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Cat's Meow


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I was able to get a good looks at Cat's Meow and Funks Cozy.


He even let me get in side and make the vroom, vroom sounds. I didn't realize how tight it was inside. It's not bad but it is deffinetly a reality check.


What's interesting is that Cat's Meow used a lot of the Aerocanard quick build parts.


Speaking of which I went ahead and settled on the Cozy/Aero kit from a guy in TN.


I will be attempting to pick it up in a few weekends. Anyone up for a roadtrip?



I enjoyed talking to the owners. The wife told my girlfriend she better find herself a hobby. Ha Ha,


Her new hobby will be sanding. Just what all young woman want to do on a crazy Friday night.



I tried talking to Mr. Funk but he must have like 10 kids, at least that's what it seemed like. I really couldn't get any detailed questions out. He did say they are building a second Cozy for the family.


He gave me the raised eyebrow when I said I was buying someones project. Oh well. I'm happy.

Cozy IV project.


Redheaded Stepchild of The Canard Community :bad:

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I went ahead and settled on the Cozy/Aero kit from a guy in TN.

Congratulations! Welome to the fold.


Her new hobby will be sanding. Just what all young woman want to do on a crazy Friday night.

Get her some knee pads so she can sand the underneath. ;)


I tried talking to Mr. Funk ....

That's Dr. Funk, actually. Pity you didnt get chance to chat - he's a VERY interesting guy. I sat opposite him at the Sun & Fun dinner.


He gave me the raised eyebrow when I said I was buying someones project.

You'll get that. You'll also get raised eyebrows at fly-ins when you show up with an airplane after 18 months, while everyone else who started at the same time as you is still sanding.

I can be reached on the "other" forum http://canardaviationforum.dmt.net

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--Congratulations! Welome to the fold.--


Yea, I'm was starting to feel left out.


--Get her some knee pads so she can sand the underneath.--


Knowing her she won't think there for sanding.

I'll tell her it was your idea.;)


--That's Dr. Funk, actually. Pity you didnt get chance to chat - he's a VERY interesting guy. I sat opposite him at the Sun & Fun dinner.--



I wish I could of made it down, it sounds like you guys had a good time. When is the next shin dig you will attend?


--You'll get that. You'll also get raised eyebrows at fly-ins when you show up with an airplane after 18 months, while everyone else who started at the same time as you is still sanding.--


18 Months?, Hey I might catch up with you.;)



I think I'm going to stick with the basics as far as equipment goes.


I would like to get it airborne as rapidly as possible.


My bank account seems far shallower than others.


We'll see how next years tax's go.


My girlfriend is hyped up now after seeing one up front. She also likes the idea of getting out of town more often.


Texas is such a huge state that it's difficult to drive out on a weekend.


Anyhow, I'm starting to ramble.


I'll post a few pics of the the project, there are lot of completed pieces that need to be assembled.


Do you have an idea of how well the aerocanard cowling will fit with the 13B?






:D :D Congratulations! Welome to the fold. :D

Cozy IV project.


Redheaded Stepchild of The Canard Community :bad:

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>Knowing her she won't think there for sanding.

smart girl.


>When is the next shin dig you will attend?

no idea. Depends on when the plane flys. I'd really like to get to Kittyhawk for the December 100th anniversary festivities.


>18 Months?, Hey I might catch up with you.

At this rate you might.


>I think I'm going to stick with the basics as far as equipment goes.

good plan - dont mess with annunciator panels and air conditioning :)


>My bank account seems far shallower than others.

Don't you believe it. Just bite off one chunk at a time. You'll get there.


>Do you have an idea of how well the aerocanard cowling will fit >with the 13B?

I guess it'll fit, but you'll have bumps you dont need and lots of empty space. Use it as is to start, then "modify" it. i.e. chop out the humps and reglass to get a better shape and less drag. You probably have trouble getting a rad under the engine with the lower cowl as is, but having a base to start from is much easier than building from scratch.


Once the deal is done, give us all an idea exactly what you got.

I can be reached on the "other" forum http://canardaviationforum.dmt.net

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Originally posted by John Slade


>When is the next shin dig you will attend?

no idea. Depends on when the plane flys. I'd really like to get to Kittyhawk for the December 100th anniversary festivities.


That would be a lot of fun to attend. When is it?


Once the deal is done, give us all an idea exactly what you got.

I've talked to the owner and told him I would take it. David Orr needs to talk to the owner and then I'll drive up there and pick it up in June.


I just sent you some files via email. I probably swamped your account. Actually, I'm sure I did.


How do you post pics on this system. I see the HTTP string when I click image. I'm guessing I need a webpage, to point to?

Cozy IV project.


Redheaded Stepchild of The Canard Community :bad:

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just sent you some files via email. I probably swamped your account. Actually, I'm sure I did.


Yep, but I saw enough (before you choked my machine and caused a crash, reboot, diskcheck, defrag and file pointer recovery) to know that you got a good deal.


How do you post pics on this system. I see the HTTP string when I click image. I'm guessing I need a webpage, to point to?

Yes. A web site is best. You're going to need one anyway to document you're progress. A lot of peole will be interested in how you get on jumping into a partial project with no idea how to do this stuff. :D

I can be reached on the "other" forum http://canardaviationforum.dmt.net

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Originally posted by John Slade

Yep, but I saw enough (before you choked my machine and caused a crash, reboot, diskcheck, defrag and file pointer recovery) to know that you got a good deal.


You're a programmer right? That stuff should be a piece of cake for you.;)


No really I feel bad, I probably delayed the launch of your Cozy by 2-3 hours. It starts to add up over 3 years of interuptions.





Yes. A web site is best. You're going to need one anyway to document you're progress. A lot of peole will be interested in how you get on jumping into a partial project with no idea how to do this stuff. :D [/b]


That will be interesting, I'll just get one of those little on line cams. You guys can watch me buff in the buff at 2:00 a.m.. :0

Cozy IV project.


Redheaded Stepchild of The Canard Community :bad:

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You know, that's a heck of an idea for a site. A webcam showing live progress in the workshop, even if it only updates every minute or so... Hmm...

Evan Kisbey

Cozy Mk IV plans # 1114

"There may not be any stupid questions, but I've seen LOTS of curious idiots..."

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The Webcam would be very cool!!!


Seeing the work, not the buff.



I'm seen a berkut builder have one, but not a cozy builder yet.

Heres' his link.


His is only active when he works, but I haven't been online when he works yet.


I would love to see someone else do this.

Drew Chaplin (aka the Foam Whisperer)


www.Cozy1200.com - I'm a builder now! :cool:


Brace for impact...

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