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Everything posted by filiperosa

  1. Hello, I was looking on this website: http://v2.ez.org/nose1204.htm About carving a new nose. It is written: The NG-31 bulkhead is enlarged, Here is a cad drawing that can be used to properly size it. However the cad link: http://v2.ez.org/nosecad.dxf is not working. Anyone has this file that could share? Thanks, Filipe
  2. Hello Steve, Will you sell only the front ones? Thanks, Filipe
  3. Hello Kevin, Thank you very much for the help. If you know someone selling one of the lighest kits like Cleveland or Grove say me something. Regards, Filipe
  4. My epoxy MGS 285 it is 40:100 by weigth or 50:100 by volume. Would yours pump suit?
  5. Hello Steve, Is this adjustable? If yes what is the range? Thanks, Filipe
  6. Hello Jean, How much can you get one for? Thank you, Filipe
  7. Hello, Still have the parts for sale? Regards Filipe
  8. Hello,still have the engine mount for sale? Thanks Filipe
  9. Hello Steve, If you do not sell it please contact me at filiperosa at 360blue.org. Thanks
  10. Hello Jon, I would like to talk you for all the work you made with the drawings.
  11. Hello Jean, Thanks a lot Jean, I just sent them an email. Do you know other French supplies for EZ parts like Cowls? Thanks, Filipe
  12. Hello, I am looking for a Long-EZ canopy, Thanks, Filipe
  13. Thanks DC, I just decided to start building one from scratch. Thank you anyway.
  14. Hello, I am looking to buy a Long-Ez project in Europe. Thanks Filipe
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