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I am considering the possibility of building a tandem seated plane that would essintially be a Long Ez with 4" extra width at the fuselage and also incorporate the Cozy/Eracer wing and Canard structure and geometry. If y'all are game I have the following questions before I layout the cost of a set of Cozy plans and a set of Eracer plans. I already have a set of unused Long Ez plans.


For those of you who are familiar with both or all three aircraft (Long,CozyMIV&Eracer):


1. Is the Wing geometry and structure the same on the three?

2. Technically speaking .... why is the Cozy structure capable of higher useful loading?

3. What allowance is made at the Cozy/ Eracer canard to allow for the wider fuselage? Is the canard overall leangth extended to maintain the original square footage of flying surface?


My logic in building the above described concept is this. My son and I are large. Pilot and passenger stations would both be 260. The additional weight of the Cozy fuselage at its width needs to go. Tandem seating allows the passenger to be located on the C/G therefore making this concept more feasable still. I am anticipating a lower cost, and simpler build with the tandem design. And lastly the four place concept of the Cozy or any other cost effective homebuilt plane does not seem feasable unless all you are carrying are small children or baggage. A true 4 place aircraft would carry 4 adult passengers who are not necessarily sized to stand by Michael J. Fox in the movies. A truly capable 4 place aircraft is not cost effective IMHO.


Truly capable 4 place...........http://www.aerocompinc.com/airplanes/CA7/index.htm


I am looking for your educated responses to this concept. Cozy builders please take my blurb about 4 place aircraft without offense. It was not intended that way.




You know, it sounds easy enough to do but whenever you start deviating from plans, there's a lot more head-scratching than you'd think. The Cozy wing is bigger, landing gear and gear mounts are stronger than a Long-EZ, engine mounts are also stronger. The Cozy carries more because it has more layups--it's just a heavier, stronger airplane. The Cozy IV plans are newer and more complete. It'd probably be easier and safer to build a luxurious tandem Cozy IV than to up-scale a Long-EZ. The result might not be quiteas fast as big Long-EZ due to the greater surface area, but yeah, it's certainly doable. Add several years to the building process, though


Cozy IV N13AM - flying

Long-EZ - building

Cozy IV N13AM-750 hrs, Long-EZ-85 hrs and sold

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