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Lifessamsara makes the move

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Bruce, alias Lifessamsara, has moved his project from storage to a real workplace. The usual suspects were enlisted, all done eleven hours later. Does that go in the builders log?


Pics – 1. A little table and a jig or two (Bourne conspiracy if you ask me) 2. Fits nicely on a small trailer, just a touch wide 3. Outside the new home, strangely named ‘Docklands’ 4. A LE holder going into Bruce’s construction corner.







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One week later...there are three wings on a wall - please explain? The aircraft cradle worked out well with the plane easily moveable although Bruce was a little camera shy after making the obligatory aircraft noises...





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Guys, thanks for all the well wishes and help in getting everything into my new facility.


Jack, I think I'm right for the nose gear, but I do seem to recall you had a set of matco's for sale??


!st order of business for me is tidying up the fuse', inspecting the MLG mounting on the retracts, then prepping for the new nose (much needed).


I will pop a photo in here every so often with my progress.




Bruce. :)

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