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left / right fuel tank selector handle


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I am having trouble inflight reaching the L/R fuel tank selector handle located in the usual place between the pilots legs.


Unfortunately, I am 173 cm in height, sit in a raised position, my arms are too short, I can only just reach the handle with the tips of my fingers and my head is hitting the canopy during the tank change, it sometimes takes me a couple of shots to complete the change. All in all an unpleasant experience.


Does anyone know where I can buy an extended L / R fuel tank selector handle that I can reach more easily ?


Are there any other simple solutions to my problem?



Paul G Smart

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I presume you have the usual cheap Weatherhead valve.



You could try extending the handle. Tilt the plane back so the valve is above the fuel level. Remove the stem and handle. Fit an extension tube over the stem and rivet it to the stem. Rivet a rod in the top of the new tube. drill and tap it for the screw and shape the flat spot for the handle.


I did this on a new build in order to raise the handle. Any other solution is quite a bit more work, I think.


That would be a good time to lube the spool with a thin smear of Fuel Lube. Don’t use much or bits of it will lodge in ghe gascolator screen and stay there.


Alternatively, maybe there is a short tool you could make to reach the handle.

Cozy IV N13AM-750 hrs, Long-EZ-85 hrs and sold

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"173 cm in height"     5'8".... not typically a problem.

"sit in a raised position"   I am guessing you are using a thick seatback cushion?  

"my arms are too short"  like a T-rex?  Are they normal length arms or do you have an unusual circumstance?

"I can only just reach the handle with the tips of my fingers and my head is hitting the canopy during the tank change"  THIS sounds very unsafe.  This does not sound typical for a Long-EZ.

"Does anyone know where I can buy an extended L / R fuel tank selector handle that I can reach more easily ?"  There are many good fuel valve solutions.  This may involve moving your valve, installing a different valve, or some other solution.  


You DO have a fixable problem here, and it does need to be addressed.

Please post some photos (from different viewing perspectives) of you fuel valve installation to help everyone understand the problem and therefore recommend a solution.  

Edited by Andrew Anunson

Andrew Anunson

I work underground and I play in the sky... no problem

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