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Ventilation - Ram air versus NACA


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I understand COZY MK4 plans have a NACA inlet above and aft of the canard for face-level ventilation, leaving the nose pointy. Wouldn't you get more pressure from a ram-air duct in the extreme nose, or would any extra airflow be absorbed by longer ducting?

Mark Spedding - Spodman
Darraweit Guim - Australia
Cozy IV #1331 -  Chapter 09

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Originally posted by Spodman

Wouldn't you get more pressure from a ram-air duct in the extreme nose, or would any extra airflow be absorbed by longer ducting?

Yup, but I'll tell you, with the large, plastic vents and the stock NACA side ducts, I can just about blow myself through the front seatback with the airflow by the time I get up to flying speed. If there were any more air coming in, everything in the cabin would be floating all over the place.


I did move my vents to a point directly behind the elevators, as it lined up with my vent location better, but I don't think that made much of a difference in pressure recovery.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Front seat ventilation was more than adequate in the four Cozies I've flown in, including the illustrious N83MZ. All had NACA scoops and locations per the plans.


I haven't flown in the back seat of a Cozy yet. So I have no direct data point. But I have flown in the back of a Long-EZ with no back-seat ventilation. Thought the flight would NEVER end. The pilot stayed cool; I was soaking wet with sweat!


Extrapolating, I'm hedging my bets and installing backseat ventilation. I am planning on installing one NACA vent on the underside of each strake, mid-way back, just outside of the lower cosmetic fairing. Each scoop will feed into an eyeball vent mounted in the baggage area in line with the shoulder brace. Therefore each backseat passenger gets his/her/canine's own facial air. The NACA's I have are the kind that can be screwed shut if no one is sitting back there.


Let the four winds blow,

...Wayne Hicks

Wayne Hicks

Cozy IV Plans #678


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I have seen rear seat ventilation (a picture anyhow) in the back of a Long-ez, a duct diagonally across the front seat back from under the wing terminating in a box with two eyeballs. Looked a bit cr@ppy, but better than sweating! Don't know why you would need two in a Long-ez.


Definitely something I'd incorporate in a Cozy.

Mark Spedding - Spodman
Darraweit Guim - Australia
Cozy IV #1331 -  Chapter 09

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I know the plane you are referring to. I prefer the strake solution for rear air. Much more elegant.


Why two vents? Depends on where you'll be flying. But lemme tell ya what. On a 90+ degree day with high humidity, there's no such thing as having ENOUGH ventilation in the back seat of a Long EZ.



Wayne Hicks

Cozy IV Plans #678


Wayne Hicks

Cozy IV Plans #678


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My significant other's main derision about the project is luggage space, I dare not sacrifice any!:scared:

Mark Spedding - Spodman
Darraweit Guim - Australia
Cozy IV #1331 -  Chapter 09

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luggage pods, take your wife and her baggage, the strake area is so small as to be not considerred as "baggage" area, maybe clean socks area and a tooth brush


enjoy the build



maker wood dust and shavings - foam and fiberglass dust and one day a cozy will pop out, enjoying the build


i can be reached at



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I tried something new. I used the NG wheel well for ventilation source. You can see the setup at http://www.abri.com/sq2000/control43.jpg

The description is at http://www.abri.com/sq2000/18.html


I just completed the SQ2000 bird and had it inspected. Getting ready for first flight. But in taxi tests the vents appear to work - should since the lower part of the fuselage is at higher pressure than upper.

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The epoxy guru guy's (crew cheif for the Exxon Flyin Tiger and retired "big wig" with Shell Chemistry division) name is Gary Hunter. He is down here in Houston and was my EAA tech advisor on my first inspection last February.


If you are really interested I can contact a buddy who put me in contact with him and try to get his email.


.....on a separate note, I installed my center spar last night.:banana:



All the best,



Christopher Barber

Velocity SE/FG w/yoke. Zoom, zoom, zoom.



Live with Passion...

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Baggage pod thread, with pictures I had an e-mail for Gary Hunter, but no website. Lost it.


Baggage pod installation


Featherlite makes the baggage pods Bruce Tift used to. Ken Murphy has them on his Cozy Mark IV and says it cost him 2 or 3 knts. Nat

- something I'd saved from another forum.


I like the nose wheel vent idea, it would be an extra incentive to steer carefully around the cowpats at a country airport to avoid smelling them for the rest of your flight:bad:

Mark Spedding - Spodman
Darraweit Guim - Australia
Cozy IV #1331 -  Chapter 09

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