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Everything posted by WileEZ

  1. Tomwang, Spodman is referring to the lack of information. Just saying "main gear bow" does not tell us anything. Are you asking where to get a main gear bow, or are you asking how to build one or what? A little more information on what you are trying to tell us would help. Cheers, WileEZ
  2. Do you have a link to the Midwest engine? I googled for it but didn't find anything. Else, can you tell us more about the Midwest engine please? Thanks
  3. Cool! Free plane for FS in return for beta testing, not a bad deal! While I would love to have one, I'm not yet a canard flyer so I guess I wouldn't "qualify". But this information is what should have been posted in the first place and potential volunteers now have a better idea of what they will get in return. Bottom line, when asking for volunteers, always make it clear what they will get in return. Will you do a version for Xplane as well?
  4. The problem here is "payware"! If you had said "freeware", you'll have no end of volunteers! Really the wording is probably why no one is speaking up, almost no one here has the time to do something like this for free, they are either busy building or flying! Perhaps if you offer to pay someone a reasonable fee, say whatever the local CFI rates are?
  5. Looking at Air-Ron's icon, I get the feeling he's building his canard the hard way!
  6. Steve, can you tell us how much your main spar weight? Thanks
  7. "BRRRRRrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrruuurrrruurrrruurrrrr!" (Making airplane noise.)
  8. Thanks! With all the useful references (Clickbond.com is actually one of the worst references), I now understand what make the one the CGs referred to in their cartoon so desirable. If my already high opinion of the Cozy Girrls gets much higher, I'll need to borrow the Hubble Space Telescope to locate it!
  9. Looking through www.aircraftspruce.com, I found this page (http://www.aircraftspruce.com/catalog/hapages/clickbond.php) which seems to explain clickbonds a bit. According to an article in http://www.proboat-digital.com/proboat/200612/?pg=30, the name comes from a "click" that one hear/feel when pressing on it to adhere to the surface. I checked the three links provided near the bottom of the article, two of the links apparently don't carry clickbonds anymore and the remaining link requires logging in which I'm not inclined to bother with. Still didn't explain clearly what the advantage of clickbond is. After another search via google, I found this web site: http://www.enfasco.com/Frame2.html. (This was actually a paid advertisement on the right side of the Google screen!) I looked through some of the links at the bottom and now it make sense to me. Knowing the above, I agree, the CozyGirrrls way is far more preferable as it would result in a stronger attachment point.
  10. Yes and it's an excellent explanation on how to glue/glass a bolt in place. But other than giving a physical description of a clickbond, it doesn't explain what it is and how it's different/better than a bolt with a flat head. I still cannot tell the difference between clickbond and a bolt other than that some clickbonds has a flat head. I can buy bolts with flat heads. (AN rated too.) A quick web search does not illuminate me. What make the clickbond special and why should I use them in place of standard bolts? I really want to learn and not just do/use things because "everybody else does!" I'm not saying clickbonds is bad, I just don't understand why use them. There must be something special about them, else you guys and gals wouldn't get so excited about them.
  11. What is clickbond? I looked at JD and CG sites and as far as I can tell they are just normal bolts and nuts, kind of like what one use to put together the backyard metal shed. I also looked at the clickbond manufacturer web site and they seem to require a password to look at their catalog. Didn't go any further. I'm not even sure what material the clickbonds are made of. Why should I use clickbonds?
  12. What is your opinion on the MGL Avionics EFISes? http://www.mglavionics.com/ I like the look and price of the new Odyssey. About $6K. I'm especially taken by the monochrome Stratomaster. A complete system for about $2K!
  13. What is your opinion on the MGL Avionics EFISes? http://www.mglavionics.com/ I like the look and price of the new Odyssey. About $6K. I'm especially taken by the monochrome Stratomaster. A complete system for about $2K! I'm a trained electronic tech, so installing this myself doesn't bother me.
  14. There's one thing that's been overlooked here. Hydrogen is currently not a viable energy source. It is best thought of as a storage medium of energy, like a battery. The reason why that is so is because currently it cost more in term of energy to make the hydrogen than can ever be recovered from the hydrogen, even assuming 100% efficiency. This may change in the future, but that's the state of the art right now.
  15. Got pictures? I'll like very much to be able to see them. Thanks, WileEZ
  16. The best place probably would be at http://www.homebuiltairplanes.com under the "Design / Structures / Cutting Edge Technology" forum. The members there are really into the different aspects of airplanes including digging into why one design work and another doesn't work on a certain design and vis versa. And yes they do discuss canards in general and refer you to this or the other canards forums for specific canard models questions. Here's a canard (or two) I like to dream about building! (From: http://www.aircrew.org.uk/woking/W_News161001.html)
  17. Thanks Waiter, Since no-one else has chimed in, I guess this is either a non-issue or other flyers are too embarrassed to chime in with their experience! I'm going to ask this same question over at the "new" Canard Aviation forum (http://forum.canardaviation.com) in the hope I can get more information on this. WileEZ
  18. For the past couple years or so, I've been looking at canards and I know I will be building a canard sometime in the not too far off future. Well it slowly percolated in my brain that there's maybe a problem with the canard wings, but I've never read anyone having a problem so this might be a non-issue. How does one keep people from walking into the canard wings when it's parked? It seems to be a shin banger or knee breaker depending on how high it is parked. I'm just curious about this as it apparently is not a real issue with the canard owners. Or is it? WileEZ
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