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Canard Fans,
     I've decided to start documenting my build on Canard Zone until I can work out a more suitable alternative maybe a Kitlog old blog site. As an introduction my name is Sam and I live in Brisbane Australia, my daily is the Embraer 140 and I've been flying for just over 10 years now. After a lot of procrastinating and research I settled on building one of my favourite designs from one of the greatest minds around Burt Rutan. The hope is to do the design justice, I am incorporating a couple of modifications which most seem to do however it will otherwise be very much a plans build. My current memberships and subscriptions include CSA and Squadron III.
Date: 16-5-2017
Number of Hours: 2
Hours to Date: 2
Manual Reference: Chapter 4
Brief Description: Cut High density bulkheads


The start of the build! Drove out to Warwick (Around 2Hrs) today to cut out some of the fuselage bulkheads and NG30's/Nose Bulkheads for the extended Ary J nose with the bandsaw and scroll saw. My Dad has a large wood workshop which I will make use of during the build which is full of the good stuff - Tools Tools Tools! Thanks Dad :).


Date: 30-5-2017

Number of Hours: 1
Hours to Date: 3
Manual Reference: Chapter 4
Brief Description: Nose Bulkhead Layup


Today was spent on some of the easier and less structural layups to get into the swing of things. Glassed the front side of the two nose bulkheads. Resin is K3600 Araldite. Very clear and easy resin to work with, I can't say from experience but for a beginner it seemed to wet out very nicely. 








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Congratulations on starting Sam.  It's always good to post progress... you might get a worthwhile comment or two, or motivate another builder.


I haven't heard of that epoxy system.  I trust you've researched it, but here's a link to it's specifications: http://www.kirkside.com.au/Uploads/Images/aralditekitk3600.pdf 


I moved your thread to the "Builder Progress Reports & Motivation" sub-forum (under "Building").  Feel free to log whatever you like, and this reminds me that the upgrade will support the option for builder blogs.


Looking forward to seeing your progress...



Jon Matcho :busy:
Builder & Canard Zone Admin
Now:  Rebuilding Quickie Tri-Q200 N479E
Next:  Resume building a Cozy Mark IV

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Congrats on getting your build started, Sam. I want to build an Open-EZ too. I'm still just reading the plans to familiarize myself with the B.O.M/techniques though! :)


BTW, are you a commercial pilot? I looked up Embraer 140 and found a twin-engine regional jet. http://www.embraercommercialaviation.com/Pages/ERJ-140.aspx


@John Matcho Your link to the epoxy specs seems to be broken (for me at least) so I'm putting another here: http://www.kirkside.com.au/Uploads/Images/aralditekitk3600.pdf

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Hi Jon,

Thanks the resin is quite common in Australia, it's used for Aviation and Motorsport. I Believe a couple of other builders may be using this as well.



Yes, at least one experienced EZ builder here in NZ is using it.

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Aerocanard (modified) SN:ACPB-0226 (Chapter 8)

Canardspeed.com (my build log and more; usually lags behind actual progress)
Flight simulator (X-plane) flight model master: X-Aerodynamics


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Hi Mechanizoid, that's the one I fly both the 135 and 140. Prefer the shorter 135 but both are very similar - same plane one is just stretched slightly.

If you're looking to build an Ez make sure you check out YouTube for the following:

Building the Rutan composites

All of the Mike Arnold AR5 videos

And also the Eaa website for their composite videos

Ary J's website is gold for building a long he has made a massive contribution and a big thanks to him for the work he has done. It's very handy to watch his videos and go through his site.



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Mmmmm foam time! Picked up some 20mm Divinycell for the fuselage today. It's only sold here in full 2440x1220mm sheets but the supplier is great to deal with and cut it into the usual quarter sized sheets found in the US which means I can fit it in the car  :cool: .post-169026-0-65198300-1496732604_thumb.jpg

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  • 2 weeks later...

Date: 16-6-2017

Number of Hours: 2

Hours to Date: 5

Manual Reference: Chapter 5

Brief Description: Fuselage Sides


A bit ahead on this one but I had ordered a sheet of 20mm or 0.8in divinycell for the seat bulkheads however the supplier sanded the 20mm sheet down from a 25mm sheet so I decided while it is all the same I will use this as the fuselage sides. Today was spent cutting the sides down to the rough size and microns them together - a lot of time was spent thinking about the best way but it'll be trimmed to final size after the longerons are bonded with a flush trim router. Australia is a bit limited with wood choices - we have some fantastic timbers here but spruce isn't one of them. For the longerons I'll be using A grade clear hoop pine. This however doesn't come in triangle stock so we are making up a jig to use with the thicknesser to mill down the triangle stock from square. More to come.


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This however doesn't come in triangle stock so we are making up a jig to use with the thicknesser to mill down the triangle stock from square. More to come.

Same issue here in NZ - I just took a square section and ran it through the bandsaw set at 45. Worked a treat, even though I had formed said section into a curve to match the curved side of the Cozy. :)

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Aerocanard (modified) SN:ACPB-0226 (Chapter 8)

Canardspeed.com (my build log and more; usually lags behind actual progress)
Flight simulator (X-plane) flight model master: X-Aerodynamics


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Bandsaw was the original thought but the guy at the boat building shop said they do it this way it's a bit wasteful but it's worth a go once the jig is made I can send it to any new builder or supply the triangle stock. I'm sure a lot of other designs could use it too. What fibreglass are you using on your cozy voidhawk? Have you imported Hexcel from the states or is there a local supplier?

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I'm using the Hexcel plans glass, having failed to find a suitable local alternative. Just the other day, I got a sample of a BID that I could potentially obtain in NZ, it's similar weight and weave, but it's a looser weave, so would probably result in a  heavier layup with epoxy filling the gaps. Weight is the enemy!

There is a composites shop in NZ that uses our BID, I believe they obtain it through a Hexcel supplier whom I have talked to - 600m minimum order. I might try my luck buying a partial roll from them, they were kind enough to donate a small amount of glass and foam when I was learning about composites and deciding if wanted to build an entire aircraft out of the stuff.

Occasionally a builder abandons their project and sells off their parts and materials at a discount. I have saved $100s buying some glass this way recently. But mostly I've ordered through Aircraft Spruce directly.

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Aerocanard (modified) SN:ACPB-0226 (Chapter 8)

Canardspeed.com (my build log and more; usually lags behind actual progress)
Flight simulator (X-plane) flight model master: X-Aerodynamics


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Date: 17-6-2017

Number of Hours: 4

Hours to Date: 9

Manual Reference: Chapter 5

Brief Description: Fuselage Sides


Routed the right side fuselage depression for the control stick using the circle cutter on a dremel router.

Also completed the jig for cutting the longerons I ran out of time but Dad had it finished the next day. Next trip out will probably be used to prepare all of the wood for the fuse sides.


Date: 18-6-2017

Number of Hours: 1

Hours to Date: 10

Manual Reference: Chapter 4

Brief Description: bulkheads


Back to the bulkheads, I cleaned up all of the edges after they'd been cut with the bandsaw so they are ready for glass now. Easy job to do at home while on reserve.



I looked into kitlog again but it isn't mac friendly so I guess I'll have to look at a blog or keep going here.




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I looked into kitlog again but it isn't mac friendly so I guess I'll have to look at a blog or keep going here.

There's an upgrade coming here that will improve builder blogs. I'll see about converting threads, like this one, to the blog format where comments (like this one) will appear as comments.


Keep up the good work.

Jon Matcho :busy:
Builder & Canard Zone Admin
Now:  Rebuilding Quickie Tri-Q200 N479E
Next:  Resume building a Cozy Mark IV

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