did I mention I have no idea? The INSIDE of the hollow frame on the headrests represents the inside of the canopy/tb. I did that so I could sight between it and the firewall to estimate headroom for the back seat. For the earlier solid frame, the outside represents the inside surface of the canopy/tb. Pilot side is extended to the longeron, stbd side is std, both are mounted 1.75" high, (Nat is cool with 1" high). Pilot seatback is std, stbd side is 1.5" wide, to represent an aircraft widened by 3". Me 6' 3" 105kg, Grant 6' 85kg, Craig 5' 10" 60kg, Viki 5' [are you kidding, she'll have me swonickles if I post the weight. I had to promise not to tell anybody, even her, before she'd let me weigh her for the w & b!]
  9. Was wondering how to distribute the results of my trials of the various cabin modifications I have read about here and in other forums. Please view the results here: http://thespodplane.googlepages.com/introduction It is as rough as hessian undies but has really helped me to nut out some of the issues involved. Despite being enormous, I don't think I need a lot of the "big-boy" mods I have come across.
  10. Another magnificent trip. When counting the cost at least you aren't adding a new prop this time:cool: Probably would have been good coffee too. The guys in CS tower had a division 1 lotto win last year, and they all stayed!!! They must like it up there. The book says you should continue to squawk your assigned code until ATC tells you to stop, but most ATC here don't bother, figgering you'll change to 1200 when they say freq change approved. Up to you really, assigned code if you might request flight following, 1200 if you are getting a bit adventurous with a restricted area boundary... If you request on 135.7 you are in the terminal area and they are less likely to be keen on devoting the time on getting a flight plan flying for you, particularly if the weather is dicky. Guys on 122.4 will do it better most days. Not every day but... Happens a lot, I see it at bushfires often rising air over fires can blow up into monster TS sometimes, and sometimes they are the only thing getting through a stable layer. Assuming you have 7600 on the squawk they will know you are there, it happens at least once a week. I once observed a VERY close near-miss between TWO lighties with dud radios who were trying to independently attract my attention. Probably no harm at +500 though.
  11. Congratulations! Are you planning on building one or just revelling in the paperwork?
  12. The point is it doesn't seem to be available HERE... I can't follow the link either, message says it is an invalid type of link:confused:
  13. Hello Maxim, Sorry I can't reply in your language. The Quickie needs a lot of kit parts, such as the fuselage halves, that are no longer available from anybody, you would have to find a project. They appear on US Ebay from time to time for a relatively small sum, and the complete aircraft don't seem to have a high value either. Try this link for more information on what is involved and to download the plans: http://www.finleyweb.net/JonsStuff/QuickieQ2Docs/tabid/58/Default.aspx
  14. Was in there yesterday buying something for me Mum. 4 left.
  15. Erm, its an attractive line drawing. Apparently the 3D CAD models are coming soon!!!
  16. Erm, are they more credible if they are 'fresh'? My dream too, but there aren't many choices. Those that ARE available are too expensive new, and rare as rocking horse crap used. All the others are so far vaporware, until they start selling. I got a bit excited about the DeltaHawk a while ago, you still can't buy one.
  17. Spodman

    Zoche diesels

    Limit of restraint reached!!!
  18. Haven't measured it, looks like 1/4", looks like 8mm too. I'll let you know. $3!!!
  19. Would free work better? Have borrowed a drill bit off a chapter member. 30cm with a 30cm extension (can be separated). Has drilled two holes! Are you actually ready for this yet? I have it for about a week, but could organise it again for another time.
  20. Good luck with the solo! Don't have an opinion on the other though...
  21. What position are you installing F28 at? I have a note in my chapter notes about it, (attributed to the Zeitlen FAQ & Wayne Hicks' excellent website) but don't remember if it came from yours or not. It says: Make F28 0.5” wider Canard is longer than plans placement of F28 5.9”. Build the F28 bulkhead a half-inch wider (side to side) than per plans. (Later install at the F28.35 position instead of F28). Assuming your F28 is .5" wider than standard it will look a bit like that if you are placing it AT F28 instead of F28.35. A bit obvious perhaps, but I thort I'd mention the discrepancy.
  22. Plans say push it outside, do it in the early morning, any dust or bugs get polished off.
  23. Well it has a canard in some of the pikkies, but not all. Have no idea if it would fly, but an interesting concept. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ih=011&sspagename=STRK%3AMEWA%3AIT&viewitem=&item=320234180423&rd=1
  24. Well done Bruce, well done Jerry, well done squirrel:cool:
  25. Mine have the insert, on both heads. I expect both with be useful, the foot thingie comes off. I'm not intending to use them for cutting the fibreglass cloth, my experiments with a disc cutter seem more efficient. I got them for scissor trim of fresh layups, Drew has sold me on that technique. Got it from the Grrrrls I think? Marked price on mine was $150 also, but they are, like, 'marked down'! Maybe you can challenge your Spotlight to match the price. Not surprised they aren't leaping out the door at the standard price.
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