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Posts posted by Aiman

  1. Wow... thanks, David, for shedding light on that VERY critical subject. I will wind up getting my glass from an approved supplier per the plans specs instead of looking for that 'smokin hot deal'. Period.


    If it sounds too good to be true...... :mad:

  2. Sorry about the interruption.


    I now have the TERF CD, and the bill of materials. I am going to just wait and buy in bulk, then order the wing/canard/winglet cores from Eureka.. so.. basically all I need to worry about is the fuselage, hardware, glass/epoxy, and the panel/electrical and engine systems.


    On to Chapter 4, since I already have those materials... :D

  3. Consider the source of that claim. It's complete BS.

    I always consider the source(s). This is why I am over here, and not on the 'other' forum.. which.. not to add Jet A to an already RAGING fire.... didn't that forum recently melt down just before RR this last summer because one of the admins just HAD to have things his way (even though he was dead wrong)? Anyways, I digress.


    I've met Marc, and most everyone else associated with this little squabble. Trust me, I'll fly with Marc before any of the other 'sources'. I'll take his word anyday over them too.


    How about giving Nat a call yourself?

    I would NEVER bother Nat in his retirement, since I am not even building a Cozy anymore! I'd hate to impose. :o


    And yes... don't let the door hit you in the azz on the way out. We don't have time for this BS. I asked a serious question, and I got a couple of serious answers, and a few things to do more research on, thats all I wanted.


    I rarely open fire like this. but god damn.. you have had this coming for a LONG time. Do you know how many people were betrayed by the brainless, ham fisted moderation, and eventual closing of your forum? Do you even think about this sh!t before you open your mouth or type, or click that mouse?


    Jon/Admins/Moderators, apologies for the strong words used here, and the unnecessary drama it may cause, but, some things do need to be said.

  4. My guess (and that's all it is) is that it's some sort of 'low fuel' level indicator or something. Could also light the liquid fuel so you can see the level easier.


    Also could be (unlikely) some sort of low level sensor as well.

  5. I was planning on using the 'chapter' kits that are available from Wicks when I started my CozyIV project. Is it possible to just continue ordering these since the cozy/Long/open follow the same chapter layout? I know I will have a bit of extra foam from each chapter, since the Open is a little smaller than the Cozy..


    Or, should I order the Fiberglass kit from AS&S, and get foam as I need it? Or order bulk fiberglass (by the roll) and foam as I need it?



  6. Dude... seriously... Saranac Lake is GORGEOUS. I spend every single summer vacation in the Adirondack mountains, hiking or mountainbiking. You could not ask for a more beautiful, serene area.


    I would seriously consider Saranac Lake or Lake Placid, but there are almost zero opportunities for an IT professional there. Unless I want to be like a computer fix-it handy-guy, unfortunately there isn't steady good money in that.


    The airports up there ROCK though. As long as you dont mind ridge effect and tubulence caused by the surrounding mountains....


    Lake Placid Airport http://www.airnav.com/airport/KLKP

    Adirondack Regional Airport http://www.airnav.com/airport/KSLK

  7. Alright.. now this is a really dumb question, I didnt see it on their website... but.. is the TERF CD a single disc, two or a 3 disc set? I am asking because I found a 3-CD 'rutan encyclopedia, volume 1, 2 & 3' for sale locally, for 50 bucks less. :envy:

  8. ^ Interesting site. Filled out a profile... it gave me 4 pages worth of suggestions.. 2 of which I might consider as well. They collect a bit more personal information than I feel comfortable with giving though, and they have you fill out a marketing survey before they give you your answers. I reeeeeealy don't like sites that do that.. so they got a lot of fake info. heh.


    Austin, Tx is looking good right now because of the plethora of tech jobs. So is Tulsa, Tucson, and Vegas, baby, Vegas.

  9. Sharepoint... ahhhh microsoft.. actually a good product, I admit. :)


    Well.. I would put a specific area on the site for the openEz, a file area... maybe a dedicated section for each canard type.. the key to a good site is a lot of searchable info.. the more the better, imo


    Articles written by users could be cool... How-To's... A well maintained links section... photo gallery. umm.. im sure I could think of other stuff, but thats what popped into my head while I was typing out this post. Anyone else care to contribute?


    OH.. yeah.. good design. Good graphics. Unfortunately in today's world, people lend a LOT of credibility to a site based on its layout and graphics design. Sad, but true.

  10. Jon,


    It smells like you use vBulletin. ;) I would look into portal/frontends that can just interface with vB. I'm sure you can find some on the vB support forum. vBadvanced CMPS and vBPortal are two that pop into my head.


    But if you want to do a portal from scratch, nothing can beat Joomla. Open source, free, and the best I have ever used. Incredibly steep learning curve though. It beat me up the first 2 or 3 times I designed a site with it. :irked:


    If you want a 'recipe' for a killer site, I'm sure I could steer you in the right direction. It's what I do professionaly. (no charge, of course) :)

  11. ^^ You are exactly right, however, you would not be using the total available pixels that particular display provides. I know that many LCD display & presentation projectors and what not have off center correction, called 'keystoning' if you get past the lenses optical keystone limit, the display starts to distort the image by dropping pixels along various axis. The result.. well.. isn't optimal.

  12. Do you realy need the extra 'turn'?


    could you do this to simplify:

    Target /----- >oo (eyes)





    Bascially have the display pointed up.[/code]

    Without the second mirror, the 'projected' display would be inverted and reversed. The inverted is easy to fix.. mount the display upside down. Reversed is a WHOLE other ball of wax, especially to process in real-time. Trust me, a second mirror is a much simpler solution.

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