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I am curious to know if it is legal or OK to build as many of these unsupported, By the original manufacturer, aircraft as you want. The reason I ask is because when I purchased the Cozy IV plan, serial 1760,  I had to sign a document that I would not monkey with the design and that I would only build one.  It did not mention building and selling parts of them though. However, I see many companies selling Long EZ and other aircraft that are no longer offered. Al at Aerocanard is the only person I can find that offers a cozy in kit form, but I know he has permission. By the way Al is a very cool guy and will help you out with canard info if he can whether you buy something or not. The guy video chatted with me for an hour about a partial build I was going to buy that they said was an aerocanard. I asked Al if he would look at it with me and he did not hesitate. In my book the guy is first class. 

Anyway I always wanted to build aircraft when I retire in 10 or so years and often wondered at the legalities of building Long EZ for sale or Quikies, or anything really. By the way, I am aware of the legal responsibility of doing that and ramifications. Maybe not 100% as I am no lawyer, I just play one on TV..lol. Seriously though I did take a few Aviation law classes for my aviation degree so I am only partially dumb. Also I plan to retire outside the US. In a more pliable country. 

The funny thing is I don't care about making money, I just want to help poor kids reach their flying dreams. I was dirt poor. Actually I did not even have dirt so... It took me until my 30s to reach my dreams, although I knew since age 5 I wanted to fly. Bad choices as a teen made me miss a very small oppurtunity to maybe fly for military if I would have been able to join at the time. I had to become a little more successful to afford my dream and that took 3 decades plus some years but I did it and I'd love to help kids in my previous position to make their dreams a reality. Before you ask why wait start doing that here. I am trying with my local orphanage/boys home but there is lots of red tape. I also want to approach the high school as well. I can show them my build and I have space for a team of kids to build a long EZ or whatever.  I guess we will see. 

Anyway if you know the answer to my original question please respond and blue skies people.




Search for Open-ez on this site.  Rutan said some years ago to one of our esteemed members that he did not object to people building from copied plans but he asked that they not call it a Long-ez so he would not have liability for it.

The problem with building a composite with other people's kids is that it is a L-O-N-G project that taxes their time and attention span; you have to be concerned with chemicals, allergies, the cost of materials, space required and the mess of composite building.   Yeah "red tape" is right.

  There was an outfit that tried to get gifted and/or runout airplanes for school kids to repair or work on.  I can't recall the name or whether they are still active.

Cozy IV N13AM-750 hrs, Long-EZ-85 hrs and sold

15 hours ago, Aeolus said:

I am curious to know if it is legal or OK to build as many of these unsupported, By the original manufacturer, aircraft as you want.

For aircraft plans sold by companies no longer in business and for which no copyright owner can be found (or who has given up the rights to the copyright), have at it. For the COZY MKIV, owned and sold by ACS, you're restricted to the agreement you sign with them.

15 hours ago, Aeolus said:

Al at Aerocanard is the only person I can find that offers a cozy in kit form, but I know he has permission.

Al neither has nor needs permission, since he's not selling COZY MKIV plans, but only parts. Only the plans are copyrighted - nothing in any of these planes is patented.

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