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trade jd's gear for a bow (cozy4) used ok


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there is just the gear, no wheels, no pump.

you will need to buy the buckit and the pump from jd.

all i need is the rear bow for a cozy

shipping shold off set it self


ps, you could get the pump from your old merk outdrive(just thinking)

Steve M. Parkins

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Steve, what is the background on this gear?

Someone on the other forum said this might be the gear from the Stiletto wreck.



Is this true?

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Steve, you're not going with retracts anymore? You've already prepped for them.

just the hard plate, nothing eles was done,if it was a year ago i'd jump at it. now i jst want to get it done.after looking at jacks web and all that whent in to the install to io540 i think i'l save the 1000 and the year laber and lose the 6 knots (10 if you own them)

Steve M. Parkins

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