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This is a REALLY nice plane!


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Yeah, I drove up to an RC airfield once just as a lawnmower flew past my car. WTF? It was funny.


Pretty cool though that they can get something shaped like a lawnmower to fly that well.


In his Mods page he alludes to using some of the parts he had made for his Tristar project (which he had shelved) on his new plane...and the wings all came from the old plane; so I'm guessing that his Tristar project is (was) a clone of his own plane. He did mold the fuselage.


Its such a cool plane.

Marc Oppelt

Olympia, WA


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Yeah, I drove up to an RC airfield once just as a lawnmower flew past my car. WTF? It was funny.


Pretty cool though that they can get something shaped like a lawnmower to fly that well.

I am a RC-instructor and the favorite video I show my "students" is this one.

Erlend Moen
Cozy MK IV #1556 - Chapter 16

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I am a RC-instructor and the favorite video I show my "students" is this one.

Yep - that's the same one that is in the Tristar "sneak peek". A friend built one of those, it flew pretty wee - all things being considered! :cool:

Phil Kriley

Cozy #1460

Chapter 13 - nose

Right wing done - working on right winglet.

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Thanks Marc Oppelt for telling your personal, unbiased opinion and signing your note.

Thanks Argoldman for hiding your name and representing the very human reaction of a typical Cozy builder after quick comparison between his plane/project and my Stag.

Thanks to all who made inquiries. Here my answers:

A. The mower is a real flying model and was pointed as a funny tribute to those who make their creativity fly. See:


B. Yes, my Tristar project is real at 70%, but is dormient waiting for the next generation's engine to kiss it

C. No, I don't sell plans for my Stag-Ezr. I have got only notes and calculations I could share, allowing an experienced Ez builder to build it from scratch or retrofit his flying L-Ez/Cozy.

Have fun with your canard!

Gianni Zuliani

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