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Posts posted by dust

  1. Given Mike's known inability to understand either written or verbal communication

    Quite the contrare, my rule is to take advice I ask for. In this case I attempted to pay for it. Marc, you are a piece of work and i don't miss reading your dribble one bit.


    On the plans internal structure of the junction, mmmmm, i guess you don't remember it very well as you only attached 2 vert stabs to 2 wings, I on the other hand have done it 4 times(on two planes) and remember the internal structure, it was the second crappiest foam we use, the carve-able disintegrating one.


    I wrote this one in your style, sorry it was not as good as you could have insulted and demeaned, I have to try to do it, for you it comes naturally.

  2. Well, the lunch, so i am told, came off well


    plenty of food, except chili, plenty of people meeting people, that is the purpose.


    BIG thanks to Doug and Mrs Doug, Neverquit (Greg), Steve, Ed and the others that pulled it off. Wish I was there - next year.


    On the money end (preliminary) - spent 480, had 425 from last year, collected 575, 525 carryover to next year.


    The Lunch will continue!


    Mike aka Dust

  3. Sure am glad i am no longer involved in this bickering


    but here is the rest of the story.


    A FULL accounting of last years money has always been available, to any who asked, except Nick! He asked not for an accounting, he asked for the money. If you remember the meeting saturday night - he also took credit for the lunch as he did in his various emails to various groups.


    The lunch last year was a PIA to get volunteers for, TWO people volunteered for potato salad, one I volunteered because i had done him a rather large favor and i felt him bringing some potato salad was a 2% payback for my favor - he complained incessantly and tried to cancel many times.


    The other person also tried to cancel on bringing the potato salad.


    I new we would run out of salads cause only two volunteered but I did not feel i should contribute any more as i was already bringing kowality dawgs for 150, 15 or 20 lbs lbs of home made tuna salad (not store bought like both potato salads were) donuts, coffee. and much much more - 1/2 of a large pickup bed.


    MMMM, i also stopped on the way for a 100 dollar beer run cause those already at RR called me, course when i got there they were happy to drink it, but no one popped with a nickel!


    All together i spent about 250 to 300 bucks, without the beer run.


    this year was going to be different. EVERY penny of the collections is still in the wad that i got it in in my closet, except for maybe the pop money that i reimbursed the pop guy for.


    The effort and aggravation on trying to get volunteers was not worth it and i was just going to do it. The money in the closet was going to fund it.


    Because of circumstances beyond my control, i cannot make it this year and no one with a vehicle that can haul the load has appeared. Greg and doug have volunteered again.


    SO, it looks like the lunch is cancelled until next year. Maybe someone will step up, doubt it.


    Enjoy your bickering and stories of what you think happened, i won't be reading them.

  4. I don't miss this crap at all - you read what you want to read and don't read what is said.


    I have said it many times before - one last time


    Nat said to me


    I built the cozy from the scrap bins at 3m, go buy other fabric if you like and just use bid and uni where called out for.


    if you cannot find 8 oz weights then add up the weights, i believe his example was 2 layers of 4 oz = 1 layer of 8 oz, that is what I did, I being Nat on the cozy 3.


    As far as the uni that i bought in the beginning - it is really good and really bad stuff. I love it and Hate it.


    If you use it where there are flats or gentle curves - it is fantastic, fibers are always straight. Lays down near perfect every time.


    If you try to use it on joggles and tight radius's - it is crap and it will ruin your day and your part.


    I use it on every part that i can as it is very easy to work with, if it takes the shape easily. I prefer having two styles of uni as the stiff one is so easy to make a near perfect part.


    Call Nat - check it out - he misses the builder calls, or at least that is what he tells me.


    Now you are free to ignore what i wrote and make up what i have said - enjoy

  5. Consider the source of that claim. It's complete BS.

    Heh, Heh Heh - a buddy told me of this comment - figured it was worth a reply - one reply is that I am very glad Marc does not visit my forum - it is a nice and informative place without him.


    As far as BS - obviously you NEVER called Nat to verify my statement. He will Verify it as it is true.


    He built his entire cozy 3 from the scrap bin (his words) from 3M when he worked there.


    Yes - consider the source, a reliable one - me, just the facts, wether I like them or knot.



  6. I guess I'm a little different, i try to say the truth in a positive way. I have accepted all forums, mail lists and web sites.


    What I have learned over the years is that the written activity on the forum will come from new bees, wanna bees, a few builders and fewer flyers. Lots of people will read the forum, few will post.


    The reason is quite simple, once you start building a cozy you lose your fear of building and most of your desires to modify it, you just want to keep going and you are able to because the plans are so darn complete.


    I have no axe to grind, started to use a mattock on roots, so now only have to file it to keep it sharp, no more chips from rocks in the ground.


    Don't want the old posts, just made a funny about your statement on the forum when you took it over, as i had made a large number of the posts, in the beginning it was frustrating to "start over" but that feeling is long gone.


    As always


    Enjoy the build



  7. The day that you guys broke off and started your own forum, I came to realize that if there are going to be 2 canard-related forums on the Internet, then I should be thinking about specialization as opposed to competition.





    I have no axe to grind. I have a mission. My mission has been clear since the very first post i made. Support newby's in writing and in my shop, building an airplane from scratch/plans or a "kit" is an intimidating venture.


    I don't have time to support them here and on the other forum or on the mail list and as a matter of fact, jon asked me to stop posting so much here when he took over the forum, well, I did.


    I do stop by here and see new members and questions being asked and nary an answer coming forth. That was the reason for my post, i want prospective builders to see a LARGE active support network, and if you notice, i gave more support to marc's group than the other forum, it is, I believe, more active.


    And hey jon, you didn't like version 1.0 of this forum, just download all of the posts and send them to me and i will put them on the other forum, no problem.


    As always


    Enjoy the build



  8. This message is to those new users of this forum that are unfamiliar with the history of this forum and may wonder where all of the posters went that used to support and post to this forum.


    Because of things that occurred to this forum, the people that supported it from the inception to a few months ago, left and went to a new forum. We are still there and are ready, willing and able to support any questions you have on building a canard/foam/fiberglass airplane.


    The active members of that forum represent a large variety of builders and builder/flyers.


    Jon, you seem to be a nice guy, but, this forum has effectively turned into your personal web page of you building your plane and builders new to glass and canard construction deserve better support than is here.


    If someone has a question I highly recommend coming over to the new forum or joining Marc's very respected and supported mail list-serve


    http://www.cozybuilders.org/ for cozy mail list of Marc J. Zeitlin

    http://canardaviationforum.dmt.net/ for the forum where 99% of the previous people, and many new one's moved to.


    If you read many threads started by me and contributed to by me, you will see that my desire is just to help newby's learn what plane and specifically foam and fiberglass building is all about. That is the spirit in which i am posting this thread to address. I am not telling you to dump this forum and never come back, i am saying that there is a large community in two other places that are there to support you on deciding what to build and answer your questions during the build.


    Building a cozy is easy and fun and it takes a long time. And as always


    enjoy the build



  9. Minor Points

    I decided to start a new forum, I invited John and Largprime. I worked very hard on this forum for a long time to make it a place to be. Jon, when YOU took it over, you made it quite clear YOU don't like me or what I brought to the forum. I found out last week that you own the forum and that no attempt was going to be made to bring this forum up to the standards I want to be associated with and I decided to leave and start my own.

    You said - guerilla attack on the forum

    I will disagree, using the complete list of all members of the forum as of three or six or whatever months ago would have been a guerilla attack on the forum. We chose not to do that. That was just a PIA announcement.

    BTW, I have been complimented that it was a very polite announcement, i worked very hard to keep it that way.

    There are many posts here that I made and I plan on copying, I wrote them and I will copy them, i will also copy the answers as I desire.

    Glad you recieved the supplies, cmon over to [pirate URL removed by admin] if you have any questions, we will be glad to answer them, as you know, I specialize in helping newbys out, as always:

    enjoy the build


  10. Fighters and mooneys have speed brakes, we have an air brake. I believe that a speed brake can be deployed at almost any speed and we have a low ias in which we can deploy the air brakd


    enjoy the build



  11. mmmmmm, seems to me the required number of layers filled the trough about right, maybe we added a layer here or there. I don't know if we orderred exactly the correct amount of tape or not, but we did end up with extra, i think it is in IOWA.


    And thanks for enjoying the "dust"


    enjoy the build



  12. Well, there is a little switch in your brain, hard to turn on for most, but tooooo easy to turn off. The plane building switch. Before it is turned on it is coverred with a safty device to protect it from accidental activation and it has a mean hard pull to get it to trip to the on position. I think the factory set it to 15 or 20 lbs of pull, But it has a .2 oz push to turn it off and NO safty device to stop it from being accidently triped to the off position. Each time it is turned off it rusts with age, the longer it is in the off position, the harder it is to turn back on again.


    In my opinion, the hardest part on building an airplane is keeping that little hair trigger switch from tripping to OFF.


    Once you turn it on STAY AWAY FROM IT.


    enjoy the build



  13. thanks to a book i think aaron suggested


    Edit - Sorry but i looked it up and it was Richard Schubert who suggested the book, when i think turbo, i think aaron


    "turbochargers" by Hugh MacInnes


    3" turbo needs at least 1/2 gallon per minuite 1/4 OD for feed 5/16 OD for return



    3.5 or 4 inch requires 1 gallon per minuite same tubing for these as long as oil preasure is at least 30 psi with hot oil (not 0 degree (c or f) full boost for you in southern florida)


    because the oil on the return to the sump is foamy it must run DOWN hill all the way and must enter engine above the level of oil with NO restrictions or kinks


    enjoy the fiddling



  14. I have been reading on turboes extensively and the most common problem is lack of coolant flow. Did you run the engine with the oil feed line detached and verify the quantity for a minuit? I have a book at the office that tells the amount needed for proper cooling.


    Is the oil return above the level of oil, if it is not then you have two choices, pump up from turbo or move the return line.


    enjoy the fiddling



  15. dust said


    "This is the politest and most considerate place on the internet i have found in 16 years. Diferences of opinion are not made in a negative way, and shouldn't be and appear not to be here. Thanks"


    I did not say this on THIS forum. I said it on http://www.homebuiltairplanes.com/forums/


    The level of knowledge on that forum surpases this forum by a hundredfold and when a point is raised or a question is asked a POLITE answer is given.


    On this forum, more often than not a condescending answer is given. The people that are giving these answers, i hear, are quite nice in person, but, on this forum they are curt, blunt, condescending and often times just "plane" rude.


    enjoy the build, come to "plane day", they are running out



  16. Jon Macho said


    "Nick has since turned over forum ownership and responsibility to me."


    It would have been very nice to know this when you took it over, that way I would have taken to heart the things you pm'd and not considerred them as near worthless insults coming from a voluntary admin.


    I would have taken them for what there were meant for.


    enjoy the build



  17. That was my entire intent from the day i signed in.


    The forum is as close to perfect for this accumulation as i can currently imagine. But it takes vision, content and supervision. If any one of those items are lacking, then it will fail.


    I have been told by jon that i should not have had an agenda and that my agenda did NOT conform with his.


    Unless you get some kind of statement of cooperation and support from Ungoli, I would not waste my time. I say Ungoli because this is his forum and he currently lets jon run it, but we know nothing of his future plans and decisions


    enjoy the build



  18. Wayne said


    "Guys, look. 99% of what you seek is already out there and has been out there for YEARS. It all depends on how hard you want to work to learn it. And I know fully well that some of you won’t like hearing that. Sorry."


    The 99% that is out there is in the plans and newsletters, 98% of the remaining 1% is on this forum.


    No need, in my opinion, to bother with all the other, there are simply very few "tips and tricks"


    douglasrfix said


    "I also found it interesting that he felt that he had reached the point where he would no longer be able to absorb any new information without old information being lost."


    Well this is correct, but i think in the wrong way. I have very, very good recall and by reading a few sentences of a thread in a few places i can remember the whole thread and wether it contained interesting info.


    Now, my definition of interesting info is not wether there is a "tip or trick" in that particular thread, just would a "newby" read it and learn something that would put his mind to rest about the millions of doubts and questions that arrise in the pre and early build process, that can lead to not starting or finishing.


    there are two misconceptions i try to get rid of


    all kits are easier than all plans


    there are hundreds of "tips and tricks" to find on building a cozy


    I have not read anything of what was listed as required reading

    I tried to get info from the archives on questions as they arrose, never found any, just allot of text.


    The little info i got from the zetlin mail list was GREAT, but it was info that i got by reading every letter that came through and i stumbled on it.


    Builders and flyers, twist your brains out and put these tips and tricks in the chapter specific sections, end of story, the area will stay small, cause there is not much to put in.


    I don't trust that this forum will become what I envisioned it, I should have taken note when jon took over and pm'd me many things that both offended me and ran contrary to what i felt the purpose of the forum should be. MY MISTAKE. This is NOT my forum and I should have put my efforts elsewhere, if i wanted to create something to my specifications.


    As it stands, it is just a little more than a chat room.


    BTW, jon I think you may have thought that i was implying that your motives are not "right" because you ARE using your name.


    If, you took my reason for ME using a nick name, as an insult in any way, please don't and accept my appology.


    enjoy the build



  19. This weeks plane day was very really fun. I started out by taking 2 of my nephews to the woods to learn how to shoot a 22, OH wait, you guys don't want to hear about what I did on plane day, you are interested in what happened in the plane factory on plane day. I can only say second hand, as i wasn't there.


    I wasn't there to install flanges on the top of tank 4

    lay up top inside skin of tank 4

    cut out inside lip and dremel turtledeck for window installation


    At attendence were


    Mike forum and master builder

    His son Soon to be Master builder helper

    Tom friend and unbelievable straight line cutter

    Eric forum and master builder

    greg his brother and soon to be partner or at least helper


    thane partner

    dave partner


    So many people showed up and I, the master manager, wasn't there and sooooooooooooooo much was accomplished that thane worked hard keeping everyone busy, aint life tuff


    enjoy the build, plane day is saturday



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