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2nd Australian Canard Muster

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G'Day all,


The 2nd annual Australian Canard Muster will be held at Wangaratta on the weekend of 6-7 March. Building on the success of last years event, we hope to gain representation by both builders and especially fliers from more of Australia this year.


There will be a timed event over an approximately 100nm triangular course, so come along and see what performance (speed/fuel consumption) you can achieve. I'm sure that alone will generate some technical discussions over the BBQ. Note, there may be an RV or two that also participate, so let's show them what we can do ;)


The following website is where you will find all the details and ipdates on information and planning:




Please pass the word to any Aussie Canardians you may know (or anyone from overseas in Australia at this time), and I hope that we can make this even more successful than last years event, and a great step up for next years event as well.





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