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aquired a partial built plan + plans + rotary


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Was looking for a rotary engine to start rebuilding, while i find a place to live big enough to be able to build my cozy. Figured i would start with the motor since i did not have the space. Anyway, was checking out craigslist, and came across a mazda 13b for sale, with the cozy fueslage. it has the sides on, the instrument panel, seatback and so on. it is ready for the bottom and be glassed. My question is, where do i start? the foam sides have been contured, but the foam is damaged in spots (scraps from moving). it has not been touched in 10 years. what do i do about registration. the registration page is already filled out, and i have no bill of sale. i purchased it not from the builder, but another guy who thought he was going to build it. i have read and reread the plans, am anxious to get underway.


what things should i check to make sure that it was put together correctly?

everything, certain things....?

The rotary was pretty much a gonner, had some of the water jacket and o ring surface give out....but i got the plans and before mentioned partial plans for 400 bones.

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It depends on how extensive the damage is to the foam. I assume that the outside layup has not been done and the sides have not been joined to the bulkheads. For small imperfections I would fill those with micro. For larger spots grind the foam out to expose the glass and rough up the glass. You can cut a piece of new foam and micro it in place and sand smooth. The foam in the sides does not have much strength. The fact that it holds two fiberglass panels a fixed distance say 3/8" is what gives it strength. Also the bond to the foam is important so that the two panels don't move. As far as the legality when you go to register it don't call it a Cozy. Good luck.


Joe Berki

Limo EZ

13b P Port

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...My question is, where do i start?

Join the COZY mailing list, if you're not already a member. Find a local EZ builder/driver to inspect your project for quality of build.


the foam sides have been contured, but the foam is damaged in spots (scraps from moving).

Not a problem - when you get to whatever the next step is, you'll be able to fix it with foam scraps or micro.


what do i do about registration. the registration page is already filled out, and i have no bill of sale.

Means nothing. The FAA doesn't give a rat's ass about bills of sale or registration with plans owners, or what you call the plane. There's no reason not to call it a COZY in five years when you get around to contacting the FAA about registering it. You don't need to do anything now.


The only reason that the "registration" of the plans with either Nat or ACS mattered was to get official "support". Since there is no such thing as "official" support anymore, this means nothing.


Make sure you're an EAA member, and make sure to get Technical Counselor inspections on a regular basis - at least three during the build.


what things should i check to make sure that it was put together correctly?

everything, certain things....?

See above. An inspection from a KNOWLEDGEABLE builder (not some local newbie, barely ahead of yourself) is the first thing to get/do.


And seriously, the engine and instrument panel are the LAST things you should be thinking about at this stage.

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And seriously, the engine and instrument panel are the LAST things you should be thinking about at this stage.

Second that! The technology will change so much during the time you're building.......... well, let's just say they haven't built your best choices yet. :D

T Mann - Loooong-EZ/20B Infinity R/G Chpts 18

Velocity/RG N951TM

Mann's Airplane Factory

We add rocket's to everything!

4, 5, 6, 7, 8. 9, 10, 14, 19, 20 Done

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awesome info thanks guys....can i call it a "really cozy"? lol. i have been toying with the thought of becoming an eaa memeber, for a while now. there is a local chapter with something like 4 or 5 cozy builders, and there are 4 longs, 1 vari, and 1 cozy at the local field. i have been to a few of the pilots assocation meeting for the state, thanks to my flight instructor. Recently, i have not been able to get a hold of my flight instructor and not very happy with the FBO. looking to change fields. i am at about 13 hrs toward the Private. Passed medical. I actually wanted to build a cozy before i wanted to fly. i just figured i wanted to be able to fly the thing when i am finshed.


Back on point. the sides ARE attached to the bulkheads, one of the foward braces...f-22 doubler sticks....but that could vari easily be wrong, is located in the incorrect spot. this was cut out by the previous owner. when i went through the plans, i noticed the builder was very meteculis...or should i say anal. Not complaining, he went through every newsletter and updated the plans. I believe them to be first released set. he marked the date of everything he did on the plans, and even wrote some nots about each. updated the BOM and so forth. I also recieved recipets for EVERYTHING. if he bought a 14c paintbrush it was tagged and filled. I am confident that this partial built will check out. None the less, it will be checked out. These technical checks, are these done through the FAA or through the EAA. (ever wonder if they are going to run out of three letter acronyms in aviation?) i think as the plane sits it is about chapter 7. that might be minus the bottom floor. i also recieved the fake firewall and jig for holding the fuselage.


sorry for the spelling mistakes, i am sitting in those extremely comfortable airport seats:mad:

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Yes ..... by all means, join your local EAA Chapter.

I use the meetings as a self motivator. I don't want to go to a meeting and say 'I didn't do anything since the last meeting. :( '


Lots of good info there.

T Mann - Loooong-EZ/20B Infinity R/G Chpts 18

Velocity/RG N951TM

Mann's Airplane Factory

We add rocket's to everything!

4, 5, 6, 7, 8. 9, 10, 14, 19, 20 Done

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... These technical checks, are these done through the FAA or through the EAA.

The FAA is not interested in hearing about your plane until you're ready to fly.


You can find a Technical Counselor on the member pages on the EAA web site. You'll want one that knows composites, and preferably COZY's. If you're anywhere near Tehachapi, CA, I'd be happy to take a look at it (you don't say where you are).

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