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lycoming IO-720


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What do you mean by useful info.? Useful to what? Each iteration in Lycomings line up with 360 size juggs adds 2 more cylinders in parallel. 360/4..540/6..72/8.... each adds about 100 pounds. Is there something canardwise you are planning on building that could fly with that much steel in its arse?:cool:

Self confessed Wingnut.

Now think about it...wouldn't you rather LIVE your life, rather than watch someone else's, on Reality T.V.?

Get up off that couch!!! =)


Progress; Fuselage on all three, with outside and inside nearly complete. 8 inch extended nose. FHC done. Canard finished. ERacer wings done with blended winglets. IO540 starting rebuild. Mounting Spar. Starting strake ribs.

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I have about 100 hours in a Queen Air with the Excalibur conversion which is putting 720's on instead of the stock geared engines. Operating the 720 was no different than the 360 or 540. But, it sure does sound awesome! The owner of the airplane was demanding about babying the engines. He said that the engines and parts were not that easy to come by. Cant say that I can verify that because he handled everything with the airplane except flying it.

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I still dont understand this train of questions. If you need a 720's characteristics you need a 720. How can a 540 be an option?

"...540 just as good a buy"??? what does that mean?

Self confessed Wingnut.

Now think about it...wouldn't you rather LIVE your life, rather than watch someone else's, on Reality T.V.?

Get up off that couch!!! =)


Progress; Fuselage on all three, with outside and inside nearly complete. 8 inch extended nose. FHC done. Canard finished. ERacer wings done with blended winglets. IO540 starting rebuild. Mounting Spar. Starting strake ribs.

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