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Noise levels in a Cozy.........

Joe Patterson

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Ok....giving you the word on the "What Where Composites"..........Dust.........maybe you skipped my post , just ahead of yours...


So, new Thread....I have never flown in a Canard pusher(Or any Pusher for that matter). I have only seen one canard in my life.


Again, I am interested to know from someone that has flown in a Cozy......What are the noise levels......and not in technical terms, but in human terms...like "Loud".."Not So loud"...."pisses My wife off/Loud"....."Quieter than Most"......etc.etc.etc.


If I can build something into the cowl, or firewall to dampen the noise, I would like to......Therefore the "Investigation"


I am Building a Jo-Z IV StarShip.


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sorry native spirit, i was answering the post before yours. I have only been up once and it was noisy as all get out, all of the voices in my head were screaming with exitement.


Other than that i'll let the experts reply


enjoy the build



maker wood dust and shavings - foam and fiberglass dust and one day a cozy will pop out, enjoying the build


i can be reached at



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Two thoughts on noise:


1. Much of the noise you hear in a pusher is wind noise

2. The rest is basically engine noise and vibration. Those who had a Lcyoming, then installed a Rotary (eg Tracy Crook) have told me that the difference in noise and vibration is very significant. Tracy said that a 3 hour trip used to leave his teeth rattling and his ears ringing. Now it's a much more comfortable ride. One RV builder I met was in the process of removing a Lycoming 320 and installing a 13B following one trip in Tracy's plane.

I can be reached on the "other" forum http://canardaviationforum.dmt.net

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A good pair of comfortable ANR headsets makes the plane intensely quiet. I certainly would choose that over spending alot of time, money, and weight adding sound suppression stuff to the airframe and engine. Take any report from after market sound suppression efforts and you'll see it takes close to 100 pounds of "stuff" to get the dBs down into the high 80s. That's still plenty loud, especially over a 4-hour flight.


....Wayne Hicks

Wayne Hicks

Cozy IV Plans #678


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Does anyone know of a Graph or chart comparring Db levels to Cessna 172, etc. etc. etc........My 1959 C172.....will raddle your brains, after four or five hours with a pair of headsets clamped to my head, I get a headach..........


Of course, I guess in four or five hours in a Cozy, I will be a LONG way down the road.



I suppose, When Marc gets out this way, I will get to ride in a Cozy........I am Just feeling inquisitive.



Does anyone know of a Graph or chart comparring Db levels to Cessna 172, etc. etc. etc


Love your brother, Groove Doggers.


I am Building a Jo-Z IV StarShip.


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Okay....logging onto http://www.cafefoundation.org, I get the following noise level measurements for these selected aircraft. The Cafe Foundation didn't have any data from Cessnas and Pipers, so I took some from aircraft that may be similar. If you want dBs from Cessna and Piper, you'll have to find that yourself :-)


...Wayne Hicks


Cozy IV

N494CZ (Mark Beduhm's plane)

62 Ambient

81 Idle

92 Full Power Climb

96 75% power cruise



103 Full power climb

99 75% cruise


Glasair III

100.7 Full power climb

100.7 75% power cruise


Lancair 320

62 Ambient

76 Idle

96 Full Power Climb

99 75% power cruise

Wayne Hicks

Cozy IV Plans #678


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Not to patronize anyone unintentionally, but unless I'm mistaken, 99 dB is (ideally) twice as loud as 96 dB... And I'll admit un-ashamedly that I had to look that up to refresh my memory. ;)

Evan Kisbey

Cozy Mk IV plans # 1114

"There may not be any stupid questions, but I've seen LOTS of curious idiots..."

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I'm not cut and pasting, and hope I can get away with this link, it is after all the result of a simple Google search.




ANR headsets make a Piper Cherokee Archer much more bareable, and combined with having the engine and prop in the back, an auto conversion replacing that awfuly loud Lycoming, I would imagine it will be very quiet indeed.:D



The Coconut King

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Originally posted by ekisbey

Not to patronize anyone unintentionally, but unless I'm mistaken, 99 dB is (ideally) twice as loud as 96 dB... And I'll admit un-ashamedly that I had to look that up to refresh my memory. ;)


Well, it's not patronizing, because it's not correct :-). A 3 dB difference is twice the acoustic POWER, but NOT twice the "loudness", or perceived noise level. If you played two noises, one 3 dB louder than the other, right after one another, you'd probably be able to say which one was louder than the other, but it wouldn't bowl you over with the difference. If you played them 1/2 hour apart, you would not be able to tell which was louder.


Your ear perceives things logarithmically (approximately), so even twice the acoustic power is not always perceivable. Now, a 6 dB difference WILL be noticable.


At any rate, the #'s shown here are not substantially different from the ones indicated in No4's links (no problem at all with links - they're just pointers to the original information). The 99dB of the Lancair and the 96 dB of the COZY wouldn't really be noticeably different, and the 96 dB of the COZY and the 93.5 dB of the C-150 (from the link) wouldn't be that different either.


Personally, I can't tell any major difference between the C-172's, Katanas and Warriors that I used to fly and the COZY. I ALWAYS use an ANR headset - wouldn't fly without one. ALL of these airplanes are way too loud to be flown in without hearing protection, and you'll NEVER get the sound level below that which you get with ANR headphones any other way.

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