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Posts posted by Cozy1200

  1. BTW- nobody can deny that cover is a GREAT, maybe the best action photo of a Mark IV in flight.

    Without a doubt it is my favorite photo of a Cozy. It has been on my desktop background since it was released as a monthly calendar by kitplanes. I've since removed the calendar as it's long out of date.


    Did I mention that it is probably ever so slightly not-authorized, but I've used it on my homepage. It looked great printed in color on the cover of the digital POH. I removed it because I didn't want to use a copyrighted photo on a distributed material.

  2. Hey John Matcho


    over 15,000 views for this thread.Is that a record? Do I get an award, or trophy, or something? :D


    Probably so Tony,


    But I hate to say it, but AlisoBob's posts just trumped your entire thread. What a keepsake photo!!

  3. After 2 months of not doing anything on the plane, the withdrawl symptoms were too much to handle, so I had to make something happen.

    Welcome back to the fold. Yes, the withdrawals can be bad.



    I had a good 15 hours in the workshop this weekend. Unfortunately only about 1 hour of it was on the plane! I had a little project for work that I had to build. I'm building 14 of these training aids for work. Completely monotonous to build, but should prove useful for some upcoming training seminars.


    I showed a picture of it to DaveB and he said looks like a giant drink container from a take away shop! :envy: I hope to finish them up in another day to two and get back to really building things that matter!!


  4. I wonder if there's anything to Chrissi asking for the chance to review an installation of the Drybread gear design...

    By the time were all done requesting parts, Chrissi & Randi will have beatiful selection of parts.... ON OTHER PEOPLES AIRPLANES!!! They may even qualify to put Phillip Johnsons "No Girl Parts" logo!

  5. Ok, I'm a complete tight-a$#. I didn't buy the plans fuel valve when ordering the materials. One, I'd have to pay GST (Australian's Gouge & Screw Tax) on it. Second, I may opt for something different down the road.


    So here I am ready to put in the plans fuel bracket. I've made the plans fuel valve bracket minus the nutplate holes. My thinking is that I could add the nutplates later when the decision is made. Without having the valve, I didn't know how close the plans match the actually placement of the valve mounting holes.


    It didn't dawn on me until now that the bracket is floxed into place. That means I'll have to eventually drill and rivet the nutplates why the bracket is installed in the plane.


    Although it may not be easy, I'm thinking it should be doable with a unibit and pop rivets.


    Good/bad idea? It's still not too late to add the nutplates.

  6. I beg to differ (someone is holding a gun to my head). How could they be worth less than the materials? .

    It's the old supply & demand thing. At any given point only so many are available for sale and so many buyers willing to bid. The supply & demand appears to vary greatly. It's no different than any other asset. How many homes are now for sale that are worth less than they were last year, or even new? It's doesn't change what's invested, just their resale value. Resale value doesn't necessarily match investments. Watch the stock market recently. Ok, enough of me trying to teach economics, I barely grasped the concept in college when I was studying it.


    I figured I better back up my statement or admit ignorance. So here a quick sample of old sales that I could quickly find. Unfortunately Ebay removes old auctions so we don't know what closing price is on some of these. Asking price does appear to following material costs, but not always. The final selling price on these would be really helpful.


    Somebody like David Orr would be the best person to ask on resale value of uncompleted planes.




    $3300 Tub & Canard



    $2999 Ch9 Tub on Wheels

    no bids



    Asking $8k

    If I had to guess, I say he has more than $8k invested.


    Up through Ch14


    Invested $11k Asking $7500 Reduced to $6500.


    Early Stage Tub


    Sold for $1080 estimated $2000 invested


    Part way through CH6


    $500 - good deal


    Ch7 Asking $2000



    To Ch7 & Ch10 Asking $1800




    Invested $34k, Asking $19k




    Asking $3500, Defiantly more invested.

  7. DaveB & I went flying in his LEZ this weekend. He's been having chronic radio problems and he wanted someone else to help diagnose it. There was a small Fly-In on there other side of the city where he bases his Gyro. So it gave us an excuse to go flying. As always, we had a good time plane talking and I met a few new plane nuts.


    We made a discovery about his LEZ this weekend!



    It's Cozy in the back of a Long EZ!


    But we agreed not to talk about that as I'm the one building a Cozy.






  8. In my opinion, $1500 is too high for the current status. I purchased a tub a couple years ago that is in about the same stage. I paid $561 for the tub off ebay.


    I later sold it before we moved to OZ and IIRC I received about $300-350 on ebay.


    These early uncompletely cozys are not even worth the materials invested.

  9. The plans says in CH6 step 2


    .. Sand the glass surfaces where the spacers go, and flox the spacers in place against the fiberglass on one side, inserting nails to hold them in place. Now apply a 1 ply BID tape to the unglassed side of the map pocket spacers, apply flox to the edges, and put the other triangular brace in place. Line it up squarely with the other side, and put in nails to hold it in place.

    two questions


    1) On the bid tape on the back side of the spacers, I have a question. Is this a bid corner tape with a flox corner?


    2) So what do that do with the remaining 3 corners? I'm going on the assumption that the first corner was taped. Just nice flox corners? When applying the second Triangle side, it's going to squeeze out. How you do clean it up?



    I think this is one of those areas where the plans stops telling you everything and you're supposed to know what to do.


    Well I scratching my head. HELP!

  10. Your canopy latch is extremely cool.:cool:

    I've seen the girrrls canopy latch and yes it's extremely cool.


    I wanted to take a picture to remember it, but certain body parts were threaten to be cut off. So I opted to just admire it!

  11. I get all of Limbaugh's shows on MP3's. I haven't missed a show in two years.

    No wonder you work 80 hour weeks and haven't started the cozy! :)


    Actually I tried to listen to some talk radio and some aviation podcast, but I start paying too much attention to it and find that I'm not working.

  12. I did fly through a tremendous thunderstorm once with Jack Roush in his Cessna 421 (although he didn't have his pilots license yet, he was at the controls), and we hit wind shear so bad we all hit our heads on the ceiling.

    I know it's off topic, but i wanna know how you got to fly with Jack.


    I think I read somewhere the he had over a thousand hours dual in his 421 before he soloed. He didn't solo until he bough his first P-51. Then he had to go rent a C150 to get his PPL. Something like that anyways.



    Oh ya, my story.


    How about dumping 100,000 metric tones of JET-A from a 747. You can read it here:


  13. I listen to SPODMAN on the scanner! :) serously. I just chuckle that he's at work pushing tin dreaming of building. While I'm in the shop building a plane and dreaming of flying! :)


    I have an RST antennta kit I built that I've hooked up to my scanner. The reception is so good that I can hear both sides of the conversation for most calls. There's enought traffic in the area that is hardly every stops.


    I also have an old laptop that runs the webcam. I also use it occasionally to browse builders websites.

  14. Oh, one other thing I learnt from all of this is that MGS is WAY superior to West System in almost all properties (in its cured state), so I have decided to not use West as I had originally intended.

    Check your Checkbook out.


    Only MGS 235 is available here and it's pricy. You may have $5-6 Grand in just epoxy. It is nice to work with though.

  15. That photo is my doing and was done purely as a joke. It really wasn't ever intended to past mustard. There's just a few of us around that like to mess with photoshop just for a laugh.


    Here's the original thread:


    My original post is #3, but the funniest post is #7 by Dennis Passey.


    Then the shadow was pointed out and I touched it up again here:


    Post #16.


    Anybody that has been to Osh will know that plane is Nat's and it is sitting in the traditional spot in front of one of the exhibition buildings.

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