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Posts posted by tonyslongez

  1. Do you intend to use just one of these in the middle of the canopy???



    NO the idea here is to replace the existing hinge that Dave has on the Berkut, not because the hinge is inadequate. Because they don't make them anylonger and alot of people want the Berkut hinge to use on the long Ez. This hinge is easy to make.


    Do you have full version with cosmos, motion and etc. if yes is that possible to make stress analysis of the entire hinge



    Yes I have the full version of Solid works with cosmo. I have class today until 5:00pm PST

    I'll do the analysis tonight when I get home. If it looks good I'll start machining them, send them out to be anodized and it will look just like the rendering.:D



  2. I don't have 6061 casting option in Inventor so I believe solid casting should be slightly lighter.

    Mac that seems plausible. If you have the DXF file I can put it in solid works and tell you exactly what they are going to weigh. The solid hinge may be lighter that's fine but it's hard to make. I will take the weight penalty for the two piece hinge that I can machine on my mill not to mention it looks cool.:cool:

    BTW.. if you ever need to know about metals. I use these guys to set up my metals in Cosmo.




  3. Stick with the 360, you'll be happier in the end.

    Wich 360???? now James R. says on his website he used a IO360B2B I can't find that anywhere. I was told you can't use the angle valve Lycoming because of the cowl. So which Lycoming is it? I want to get my engine as soon as possible.:)



  4. Richard here is the link for the one in Florida http://www.barnstormers.com/cat.php?PHPSESSID=fcb0c2acc9ae4ef68a93fb040e788fae

    Daniell has tried several times now to sell this kit. it hasn't sold because it was assembled incorrectly to the point where it needs a new set of wings, and most likely a new canard. He wants $40,000 :scared: a bit steep for an airplane that may have some major issues. I think if it wasn't so messed up it would've been sold by now. Mind you I'm going on info from people who know this airplane and this builder very well. They wouldn't touch it with a ten foot pole. That's saying alot, because you can fix allmost anything wrong with a composite airplane. Apparently this one is way out of tolerances. he might be better off if he parts it out.


    the engine mount was a C kit item.

    the kit has the engine mount for the 360 so we are good there. question will be, if it was assembled incorrectly like James Redmonds was. Hopefully not, but it can be fixed if it was.


    Mine is upside down on sawhorses right now, but it qualifies as a flying Berkut, I think.

    Where is it located?


    You absolutely need to buy the drawing set from John Griffiths, and join the email list through Rob Cherney


    John Griffiths has a web site yes?

    do you have an e-mail for Rob?




  5. Jack- yeah that's pretty good. I thought I saw a youtube video of him going 180kts I thought that was as fast as he could or would go. So my mistake, I have alot to learn about Berkuts.:rolleyes: Johns Berkut is doing 300mph with the IO540. He did say however tonight when we talked that if he had to do it all over again he would've gone with the IO360, to keep it light and have better range. So it looks like the IO360 is the winner.



    Richard- Yeah I may need those molds I'm not sure what is coming with this kit. all I know right now is, the C-kit is the only thing that is missing. I will reveal the owner as soon as I get the kit in my hands it's being shipped as we type. I can tell you this though it isn't the one for sale in Florida. I have it on pretty good authority that the kit in Florida is messed up pretty bad, so I didn't even look at it. How much did they qoute you for the hydraulics?


    T-MAnn- thanks for the link are you flying a berkut? Who's flying berkuts on this list? do we know?



  6. Thanks TMann


    I now have the strakes and gear and canopy frames nailed down. All I need now are the actuators for the gear. The company that supplied the actuators for the Berkut was bought out and the new owner will not sell them to experimental builders. I'll figure it out, the hard part is done, which was getting the rest of the c- kit. Now for the Million dollar question

    20b or IO540?:rolleyes: No seriously! I think I'm going with the IO-540. My buddy John over here in Vega$$ has the IO-540 on his. He thinks making it a IO-360 will be better for gas mileage and be alot lighter. John can do about 230knts in his Berkut. I think James Redmond is only going 180knts (I think)

    with his 360. Now, I saw the mattituck TMX-390@ 210bhp that might get me to 200knts on the money maybe 210. Has anyone flown a mattituck engine?




  7. Just acquired a Berkut kit only problem is, it is only the A and B kit I need the C-kit to finish it. Talked with some friends of mine that have access to the rest of the C-kit. The landing gear isn't a problem just the actuators. The strakes and canopy frames are new old stock from a previous Berkut owner. So now tonyslongez project will now be tonys Berkut project. John if you need weights or drawings let me know I also have all the construction videos.

    (I can't believe I finally got a Berkut):D



  8. Does this long nose add 3" or 6" to the length of the airplane? I haven't done the weight and balance however I heard that this will balance a o-360 or a similar weighted engine without ballast. Is this correct?

    I think it's more along the lines of 12"in. But the length of the nose is not what is going to offset your o-360 in the W&B, it's the 6" added to the fuselage between the frontseat bulkhead and the rear seat bulkhead, that's the biggest factor of the W&B. Don't get me wrong the nose will add some weight up front but not enough for the larger engine.



  9. your only issue is space and available power really but the larger machines tend to have much better motors (servo's and encoders instead of cheaper steppers)

    and ball screw motion



    I agree 100% with you I could buy a bridgeport or tree mill and retrofit it but the problem is as you pointed out is space and power. Don't forget the weight of those older machines they weigh upwards of 2000lbs or more I don't want to move it or have it influence me moving if I decide to buy a newer house. You may laugh at that but I just talked to a gentleman in Arizona who had they same problem. It's like trying to move a 2000lb dead gorrilla you really don't look forward to something like that.(I have a clausing 8520 that I hate to move and it's not that heavy 1300lbs) Now if I had a permanent place to put it I would do just that buy an older machine and retrofit it myself the only other thing with that is time to retrofit the machine, time that could've been spent making parts with a machine that is allready to go.



  10. Doc


    Here is the address for the mill http://www.tormach.com/Product_PCNC_main.html

    it's an R8 spindle. So far this is the only medium sized cnc machine that I have found that is easy to move and runs on 220 single phase perfect for the hanger or garage.


    As far as MMac in concerned I just called them and got a cell phone voice mail, left a message for a Mike, maybe he'll call me back and let me know the scoop.


    It is taking awhile to design it using different available spring shock designs and actuators. The most difficult part is finding room in the strake for the gear without having to change it's length by mechanical means. I am trying to keep it as simple as possible so there is less points for failure.

    That's why I didn't go into the strakes. It seemed alot easier to just tuck them up under the belly of the fuse, you don't loose any fuel capicity.

    and like you said it has air assistance coming down.



  11. Tom


    Are you planning on using an oleo strut? That really complicates the design.(not to mention weight) not to say you can't do that but the math to work that out is pretty intense.

    I chose to go with a set of Grove aluminum gear. Robie Grove can figure out the gear spring rates for all types of aircraft using flat spring type legs. The legs are made from 7075 1"in thick aluminum really nice stuff very lite weight 11lbs each.

  12. look at this one as well. these are good for 1 million cycles. why these aren't used in retracts today is beyond me.


    Mmac can custom make these they are out of canada they ask alot of questions for their use. Make sure you never mention the word "AIRPLANE" say "off road vehicle" or "ROBOT" they run about $2800 to $3000 dollars but well worh it, I think. The one I have is $1800 got it off ebay for (ready for this) $300. the guy had 2 more but I can't remeber for the life of me who it was. I think they pop up from time to time on there, you just have to keep looking.


    Tom are you an engineer?

    if not that's O.K. I support your efforts 110% either way. If you don't allready have it get the book Landing gear design for light aircraft BY: Ladislao Pazmany. I can't say enough about it.


    Waiter I'll call you later!!! Hey that rhymes


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