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Steve Davies

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About Steve Davies

  • Birthday 11/25/1966

Flying Information

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Personal Information

  • Location (Public)
    Warsaw, Missouri
  • Occupation
    boat construction
  • Bio
    Just getting into aviation, always dreamed of flying... I think building my own plane is the answer tho the dream...

Project/Build Information

  • Plane Type
    Cozy Mark IV

Contact Methods

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Steve Davies's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Totally agree. That was rather the point I was trying to make, not so much that I'm researching materials, but that in general different airplane materials are being used in new applications. I gets hot headed and sometimes my fingers are faster than my brain.
  2. Chatroom-itis or not, its got my vote. I thought it might be a little more like shaking hands and saying how's the wife and kids kinda thing, Not to mention that it's also useful for bouncing ideas around and getting a quick reaction.
  3. Well here's something I do know a little about... Its a cost versus properties issue. At the company where I work, almost everything is glass laminate. Hulls, decks, chairs... If we started using Kevlar, those 40,000 dollar boats would most likely double at least. Graphite is ok as long as stiffness and weight saving is what you want. Ease of use is also an issue. From what I've seen, E-glass is alot easier to use. Kevlar is hard to cut, needs special shears. E-glass I can cut with Gramma's old tailoring shears. I might maybe consider some ceramic fiber laminate to the inside of the engine compartment, but I havent heard any problems with E-glass in that area, so maybe ceramic is overkill. Of course, keep in mind I build boats right now, not airplanes. When the plane begins, I'll be messing with some structural properties of different laminate fibers. Research continues...
  4. OK I'm missing something.. (MY PLANS) Where are the holes/leaks making this cold cabin air? What about boots, insulation, some way to cver these leaks... Umm OK I think I'll shut my mouth til I have plans in hand and can speak to the issue with out guessing.
  5. I do all my best work in the pressure cooker. The heat's on, 'nuff said.
  6. Dang... I s'pose safest and lightest is gonna be the hotsuit, tho I kind of find the idea of plugging my socks in a little disappointing. Ah well, what can ya do... It'll get figgered out when its time, no rush.
  7. Ayup, it does seem logical that the welds would induce cracks... clamps would be my choice too. Easier to inspect, eh? Hmmm, I'm wondering how high I'll end up flying though... I need to have more data on temps at alt. Completely irrelevant this statement... I'm enjoying the hockey sticks outta this, and I haven'y satrted building yet!
  8. Well fellas, I haven't got any high altitude experience, just spewin' what I thought mighta been cheapest alternative to lotsa extra weight and complication... My ecducation continues, and I'll cross that bridge when I get to it. I've recently learned that heat muffs can hide/cause exhaust cracks -- not very appealing to me. Oil cooler alternative seems excessively heavy and possible oil leak into cockpit is even less appealing. The hair dryer is right out. A wood stove is also out the window. I havent got a solution, but of what i know so far, it seems that the heat muff is best so far... Just have to keep up on inspections. Thumb heaters on snowmobiles work the same way, so I gues thats the simplest and lightest, even witht the danger of the exhuast cracks. ( hi to my buddies up in Timmins, ON)
  9. Wups! Wrong Steve lol
  10. Joe my friend, I'm not htere yet... soon though, very soon! The end of February is my date to order, oh how I wish it could be sooner! The accounting office (aka Beeter Half, aka GIB, aka Best Girl) says can't be done til then at earliest... Ah well, just more time to educate ansd evaluate, no big. Soon, very soon!
  11. Awww, s**t! Now I can't go p**s up a rope, or even hit my @%&*!%$ thumb with a hammer.... Hard to do for this kid from Baltimore, but I'll try.
  12. Jon, as admin of the forum, and as popular as the hot tub is, i think it makes sense to try and add a java chat to the forum... it would help to create an even closer community, and the Q and A sessions would be instant and open.. very stream of consciousness... not to mention MUCH faster than posting... a few of us tried it in yahoo msgr user rooms, but we all agreed that it would be much, much better to keep it in direct connection with the forum. it would be nice for someone new to be able to ask a question, get an immediate reply, and if the information is in the archived forum posts, then the question could be directed to a forum search.. it would in no way replaces the forum, quite the opposite, i think it would greatly enhance it and add to the knowledge... Anyone else interested? OPinions are more than welcome, reply please and lets see if its agreeable to the majority of forum posters to use a chat system... Did i ramble? maybe so, but i think i made the point... im thinking as i type... well its out there ... waddya all think?
  13. I think what happened is that I forgot how many vendors there are, and the fact that it is plans built. Maybe the other vendors out there should be invited to throw in their twonies worth also. Just to level the playing field as far as vendor opinion and this forum go.
  14. Roger. Wilco. Partay in the Bahamas! (In 5 years maybe ) Partay online at any rate lol... O.K. so who do we get hold of to put this Hot Tub online?
  15. No4, it's hard to be the Evil Genius, isn't it? Awww, grab a beer, jump in the hot tub! I'm sure whatever time zone, there'll be plenty of us in the water and enjoyin' the scenery! Hope my wife doesn't see this post!
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