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Hi folks,


I recently changned out all the rod ends in my roll control system, and anyway, after rigging ieverything. it seems my ailerons go up, the same amount as they go down.

I dont recall what the travel was before, (I should have measured it)


but now, the travel is 2.0up and perhaps a 1/32 less than that down.


does this seem correct?




Changing the rod ends, and ensuring neutral position is the same, cannot change the geometery of your system so the up vs down must be the same.


The owners manual says aileron travel should be 1.9" + or - 0.3" at the outboard edge. It doesn't give a direction or note any differential so it seems yours is correct.

Adrian Smart

Cozy IV #1453


From a quick look, it does not look like the Varieze lays it out like the Long and Cozy (adjustment not in the manual---at least not that I could find). Quick look in the plans shows +/-20 degrees---but did not find a tolerance.




Ive looked through my plans, and the only reference I can seem to find, is a note showing the aileron bell crank and stop bolt. the note mentions the aileron should travel 20degrees when the bellhorn hits the stop bolt (I cant remember what page this is on- the plans are in the hanger)


anywho, it just seems a bit odd to me that the ailerons travel up and down the same amount. The plane has always seemed to have "more adverse yaw" than others, and I was thinking this was perhaps why?



Thanks for all the input!




The plane has always seemed to have "more adverse yaw" than others, and I was thinking this was perhaps why?



Thanks for all the input!

:eek::yikes: :yikes:

Check your CG !!!

I had the same "more adverse yaw" feeling.... resulting from an aft CG position VE + Lyc O-235.

The plan doesn't want to turn easly to the the left !..........

So, I cut Canard from 150" to 142"; add ballast in nose, change automotive alternator to SD-8, to get CG in First flight CG range, and all work nice now.

I can get you more details if required.

Feel free to ask privatly more details.




Check actual CG position :envy:



VE F-PMPZ @ LFPK / France


VE 1736

F-PMPZ @ LFPK (France)




my plane, although flying near the rearwards c of G limit, is still in limits and "stalls" normal. it has the shortened canard, votilons, and the min ballast needed to keep me in limits. Ive got everything rigged back up, and should be able to do a test flight tonight to see how it works, I'll keep everyone posted.






During first test flights all was ok, 150" canard, but CG in range (for 150"). A bite aft, but in range...

No modification to the airplane.

Realy none.


But me ?:envy::confused:

My body weihgt was 20 lb less than for initial flights !:scared::o

And that was a big change.....

Now corrected w 140", etc....


Out of topic question :

What about your #4 CHT ?

After baffles mods and mods.... I get today 400/420°F. (was far more...:( ).

Are you satisfied w yours ?





VE 1736

F-PMPZ @ LFPK (France)


So I finally was able to test fly the airplane this morning, and it seems to roll a little ezier! with bit less adverse yaw as well.


I think I might have to redo my W&B as the plane has had several "changes" since I last weighed it.



As for my CHT, I normally see around 375 in cruise, and 400 or so on climbout, they hey to keeping them down is rich mixtures, and high climb speeds.



I'll update when I have some additional info,





"I think I might have to redo my W&B as the plane has had several "changes" since I last weighed it. "


Ailerons' tarvel is in Aileron addedum.

CHT #4 : In green arc now ! :thumbsup: 350-375°F @ 120kt, 2300 rpm, MAP 23". Ouf ....

400-420 on climbout; After hard air cowling leak beating (too large apertures in under cowling sides' for ailerons' rod and winglets' cables "clearance" !.:irked::confused: ...).

I try to check pressure delta from top (low) to bottom (hight) engine, but extra airspeed indicator I used doesn't work correctly. 'should change the lines or "sensors". Seems to be 110 mph / 6" H²O..... To be verified more.....

Now waiting for 3 other CHT probes w rotary selector, to monitor what the situation is on # 1 to 3 cylinders head.


I'm intersted in your coming additional info.





VE 1736

F-PMPZ @ LFPK (France)

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