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After a lot of time and work, I'm proud to release a little pet project of mine. I've taken the liberty of creating a text editable versions of the Cozy POH.


As Spruce is the copyright holder, they are allowing the file to be released to the public. Now common changes can be shared between builders.


More details are available on my website at:


or use this shorter link




Drew Chaplin (aka the Foam Whisperer)


www.Cozy1200.com - I'm a builder now! :cool:


Brace for impact...


Thanks Drew - I downloaded it this morning and printed about half of it. Looks pretty good! I have only found one typo so far - Page 8, first full paragraph, "Constant speed, variable pitch or metal propellers are not are not approved." "are not" is repeated - although perhaps that's intentional for emphasis! ;)


Anyway - much appreciated! Thank you! :cool:

Phil Kriley

Cozy #1460

Chapter 13 - nose

Right wing done - working on right winglet.


Thanks Drew, downloaded and digesting. Have now seen w&b presented in the original form, and have converted to units I can understand :) Guess what? 105kg of Spod on the front seat and I'm bouncing off the front c.g. limit most of the time if there is anybody sitting next to me.


Most importantly, my face sheet has a VH- in front of the rego:cool:

Mark Spedding - Spodman
Darraweit Guim - Australia
Cozy IV #1331 -  Chapter 09


Conversion says that 105 kgs is only 230 pounds of Spod- I know theres at least one Cozy [actually many] that fly 425 lbs max in the front seat, despite the ethereal 400 lb FSL.

And if you stay with the 400lbs, theat allows for a pretty regular sized type person in the front seat.

so, You figuring on allowing pet terriers to ride on your laps?

Self confessed Wingnut.

Now think about it...wouldn't you rather LIVE your life, rather than watch someone else's, on Reality T.V.?

Get up off that couch!!! =)


Progress; Fuselage on all three, with outside and inside nearly complete. 8 inch extended nose. FHC done. Canard finished. ERacer wings done with blended winglets. IO540 starting rebuild. Mounting Spar. Starting strake ribs.


Thanks Drew - I downloaded it this morning and printed about half of it. Looks pretty good! I have only found one typo so far - Page 8, first full paragraph, "Constant speed, variable pitch or metal propellers are not are not approved." "are not" is repeated - although perhaps that's intentional for emphasis! ;)


Anyway - much appreciated! Thank you! :cool:


So noted. Let me know if you find anymore. The OCR isn't perfect by a long shot and I did compare & merge with Yair's version to help pick up even more mistakes.

Drew Chaplin (aka the Foam Whisperer)


www.Cozy1200.com - I'm a builder now! :cool:


Brace for impact...


425 lbs max in the front seat, despite the ethereal 400 lb

I had heard reference to the 400lb, which would be a bit of a limitation for me, but the POH says 425! I've also heard of those going higher.


With Spod and the heftiest Spodling on the front seat I'm under the 425lb, but forward of the FWD cg limit with less than half fuel! Sorry about the thread drift Drew, but it means people are reading it:cool:

Mark Spedding - Spodman
Darraweit Guim - Australia
Cozy IV #1331 -  Chapter 09


I had heard reference to the 400lb, which would be a bit of a limitation for me, but the POH says 425! I've also heard of those going higher.


With Spod and the heftiest Spodling on the front seat I'm under the 425lb, but forward of the FWD cg limit with less than half fuel! Sorry about the thread drift Drew, but it means people are reading it:cool:





First of all, thank you for digitizing the book.




The figures given for W&B, etc are for one plane only, the prototype.


If you are looking at the book for Cessiper or Pipessna or even Mooeach, these planes are all built on specific jigs one is much the same as the next and the W&B for one is pretty much that for the rest. Even then, I believe that each copy is test flown to verify that the above is true.


Our pieces of art are all individual, and although they are similar, they might be very different than the Prototype. That is the reason for our testflying and verification.


The prototype W&B is a good starting point and one should start in the middle of it (or slightly forward for safety) and expand the envelope looking for stability, instability, gottchas etc. There was an excellent series on just this thing in Kitplanes by Barnaby Wanfain.


It is important to determine the frontmost and rearmost cg allowable for YOUR aircraft before exceeding it. Best to determine it and back off slightly.


We fly on a tenuous balance. Don't depend on figures that may not be appropriate for your craft.

I Canardly contain myself!

Rich :D


Thanks for the advice. I wasn't planning on using those numbers, just making sure my dream aircraft matches my mission. I plugged all the w&b data from the POH into my Palm, using the Co-pilot program, now I'm tinkering with missions & weights & consequences of changes.


I'm going to need a really light nose, affecting my choices of instruments/radios & maybe not permitting an electric nose lift or the front hinged canopy I'd prefer. I'd like to make these decisions before I build that bit or buy any expensive hardware.


I entered the first flight limits as a utility envelope and that is easy to stay in for early testing, but I'll figure that all again sometime in the hazy future when I've got REAL numbers.

Mark Spedding - Spodman
Darraweit Guim - Australia
Cozy IV #1331 -  Chapter 09

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