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Guys, as mentioned I am doing rehab on a varieze w/o engine and would like to mount either a rotax 912 w 100hp or a jabiru 3300 w 120hp. Both engines are a good piece lighther than the O-200. The rotax especially should be about 30-40kg lighter and the VE would really benefit from that dieat. The Jabiru should be 20kg lighter and give 120hp's.

So anybody who could help me with some information & experience



Cosy Classic flying (ex LX-ACE)

Varieze N39JC rebuilding

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Guys, as mentioned I am doing rehab on a varieze w/o engine and would like to mount either a rotax 912 w 100hp or a jabiru 3300 w 120hp. Both engines are a good piece lighther than the O-200. The rotax especially should be about 30-40kg lighter and the VE would really benefit from that dieat. The Jabiru should be 20kg lighter and give 120hp's.

So anybody who could help me with some information & experience



If I was doing a Vari I would go O-320. there are no subs for Cubic inches. it makes a great speed machine and will still cruse at 170 kts buring 5.5 Gal. per hour. the smaller engine are good engines but nothing like a good real aircraft engine. the 0-320 will cost less, last longer and get the same fuel burn in cruse but if you want to go fast you can. the other engines will be working there A----s off and will never get anywhere near the speed and will burn a lot more fuel trying. fire wall back on those engines will set you back 20 G's + and a overhauled O-320 can be had for 16. the plane will have a much better resale with an O-320. A good vari with a O-320 will go in the high 50s. the weight thing is not a problem, it has been done and it works out great. you are adding 10% more weight and getting 50% more HP. ask any vari driver what engine they would like to have if they did it again and most will say the 320.

Evolultion Eze RG -a two place side by side-200 Knots on 200 HP. A&P / pilot for over 30 years

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Hi Lynn the 160hp sounds good but the O-320 is nearly 300lbs empty, that would leave me less than 200kg usefull load (overgross allready) and basically transform the VE into a one-seater. I had an Idea of using the jabiru 5100 which gives about 200hp weighing 257 pounds installed, that would be a rocket..



Cosy Classic flying (ex LX-ACE)

Varieze N39JC rebuilding

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  • 2 weeks later...

Bill O. (duck) has an O-320 VariEZ



the gross weight of an experimental is what ever you the designer/ builder says it is. the vari ez design can handle way more weight then the original plans state. this has been proven over along period of time by many builders.

Bill's Vari ez had a O-290 D and was changed to a O-320 about 15 years ago. flies with two heavy adults and baggage pods and has been across the country many times and to mexico several times fully loaded. there are two others that I have flown in besides Bills. they are all very good on performance and milage too.

Evolultion Eze RG -a two place side by side-200 Knots on 200 HP. A&P / pilot for over 30 years

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thanks guys nevertheless I think I will mount the jabiru 3300, with up to 120hp, installed 83 kg and nearly 10inches smaller than the O-200 I should get a light and fast VE.



Cosy Classic flying (ex LX-ACE)

Varieze N39JC rebuilding

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  • 1 month later...

I am currently installing a Jabiru 3300 on my Varieze. There is one other in Australia in progress and one in France flying.


The engine mount took a little time, and the lighter weight has required relocation of the battery. I am currently working out the cooling and building the cowling.


If interested email me at Mwilli7119@aol.com and we'll talk about it.



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fire wall back on those engines will set you back 20 G's + and a overhauled O-320 can be had for 16. the plane will have a much better resale with an O-320. A good vari with a O-320 will go in the high 50s. the weight thing is not a problem, it has been done and it works out great. you are adding 10% more weight and getting 50% more HP. ask any vari driver what engine they would like to have if they did it again and most will say the 320.


Hello Lynn, Waiter,

What are the changes in engine installation ? (from a Lyc O-235 I fly now).

Engine mont, Nose ballast, w/wo starter? etc...

What is the wheight (sure not 1050 lb.!...) w two guys + gas ?

Takeoff and approche/landing speeds @ gross-gross wheight ?




VE Lyc O-235.



VE 1736

F-PMPZ @ LFPK (France)

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If you are talking about going to the jabiru 3300, you will need:

new engine mount

electric fuel pump

reworked control cables

new cowling with reworked cooling

starter solenoid

starter button added to panel

location for voltage regulator

new prop

custom made cooling plenum for dowdraft or baffling for updraft


You will potentially need:

a custom exhaust made (if you don't like the stock jabiru pusher exhaust)

relocation of the battery from the nose to the firewall (Oddesey 625 recommended by my dealer)


The engine weighs 175 lbs, dry, without the muffler, but including electric start and 20 amp alternator and mechanical fuel pump, hoses and attachment hardware.

Electric Fuel pump, 2.5 lbs., extra wiring, 2 lbs., addtional pelunum weight 2 lbs. solenoid, 1 lb.for a total of 182.5 lbs.


The smallest o-235 is listed by Lycoming at 243 lbs. Of course that is with a starter and a large alternator, but even if you figure you started without a starter and a with very small alternator then I am adding electric start, picking up 5 horsepower, and losing about 30-40 lbs in the rear.


The weight savings is less from an O-200, but the horsepower gain is larger.

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Thank you Mike,

A lot of lb to save.....

I'll investigate here in France, to get data for Jaribu 3300.

I know that one is flying here in a LE.


My question was also related to Lyc 290 & 320 in a VE. :envy: Less changes from an existing O-235 installation ?:confused:



Have a nice day.




VE 1736

F-PMPZ @ LFPK (France)

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Gilbert I didn't realize you are in France. There is a Varieze in France with a 3300. He is a nice guy and I sure would be willing to talk to you. He changed from an O-200 and is using an adjustable prop so his weight difference was not much.


I think Bill James has an O-290 on his highly modified Varieze but I know of no O-320s or O-360s out there. I am not sure the weight gain would be worth the added horses. But do not take my word for it.

The French Varieze owner with a Jab 3300 is:

Henri Malerba

Varieze F-PEZE

Avignon airfield (LFMV) France




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