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AeroCanard Recognized By Wicks Aircraft


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Off topic, but I couldn't help but notice that Wicks also recognizes the Long-EZ, which, on a single Web page, they refer to using several different names:

  • Long Eze
  • LongEZE
  • Longe-Easy
  • Long-Easy
Not once do they use the correct name 'Long-EZ'.


Oh well -- hopefully the AeroCanard bit helps AeroCad get some more business.

Jon Matcho :busy:
Builder & Canard Zone Admin
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I sent Al an email about a month ago but didn't hear back from him. I asked how many Aerocanards are flying and being built as I don't 'hear' or see anything about them in any of the forums.


Does anyone know the #s?





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I sent Al an email about a month ago but didn't hear back from him.

You're not the first, apparently - many others have reported the same thing.


I asked how many Aerocanards are flying and being built as I don't 'hear' or see anything about them in any of the forums.


Does anyone know the #s?

I doubt that even Al (or Jeff) know the #'s. My best guess, from the mailing list stats and the FAA registry, is 3 to 7 flying Aerocanards (or things that are mostly aerocanards, but are called something else) and another 20 or so in progress. Just an educated guess.
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I wrote Al over a month ago and didn't hear back from him

You're not the first, apparently - many others have reported the same thing.



Hmmm... that doesn't give me any warm and fuzzies about considering his kit. I live in StL and it'd be convenient to have the mfg. in my back yard but not if he isn't responsive.


thanks for this and all the info you share Marc -



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Hmmm... that doesn't give me any warm and fuzzies about considering his kit. I live in StL and it'd be convenient to have the mfg. in my back yard but not if he isn't responsive.


thanks for this and all the info you share Marc -



If you are so concerned about him being responsive enough, then why don't you pick up the phone and call him yourself, rather than relying on the opinions of people you've never met.

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I exchanged e-mails w/Al about a month ago about an update to the plans they're working on. He mentioned that they had parts in stock, hoping to get into the aircraft catalogs, as well as looking to supply for Long-EZs as well. Checking the www.aerocad.com Web site I see a new Information Kit available for download.


I would also like to see AeroCad looking much more like a full-time outfit, but the reality is likely that this isn't Al's day job. Time will help (as well as tell) the future of AeroCad, and having chosen the AeroCanard FG design modifications myself, I definitely want them to be successful.


Rich Goldman, anything to ad here?

Jon Matcho :busy:
Builder & Canard Zone Admin
Now:  Rebuilding Quickie Tri-Q200 N479E
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I sent Al an email about a month ago but didn't hear back from him. I asked how many Aerocanards are flying and being built as I don't 'hear' or see anything about them in any of the forums.


Does anyone know the #s?





I donno the exact answer.


I do know that I have Aerocanard kit serial # 50.


Of course the numbering system could have started at 48. It seems, however that prior to Al's taking the company, that Jeff did produce a significant # of kits.

I Canardly contain myself!

Rich :D

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If you are so concerned about him being responsive enough, then why don't you pick up the phone and call him yourself, rather than relying on the opinions of people you've never met.

An element that is critical is service. John Olin [owned Olin Corp] went into a small brokerage firm one time [in the 40's] and bought 100 shares of his stock with cash to see how the firm treated 'regular' people. They served him well and he gave them tons of business [i heard this from the founder of the brokerage firm [who didn't serve him that day, just one of his regular employees did]].


A better question would be, if Al wants to mfg. a/c kits why is he ignoring potential customers.





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Al's lack of return e-mails may not be entirely his fault. I know this because I had to deal with this last week with my new domain (flightlinechairs.com). Some, but not all ISP's would reject my mail, but I was not getting mail bounces until five days later, if at all. Unfortunately, all of my other e-mail services would accept my new e-mails, which made diagnosing and fixing the problem very difficult.


I eventually fixed my problem with a lot of twiddling with my mail server and by buying and subscribing to a an e-mail relay service. It seems that the IP address of my server was within a large block of addresses that are rejected by AOL and other ISP's because of spammer activity. IT is not my job, and I know it isn't Al's either. He may be having the same problem.


Not being one of his customers, and not knowing his current situation, I'm just speculating. It takes a large amount of time and effort to start-up a company, even if you buy it turn-key from someone else.


-- Len

-- Len Evansic, Cozy Mk. IV Plans #1283

Do you need a Flightline Chair, or other embroidered aviation accessory?

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I don't know how many are being built but I for one am building the kit. I have all the big parts done. The fuselage is on the gear and I have rebuilt and pumped up an IO-360 hopefully to about 220 HP. I also have a Siver Bullet prop. Just finishing up a hangar and house and hope to get back to work on it in a month. I'm at Mt Royal Airpark south of Palatka, Fl. I'm flying a Long Ez I built.

Long Ez, AeroCanard

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Give him a call, 800-558-7180 and if you don't mind let us know what he says.

I'm still researching what I want to fly. I tried to acquire add'n info on Al's a/c and failed. It may turn out that the Aerocanard is the best choice and I'll then follow up if that is the case. I'll not spend time chasing that option unless it is optimal and his lack a feedback is an input as to if it is.


all the best,



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Dear AeroCad friends,


Thank all of you that have been supportive as we are working hard to get AeroCad going! I can assure everyone AeroCad is here for you and we apologize for any inconvenience trying to contact us. We do try to answer all email questions we receive as soon as possible also, feel free to call us anytime!


Regarding: “Another milestone for Al”


I like to think of it more like a “giant leap for all mankind”! haha


AeroCad is very pleased to announce Wicks Aircraft as a new supplier for complete AeroCanard raw materials and hardware kits. We also plan to add new AeroCanard plans, complete kits and composite parts soon. See: http://www.wicksaircraft.com/catalo...6543/index.html


Regarding: How many AeroCanards are flying?


There should be over 17 AeroCanards that have been built and flown (worldwide). See FAQ: http://www.aerocad.com/faq.htm .


Q. How many kits have been sold, and how many AeroCanards are flying?


A. We sold over 50 kits for the AeroCanard FG's, 3 AeroCanard RG's and 3 AeroCanard SB's. 17 AeroCanards are completed and flying and some of those with over 500 hours.


There are also over 200 AeroCanard plans builders and many other canard aircraft with AeroCad parts flying! Additionally, 2 of the 3 AeroCanard RG’s sold above are flying for sure and 2 out of 3 ain’t bad!


We are very excited about the future of AeroCad and committed to continue manufacturing AeroCanard kits, composite parts and offer builder support and service.




Al Aldrich / AeroCad, Inc.



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