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Cozy Girrrl

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Everything posted by Cozy Girrrl

  1. As far as I know he is no longer at Bowling Green, MO? ...Chrissi
  2. Welcome to the fold, our deepest condolances to your co-workers, family and friends ...Chrissi
  3. So, buy the project, sell the gear for a little bit more and you are ahead, yes? ...Chrissi
  4. That sounds like a fair solution, I know you guys have put a lot into making this happen with no expectation of returns other than getting results for yourself and others so I hate to see this kind of thing happen. ...Chrissi
  5. Look at all the other listings this seller has, seems to be an opportunist taking other people's efforts and making a buck off them. Since the Open-Ez is a non copyrighted project I suppose he is not breaking any laws, just being an opportunist with bad manners....Chrissi
  6. Our experience differs so we'll just disagree.
  7. Lynn, we strongly dissagree about powder coat paint and advise against it to all of our engine mount customers.Powder coat looks great, it is thick and flows out beautifully when it is baked. Unfortunately it does not adhere as well as solvent or epoxy based paints. "in every case I have found a crack it showed up with a crack in the paint." This is exactly the problem with powder coat. You will not see the crack forming under the powder coat until it is large enough to cause a break or separation in the paint or the tube finally fractures through. With powder coat you may not see the crack coming until it is larger. Why take the chance? Regards, Chrissi
  8. For what it is worth we do a good busines in "replacement" engine mounts, whether they were made by Brocks, Weldtech or otherwise. Drilled, undrilled, oiled or not. They all typically crack within 3/4" of the welds in the heat affected zone or the welds themselves crack. Some crack at the vent/oil holes. The Long-ezs are so highly cantilevered it does not surprise me they crack. Painting with a thin coat bright white paint and inspecting frequently is your best guard against failures from a cracking engine mount, powder coat is mighty pretty but may delay early detection. Drilling vent holes was a required thing with other welding techniques but with TIG is not entirely necessary. You leave a small gap in the weld to vent the tube and when the mount is finished you go back and close your gaps. On a cooled structure you are in and out of a TIG weld before there is any internal pressure to blow out a weld. Your best preventive action for engine mount failures is probably having an experienced technician do a dynamic balance on your engine/prop/spinner while hooked up to a laptop. All the rest of the remedies are not going to help you if you have vibration induced stresses on your engine mount. Regards, Chrissi
  9. The holes that are plugged with screws make it a lot easier to weld the mount. As you weld the tubes heat up and cause the air inside them to expand and would otherwise blow holes through welds as you try to complete them. If you oil the mount internally it will make repairs difficult. If you powder coat it, it is possible for it to crack under the powder coat and hide the damage, also the powder coat would have to be completely removed from the areas surrounding any attempt to repair a cracked tube or broken weld. We usually suggest that people lightly prime the mount with chromate or oxide primer then coat lightly with "refridgerator white" gloss paint. Regards, Chrissi
  10. Though sleep inducing, the Aerocad videos that Jeff made are really helpful. It is not that there are any true epiphanies in there as it is like a dry run for you on that particular section, that visualization makes a big difference time and organizational wise. It took two weeks to make our first wing, one week to make the second one, we did nothing different but the first one takes care of all the head scratching. Watching the videos does sort of the same thing to some extent. It also stops you from making it harder than it need be. Some people just naturally gravitate to the hard and complex way of doing something (like our canopy latch) ...Chrissi
  11. The "Goofy Looking Cartoon Guy" is directly from Burts hand, just so you know who copied who's plans first.While the Cozy III is a LE doublewide at the front seat with redrawn parts to compensate, the Cozy Mk-IV has a lot of new original design unless it came from the Defiant plans as well (Have not checked), either way Nat did a lot of work to come up with the Mk-IV plans. There were a lot of drawings in Jeff's PD PDF files that got messed up, the bitmaps are overmagnified low res versions and not useable or readable, probably intentional as they were for information purposes only. If you cannot invest $500 in legal plans you will never come up with the money needed to buy gallons of epoxy, three or four whole rolls of cloth and an engine. But having plans available for a look-see to find out if you are up to the task is nice. ...Chrissi
  12. LOL, Jerry, glad you are enjoying it ! I wish I could be in SF for there concert next month. KFOG radio sponsers a free listener appreciation concert with fireworks each year, its on the waterfront and they shoot the fireworks off barges in the bay. Appropriatly named KaBoom its been awhile since I have seen one but it was unbelievably better than the best the city of San Francisco has ever put on for the 4th of July. Great fireworks coordinated to great rock and roll, warm nights, booze concessions, food vendors etc.... maybe next year? This is what you build a Cozy for. BTW, KFOG has its own recording studios and manages to get many of the guest artists that drop by to record live or unplugged versions of their material which is then aired exclusivly on KFOG, their annual "Best of" CD's are fast sell outs for good reason. ...Chrissi
  13. If you can jack your PC into your sound system you might try this online streaming music from KFOG Radio in San Francisco, there are times I just cannot take any more of this midwest mix and have to get a flavor of "back home", KFOG does it for me, YMMV. "adult contemporary rock" .. a mix of the best of old and new, no Sammy Hagar or Delilah www.kfog.com
  14. So much better when the are someone elses You can never get too much of the Fab 4 ...Chrissi
  15. Yeah, she and I have been around since the Romans ...Chrissi
  16. Was said "Chrissi ... I think it's a long term / short term memory thing, something to do with ageing " Ugh that pesky aging thing, Randi just had her XXth birthday, I've lost count of mine. ...Chrissi
  17. Some of these old guys are best remembered in your heart. I used to say I'd marry any one of the Moody Blues. Recently the last PBS concert I heard of them was almost painful to listen to, I opted to not get tickets when they came to town. One of the local casinos has Canned Heat coming, great bluesy rock but the sound clips they keep playing are off original recordings, not what remains of the group other than the name. I find some boogey blues is condusive to work like Little Feat. Jimmy Buffet makes me dream of far away places and good times with friends. Oddly enough I find myself as an adult finding appreciation for music from my teens that I formerly paid no attention to... Metalica, Kiss, etc, maybe its due to the degradation of my hearing that this is the only thing that comes through whereas the more sensetive music of my youth is falling flat after abusing my hearing? Yes, a subwoofer in the workshop really helps ...Chrissi ....WHAT?
  18. Remember, the "C" in rap is silent. I was with Mplafluer's listening choices right up until he got to Limbaugh... I dumped a boyfriend due to his daily influx of Limbaugh
  19. We have to give credit to Jerry Schneider for the Dritz scissors. Thanks Skippy! Regards, Chrissi
  20. Hennie, You are going to have to look VERY closely as the insert is about half a dime sized, its flush in there and not immediately evident. ...C&R
  21. If you do not drop them you could probably ge through the whole plane with probably 3 Dritz blade sets, we are talking about the genuine article with carbon inserts not other brands of scissors like B&D. Eventually epoxy will build up on them and performance will fall off (first sign is it won't cut peel ply without snagging) you need to look at them under a magnifier and shave the epoxy off with a razor blade. Good as new again. The blades may be small but they will cut through three layers of wet BID and munch through up to six with a little more patience. Regards, Chrissi
  22. Hah ha ha ha... We'll have to compare Taj-tents, I hope the alotted campsites are big enough for ours. Alas we will be erecting (Edge, don't touch that) Kamp Kozy in the RV area due to the urgent need for cappacino's as soon as my eyes open in the morning, hence the generator.. I think the bean grinder makes more noise than the Honda. Decadent camping at its competative best ...Chrissi
  23. Tom, No BBQ planned as far as I can tell, been trying to instigate one but no joy yet. We'll be busy full time in either the Composite Tent or the Engines Tent so we won't be doing much else till after hours. Hopefully we will have plenty of room to kick it in the evening in Kamp Kozy South.. bring a chair and a cooler Some night we'll have to hit our favorite Chinese buffet.. whacky place has a lot of non-asian dishes, fresh seafood and some great spicy dishes. Anybody want us to bring anything, parts, pictures, information etc? We can to a limited extent bring some things and parts as samples that are appropriate to which ever booth we may be in but not to actively promote and sell, plenty of businesses have paid lots of money for the priveledge of being exhibitors at the show so it would not be fair for volunteers do so through the back door for free. But we can sure talk about airplane building and engines. ...Chrissi
  24. And which part of this typically well worded MBA hype should we believe? Go to a show with five or six operational units for sale on the floor, and at this point take names not deposits. Oh, and stop with the pie in the sky fuel burn predictions and publish some real world numbers that add up. The up front deceptions killed all credibility a long long time ago, they backed those up with more of the same. People would understand them publishing fuel consumption that did not meet predicted values followed by statements that they were going to continue to work on improving them. Same thing for production delays. They need to earn the trust this time around. I wish the new owners luck, I mean that sincerely. I hope each and every step they take in the future is very carefully considered otherwise they risk becoming a very poor joke.
  25. Please be careful if you are going to test drive that thing out on the road, it can be really distracting.
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