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Posts posted by Cozy1200

  1. Spotlight at Essendon DFO have these on a runout special, $75, 5 left, (after I got mine). This compares OK with my experience of US prices and save your freight. SWMBO won't let me try it out until my birthday... Appears identical to US example I've seen Drew Chaplin use, but with Oz power supply.


    They also have a cheaper alternative, but the blades look like plain steel and they are PINK!

    I'd say that's an excellent price. I paid $80 USD from Jamestowndistributors.com and then had to have it shipped over. I couldn't find them locally at that time. I've seen them slightly cheaper in the states, but they were out of stock




    HENNIE You should order these NOW!!!!

  2. congrats! We have another Aussie builder.


    Meanwhile I arranged a canopy from Todd's canopies to be sent to Boise and

    Smart Move. A local SAAA member just had Todd ship him a canopy for his RV. I think he said it was about $500 for the Canopy and $1500 for the SHIPPING!!!!


    Let me know what extra parts you have. Maybe we can work something out.



  3. Thanks Drew - I downloaded it this morning and printed about half of it. Looks pretty good! I have only found one typo so far - Page 8, first full paragraph, "Constant speed, variable pitch or metal propellers are not are not approved." "are not" is repeated - although perhaps that's intentional for emphasis! ;)


    Anyway - much appreciated! Thank you! :cool:


    So noted. Let me know if you find anymore. The OCR isn't perfect by a long shot and I did compare & merge with Yair's version to help pick up even more mistakes.

  4. After a lot of time and work, I'm proud to release a little pet project of mine. I've taken the liberty of creating a text editable versions of the Cozy POH.


    As Spruce is the copyright holder, they are allowing the file to be released to the public. Now common changes can be shared between builders.


    More details are available on my website at:


    or use this shorter link




  5. I've ordered from RST twice and both times had no problems.



    I have heard that Jim is not that tolerable of people. Good business practice? NO. But in reality he is running a small niche business and constantly being bombarded by people looking for free/cheap advice. I've seen some of Jim's posts of electronics boards and it's not always pretty.


    If you need his product, you'll just have to tolerate it, otherwise look elsewhere. But in his line of work I'm not sure there's that many options.

  6. Even Drew, he's a complementary Aussie (American guy living in Melbourne).

    One of the ladies at work call me the token American and that every company should have one. :)


    Check our Kevin Website and Mine, there's a bunch of stuff there. I think you'll find that it's neither convenent or cheap to buy supplies locally. I've been able to airfreight supplies in cheaper than buying locally (when they where even available)


    Things to definatly buy locally:

    Epoxy. I'm using MGS 285 because that the only MGS available. It's expensive. When I move home, I'll switch to 385 and buy directly from the distrubutor. I'd expect the price to drop in half. IF I EXPECTED to build the entire plane here, I'd probably look at a different epoxy. Raiki Seems to have some good suggestions. The 285 has spoiled me, it very nice to work with.


    Peel-Ply Check my website for the source, but it's made here in Melbourne and is cheaper than spruce. Don't know why, but it is.


    Spruce I did use hoop-pine instead of spruce. It was considerably cheaper (by a factor of 10) and only a fraction heavier than spruce.


    We won't COMPLETELY disregard your questions for not building a canard! :) With so many unpaved or partially paved strips here, I can appreciate the forethought.



    good luck.

  7. Agreed, but it's easy to get overly technical with contract terms. In reality, none of it really matters until you standing before a judge.


    Like Marc previously stated, I suspect Spruce is much more concerned about the $20k worth of airframe components over whither or not you're the original purchaser.


    Now if it's ethical, that a different story....

  8. This the first that I've heard of this. Spruce has in the past and was willing for myself to transfer the SN. In reality, if you have the plans, I don't think Spruce is sueing anyone for building without a license.


    From my experience, I don't beleive spruce will sell half a set of plans. I tried when I only received section one when I purchased SN 008.


    Call Spruce up, tell them you ONLY want to transfer the lincense into your name. Don't ask for the second Section, I'm pretty sure that's why they shot you down.


    The plans very clearly state that you MAY copy the plans for PERSONAL use. I copied mine, and left a copy in the states for safe keeping. I also made a copy that's shrunk down to letter size and kept in a 3 ring binder. That's my working copy in the shop


    So my advice, borrow someone's sec II and run to Kinkos.

  9. Nice looking work Tony. I'm curious, how long did it take to turn that on your lathe?


    I can certainly do that on my lathe, but my amateur skills make it painfully slow. How tight of a fit is that bearing?

  10. oh dear. . .

    Aiman, that was not deer, that was a sheep! :)


    Okay Spod, that was waaay too quick of a response with that. "He says wearing a sheepish grin". :D

    Living in Australia, I now have a new understanding of Kiwis. (no offense to our New Zealand members) I don't think anyone back home fully understands how freaking funny that is. I don't know which group of people Austrlians pick on more: people from Tasmania or New Zealand.

  11. Congrats on your descision and welcome to the forum.


    Feel free to check out my website below. There are MANY very good websites. You'll definatly want to check out

    Marc Zeitlen, John slade, Rick Maddy, & Wayne Hicks.


    This link by Tom Tugan is probably the most comprehensive list on the web. http://ttcse.com/cozylinks/

    The list on Marc's website is very close. Between the two you'll just virtually everyone's websites.


    We won't hold the RV thing against you. Everyone comes around eventually!!! ha ha

  12. Jon,


    thanks for that, I never actually knew how that worked. So as long at you're still actively visiting the website, the messages stay marked as new.


    So say you click New posts and 12 threads are shown. I click and read only one of them. The plane blows up so I run out to the garage for an hour. When I come back, will all twelve thread be marked as read or will only the one?


    To prevent losing unread threads, I click New Posts. Then in Firefox, I hold CTRL and click on each of the threads to open in an individual threads. That way all the threads are open on my screen I don't have to worry about losing them if I walk away.


    Also If I visit the site and ONLY read a PM, will that mark off old threads?

  13. Although I have the varible speed version, I vote for the single speed. The only time it changes from off high speed is to ensure it's still at that setting.


    You say it chews into glass. So say a person has some nasty airbubbles around the longerson where the normal triangle fien blade can't reach. It sounds like the fien rasp finger tool would be a good choice to sand away the offending glass before doing a structure repair. Not that I'm talking for myself.

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