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its for insurance. I do not have any time in one. So I need a check out. Although I don't know how I can get dual in an airplane with dual sticks but no dual rudder or throttle.


When I sold my longez, the buyer's insurance stipulated 10 hours of dual. They were ok with me doing it even though I do not have and instructor rating. They also put me on the buyer's insurance to do this. I have 5 hours with me up front, and then we switched.


Dont the regs require that you have dual rudder and ability to have throttle controls from the other seat if you are to get instruction in the aircraft?

How is it possible to get any true instruction time from a CFI in a Long Ez or Varieze because as far as I know I have never seen one with dual rudder controls.


There are no regs that govern checkouts, only what your insurance company will accept. Often they'll accept an experienced canard pilot as a checkout pilot. They might accept Cozy hours or backseat Vari hours.


Whyncha just fly the Vari uninsured for a while and reapply for insurance after you build some hours?

Cozy IV N13AM-750 hrs, Long-EZ-85 hrs and sold


Why not fly without insurance..............

Ive never flown a varieze

I dont have any front seat canard time

I dont want to lose everything I own


Vonjet---the answer to your question is for you to call your insurance and ask them what they will accept for a checkout. You are not being governed by regulation----but by the insurance company.

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