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flight planning software question

Drew Swenson

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Anyone know of some good (and possibly free) PDA type software where you can input a route with the output being the full route. You know---like when you get totally rerouted---fly xyz V12 abc----and of course there are 20 points inbetween. Looking for an easy way to input the new points into the GPS without doing a major search on the paper chart.

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I use AnywhereMap. It has a route wizard. You just plug in your waypoints in sequence and hit the button.

I run it on a laptop but they have PDA versions as well

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Sort of looking for something else---kind of like a cheap FMS. I currently run 2 GPSs---Bluemountain lite (which you only plug in one waypoint at a time---I just plug in the destination)----and a Lowrance 500 handheld.


When you get rerouted----you may get the following: Dixie V1 ORF. I would love to be able to plug that into a PDA with the correct output being: DIXIE CYN LEEAH ATR SBY JAMIE CCV ORF.


So how do I do this now. The first thing I do is to just follow the Bluemountain---it has the victor route layed out---but you can't really see that far ahead. I would rather lay out the route in my handheld---which means that I need to pay a lot of attention to unfolding a chart---and hoping that the route did not spill over to the backside or onto another chart (both has happened to me. Then you need to write down all the points and then input them into the handheld.


Ideally (without adding an FMS to the cockpit), I'd like to have a small PDA program that just spits out this data. Of course there is NO WAY that Lowrance or any other handhelp maker is going to let you just input DIXIE V1 ORF----since that would be a major help to aviation (snide comment).


I have been searching around on the internet---have not come up with anything----at least not free or cheap. I was hoping to at least find a database or spreadsheet of all the victor routes with the associated waypoints---could not find that either.

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