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Hello there from Placerville, CA (KPVF)

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Long time lurker, first time post, just wanted to to say hello and introduce myself to the forum.  Don’t own a Longeze/Cozy......yet, but looking.  Currently own a C-150 I use to drive to work. It’s slow, cheap and does the job but enough is enough. Been helping a good friend do some work on his long, logged some good flight hours and received some exceptional Long instruction.

finally following my long dormant dream of owning a canard design.  19 years ago, was given a raw Dragonfly kit but the foam was is bad shape. I still have the plans and some other bits,  but that’s about it. Renewing my EAA Membership and affiliation with EAA Chapter 512.

Any pointers, ideas, suggestions would be appreciated. Also looking for a current master list of Canard Clubs or resources in the US so I can branch out my contacts and resources in my search and journey.

posted a pic to show what it would look like if KPVF was actually in Australia 


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On 1/11/2020 at 12:08 PM, Bugstrider said:

Long time lurker, first time post, just wanted to to say hello and introduce myself to the forum...

Any pointers, ideas, suggestions would be appreciated. Also looking for a current master list of Canard Clubs or resources in the US so I can branch out my contacts and resources in my search and journey.

Get in touch with Tim Sullivan, who bases his Long-EZ at Placerville. Great guy. I know of a very nice Long-EZ that might be for sale - the owner hasn't flown it in over a year. Get in touch with David Orr who maintains a list of all Long-EZ's (and other canards) for sale. I maintain a list of COZY's for sale. Join the canard-aviators mailing list, which has over 1500 members and is pretty active. If you're interested in COZY's, join the COZY mailing list, which has over 800 members, 100 flyers, and 300 builders.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 1/12/2020 at 9:07 PM, Marc Zeitlin said:

Get in touch with Tim Sullivan, who bases his Long-EZ at Placerville. Great guy. I know of a very nice Long-EZ that might be for sale - the owner hasn't flown it in over a year. Get in touch with David Orr who maintains a list of all Long-EZ's (and other canards) for sale. I maintain a list of COZY's for sale. Join the canard-aviators mailing list, which has over 1500 members and is pretty active. If you're interested in COZY's, join the COZY mailing list, which has over 800 members, 100 flyers, and 300 builders.

Thanks Marc, I am sorry for getting back to you so late. I just saw the notification that you replied.  I have since turned on my notification settings in hopes to avoid this in the future.  I reached out to Tim and then David yesterday, I answered David's questionnaire early this morning from work and emailed it back.  I have know Tim for years as well as John Crocker, another Long-EZ guy at Placerville.  I would be very interested in getting information on a solid Long-EZ.  Will David have the information on the one you mentioned?

I do have a COZY question for you.  In my search for a good canard, I ran across a Cozy IV that has been for sale for about 5 years per the owner.  I know my wife would prefer the Cozy for the extra room.  What I am asking is, what are some key questions would someone need to ask to get an accurate idea on its condition.  Due to my work schedule, I will need to plan a trip to see it in person.  I honestly don't think I could have located one any further away in the US.  Its located on the east coast.  I am still very green regarding getting into the different groups and mailing lists.  Is the mailing lists you mentioned on this forum or located at a different site?  I will start looked for the ones you mentioned.


Thank you again for your help,

Trevor Anders

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3 hours ago, Bugstrider said:

Will David have the information on the one you mentioned?

No. It's not for sale yet - I'm just projecting that it may be sometime this year. Don't know for sure. Dave will have a more comprehensive list of LE's for sale, but you'd still need a good Pre-Buy examination.

3 hours ago, Bugstrider said:

I ran across a Cozy IV that has been for sale for about 5 years per the owner... What I am asking is, what are some key questions would someone need to ask to get an accurate idea on its condition.

I keep a list of all COZY's for sale (that I know or hear of). Which plane is this? It's doubtful that I'm not familiar with it... See:


and page 32 of:


for information on what to look for. But the most important thing is to have someone that knows their ass from a hot rock look at the plane, and just because someone has built and flown one or two of these planes doesn't necessarily mean that they are in that category. I've seen a lot of crap that supposedly knowledgable builders had let slide or just missed.

3 hours ago, Bugstrider said:

  I am still very green regarding getting into the different groups and mailing lists.  Is the mailing lists you mentioned on this forum or located at a different site?  I will start looked for the ones you mentioned.



for COZY mailing list information.

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1 hour ago, Marc Zeitlin said:

No. It's not for sale yet - I'm just projecting that it may be sometime this year. Don't know for sure. Dave will have a more comprehensive list of LE's for sale, but you'd still need a good Pre-Buy examination.

I keep a list of all COZY's for sale (that I know or hear of). Which plane is this? It's doubtful that I'm not familiar with it... See:


and page 32 of:


for information on what to look for. But the most important thing is to have someone that knows their ass from a hot rock look at the plane, and just because someone has built and flown one or two of these planes doesn't necessarily mean that they are in that category. I've seen a lot of crap that supposedly knowledgable builders had let slide or just missed.



for COZY mailing list information.

OK, no worries on the Long-EZ.  I am waiting for David to get back to me after he reviews the information he requested.  Here is the link to the one I saw and spoke with the owner about.  I figured you would have knowledge of the plane.


I appreciate the links to the examination and the PDF.  This information I will review and study to give me a better understanding of things. I understand that the sound pre-purchase inspection by someone who knows what they are doing and what to look for.

Thank you again for your time,


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9 hours ago, Bugstrider said:

Here is the link to the one I saw and spoke with the owner about.  I figured you would have knowledge of the plane.

That's Don Ponciroli and Brendan Woolrich's plane. Almost never flies, way overpriced, needs work and mods. Could be a good project plane if priced reasonably. I've told Don they're asking way too much - maybe they've dropped the price in the intervening years... I'd be extremely concerned about the engine (corrosion), since it lives right on the coast and even though hangared, is almost never used and not pickled. While I don't do this in my Pre-Buy's (I don't take apart other folks' aircraft), in this case I'd want to pull a jug (LOTS OF WORK) and take a look at the cams and rest of the interior, as well as just bore-scoping the cylinders.

And while this is not the latest version of what I use, it'll give you an idea (for a generic canard aircraft) of what I look for in a CI or PB:


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1 hour ago, Marc Zeitlin said:

That's Don Ponciroli and Brendan Woolrich's plane.

Here is the ad.  No price, no hours on the engine!  I will never understand why they make you beg for this information.


Cozy IV N13AM-750 hrs, Long-EZ-85 hrs and sold

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1 hour ago, Kent Ashton said:

Here is the ad.  No price, no hours on the engine!  I will never understand why they make you beg for this information.

Yep. I think folks do it to keep away the tire-kickers, but I agree it's counterproductive. Last I spoke to Don/Brendan, they were asking $90K. I told them they'd be lucky to get $60K, which obviously is not something owners want to hear. The other thing to note from that ad is that it's ancient - they discuss the plane needing an "annual" (no such thing - it's a Condition Inspection, but old habits die hard) in 11/2017.

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