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Posts posted by Spodman

  1. You seem a bit disappointed at the lukewarm response to your plans Colin, but I suspect that is because it is a bit hard to discern what the plan is... Wanting to bolt an engine that does not exist, (and does not seem likely to ever exist) is a problem too... :cool2:

    I have not built or flown a Q, but have read a bit about them. The QAC newsletters claim the LS-1 predates the Roncz, but I hadn't previously heard the claim that the Roncz was based on the LS-1, and don't see what advantage would be had substituting one for the other. They were developed to stop the GU pitching down in rain, and it is claimed the LS-1 works. The plans are out there to build the LS-1, why change it?

    Check out quickiebuilders.org for a lot of information, and more Quickie builders and flyers than you will get here. You don't have to LEAVE though, a lot of what is chewed over here will be relevant. You will also find a link to an Aussie builder who supplies cf spars for the LS-1.

    I think most builders stop when they do the sums and realise they will have to go way over the designed max gross weight if they want to do something radical like carry a passenger AND fuel. Most of those advertised for sale have low hours, maybe for the same reason.

    I understand the UK (assuming this is where you are from) regulator is just as restrictive as the Australians used to be. The rules here used to mean you could only build to plans, with no deviations other than the ones THEY imposed... Are you able to make the changes you want to?

  2. erm, is it a terminology thing? The way I read it he took the WHEEL off the aircraft, then removed the old tube and replaced it without removing the tyre (tire?) from the wheel.


    I may be wrong, but this does seem likely. Agree the thread damage is a concern. If you are not sure the axle is cactus or not get an opinion from somebody who knows, and get a new nut.

  3. I haven't built anything yet, but check out the Oz version of EAA/LAA here:




    Rules here used to be just as restrictive as they are there, now are quite similar to the US. I understand the regulators can be a bit more restrictive here for un-duplicated ignition systems. You CAN build a Cozy as a 4 seater here.


    Whereabouts are you thinking of making camp?

  4. If you have a look at the rest of the Quickie files here you will see there is not a lot of building/flying going on here. I would recommend http://www.quickiebuilders.org/ They have a detailed site and active yahoo group where you will get more informed answers.


    I see on the above site somebody is building with a rotary. I think they are very brave, the aircraft was designed for a 65hp volksy motor and even the O-200 is a shoehorn job that has you putting a cake tin on the firewall to make it fit. Even at the weights some people there are flying at I would have the choice of either fuel or a passenger, not both...


    Lots of luck

  5. ...you'll have a better aeroplane if you leave out urethane foam anyway...

    Yep, handling the stuff on Drew's Cozy Midnight and seeing the pics of your wing foam nose have sold me - no urethane on the Spodplane. But it does work easy, so I will use it for moulds & forms, etc. if I can get it for a reasonable price.
  6. You're looking at it the wrong way Steve. There are many tales here and in the mailing list archive of those who have indicated that the thing they buy will be included in a homebuilt aircraft, and the supplier gets cold feet and refuses to sell. Fearing liability issues maybe?


    Make your own choice whether to be up front with a local supplier or not. I was honest for three reasons, I'm basically inclined to be honest, I wanted to see what would happen if I mentioned aircraft, I was too stupid to have a believable cover story available when he asked what I wanted it for.


    I'm ready to buy some stuff now, maybe I'll just fax him an order (including urethane) and see what happens:cool:

  7. I've seen Star Trek IV, but they blabbed about transparent aluminum. This is transparent copper, must be another series...


    Sorry, I don't have an opinion about it, but it does seem pretty clear they intend you use it as an antenna.

  8. 2) When you hold the template level there is clearly a discrepancy not bad but needs to be fixed

    Build it the way you want it of course, and your work looks magnificent, but is it possible the 'discrepancy' is due to the engine not being symetrical left/right? (i.e. placement of the cylinders).
  9. OK, if we are talking strange I was looking at a trashed Benelli motorcycle while waiting for bits for mine at the wreckers yesterday. Very elaborate plastic ducting takes the air from the front of the fairing (high pressure obviously) to the ducktail where the radiator is. There were more ducts from there to the intake box (which didn't make a lot of sense to me). If you want to celebrate strangeness in a strange looking design then go for it.


    Can't help thinking it will be difficult to incorporate the neccessary ducting in the existing fus, and getting it through the firewall, and avoiding only being able to see some sort of scoop when you look forward to land the thing. Maybe you could grace us with a diagram of what it is you have in mind?

  10. Viki had an uncle that lived in Iowa since she was a wee sprat. He got sent a kilo of vegemite every six months or so as a care package for most of his adult life. I don't think they ever actually disguised it or anything, but didn't advertise it. The urban legend I fell for was it wasn't allowed there because it is made from the crap left in the vat after beer is made...


    Oh yeah, I love it. Nothing better than poached eggs on toast with vegemite on the toast!

  11. I think I saw you on the Sunday, but I didn't get off 'work' until 1900, and then only had until 1930 until the free beer ran out... Wasn't the weather just brilliant :bad: Were you there for the downpour on Saturday???


    ps. I took the pikkies and talked the talk on Friday, (I think)!


    They had a DeltaHawk on a stand too, looked like the same one from 2005. Still plenty of time for them to get them working before I want to bolt one on...

  12. Saw this rotary winged thing at Avalon, on the stand of the Australian 'distributor' of the engines. Soon to fly, there is a DH140 hidden away in the innards.


    He was expressing his views on the superiority of the DH over a Subi when I wandered up. I noted the advantage of the Subi was you could buy one, which he had no good answer for. He also advised DH had abandoned the sale of experimental engines! They will only release them when they have achieved FAA certification, and any experimental engines sold will be the same production line as the certified.



  13. After a bit of thought my only reservation is the timing. Perhaps these good people nailed their blocks together with the dowels, hotwired, then joined the CUT blocks together with the variagated substances noted. It doesn't read that way to me though.


    On the other hand, Wayne Hicks website says he used the tempo stuff when hotwiring, and micro to permanently join:




    Let me know how you get on.

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