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Posts posted by Cozy1200

  1. Here's Dust making a small adjustment to strake Rib R33.


    Here how dust makes the parts with a template. First he makes a template from Luan. Then clamps this to the oversized fiberglass part. (Forget about making the layup the correct size or shape, just make is bigger than needed). Now use the router to cut the piece to shape.


    Email Dust about specifics on the router bits. I'm telling you, this turns out wonderful plane parts that are Dead Nuts perfect (Dust's Words)


  2. HOLY COW THAT WAS FUN!!!!!! :)


    Let's see where do I start. Oh Ya, I got up on time and Dust slept threw the alarm this time! Dust that's payback for telling the world I'm did that LAST TIME!


    We had a total ball this past plane day. Everybody got on the bandwagon and this was Dust week to get picked on for smoking. It was amazing, Dust could just look at Dan and could tell he needed a smoke. So off the two of them went. Most of the time it went like this.


    "Drew, sand this part here until it fits. Dan you look bad, you need a smoke. Let's go!" :)


    I was really impressed with how much we got done. Especially since fitting the first strake rib took a while, but finally fit fine.


    I really liked working with Dan. He was able to add a couple more things to my bag of tricks to help down the road. I know he even learned a lot, even as far along as he is.


    But the real story is what the three musketeers have been doing to years. Please invite someone into your shops!!! You can start by inviting me, I'll even drive crazy distances. An extra hand is always useful and there are a lot of people out there who are a little scared of starting. (I AM/Was one of them) I now have one huge advantage over many of the current and future builders. I was able to learn on someone else's plane and know I'm doing it correct! I'm learning that the learning curve on these airplanes is not a steep one, but yet it's still a little nerve racking. The whole crew up there has not only made it easy, but a BLAST.


    Ok enough about the plane day commercial.

  3. Hello all,


    I've posted this over in the Canard-Aviators forum and received a great response. I thought maybe some here would like it as well.


    I've made arrangements to print a panoramic picture from Burts Birthday party feature a ton of canards. I've attached a small copy of the photo. I have spoke with the Patrick Panzera (the photographer) and he is allowing me to offer copies of the photo to this group. I'm doing this because I want one for myself and I'm not really making any money on them. The photo will be 36"x4.5". Mine's going above my desk! I'm offering the picture for $10 which includes shipping to anywhere in the US. Because of the way I ordering from my lab I only need 10 commitments; I already have 3: Pat, myself, and Burt Rutan. Pat requested one to be sent to Burt and I agree. If you think you would like one, email me at Panoramic@DrewChaplinPhoto.com. I can take PayPal or you can mail me a check.


    Since I'm not making any money on this, I only going to proceed if I get enough orders.


    If you think you're interested, please let me know. If I get enough interest, we will get them ordered. After we decide for sure to order, I'll need a payment from anyone interested to make sure I don't get stuck with a bunch of extra photo. I will probably order these next week.



  4. I must have plane got lucky. :)


    I was given a ride at RR this past year by Dan & Lori Crugar. I didn't hardly have to ask. First time my wife had even seen a canard and up we go! :)


    My suggestion. Go!!!! Chat it up with a builder and then ask for a ride. Carl Denk (builder) told me you have to ask. He will not offer because not everyone is confortable going up in an unknown plane.


    So... as dust would say.


    Enjoy the ride!!!

  5. I built a pedal plane out of MDO (Medium Density Overlay)

    It's basicly standard playwood with a fiber & resin finish.

    It finished and painted out beautifully.


    It's a bit pricey. Something like $50 for a single sheet.


  6. I just realized I've never posted in the Reasons not to Build thread. Well here comes my best shot....


    --I have no job!!!


    But if I remember right, John pretty much didn't have any work when he started.


    Oh, well. The resume is in order and I'm lining up potential emplorers now.

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