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Hi everyone,

I've owned a LongEz since Easter '06 and have flown around 80 hours on it since then. The C of G in my plane is Ok, a little toward the rear of the envelope because of the O-320 I guess but still well within limits. Trouble is that I always have to hold some back elevator to keep her straight and level. Full aft pitch trim won't do it. Now I've noticed that both ailerons are set slightly down instead of being perfectly in trail. Is this normal? Am I going to adversely affect some other flying quality if I set them both up a little by lengthening the RH control rod at the pitch link at the firewall?

Also she tends to want to roll right unless the RH fuel tank is way lower than the LH and aileron trim set well left. An EZ builder said this was easily fixed by adding a washer to a wing bolt? Unfortunately he's out of the country now so I can't contact him to elaborate. Any suggestions?




Assuming that the CG is correct there could be a number of items that can be looked at.


1) Elevator trim. It sounds like the trim spring needs to be tightened a little. Try shortening the upper spring cable by 1/2 inch. The trim should be just about centered at sea level cruise while flying solo. I've found that I generally don't need to touch the elevator trim unless the payload has changed.


2) Aileron adjustment. You need a helper to do this! Have your helper hold one of the ailerons while lining up the trailing edge. Goto the other aileron and apply a light upward pressure until the play is gone. Both ailerons should be lined up with the trailing edge (or even slightly above). Because of control system play, they may hang down slightly below the trailing edge. But when flying, (or helpers lifting them) they both should be trailing edge lined up.


3) Roll problem. This could be a number of things. The first thing I would do would to carefully measure the wing, rudder, fuselage alignment. These measurements can be found in the plans.


WHile flying, the engine develops a huge amount of torque, This equates to a right turn. While flying straight and level, look (take photograph) of the ailerons. The left aileron will, stick up just a tiny bit (maybe 1/8 inch). You may need to adjust your trim springs.


4) Wing Bolt Spacers - These can be changed, but I would make sure the measurements are OK first. These shim washers are installed to set up the proper wing measurements in relation to the fuselage and the other wing.


F16 performance on a Piper Cub budget

LongEZ, 160hp, MT CS Prop, Downdraft cooling, Full retract

visit: www.iflyez.com



C of G is definitely within limits, just a little towards the back of the envelope.



Thanks again for your advice. The ailerons were hanging roughly a 1/4" with the play taken up. I think thats most likely my problem. I won't have a chance to fly it till the longer loom for my new EDM 700 gets over here and I have that fitted, hopefully next week. I've got my fingers crossed that I'll pick up a few knots also. Aileron acting like flap must create some drag as well right?

I'll let you know when I have a chance to test it:)


Very good,


When you adjust them, with no play, make them about 1/8 inch above the trailing edge.



F16 performance on a Piper Cub budget

LongEZ, 160hp, MT CS Prop, Downdraft cooling, Full retract

visit: www.iflyez.com


<snip>C of G is definitely within limits, just a little towards the back of the envelope.<snip>



Just checking---with full aft trim in flight at cruise conditions----how much down elevator are you seeing? Do you have to hold some pretty good back stick during landing? Besides shortening the elevator up spring, you can also put in a second spring.


I would be concerned if you had lots of down elevator at cruise to maintain level----but sounds like that is not the case.


Being on the back side of the "box", the nose will feel real light (once you have it trimmed up)----and feel more comfortable towards the center of the box.


By a bad mistake, I have been beyond the aft limit----and recognized it right away. The plane was still controllable---but had to be hand flown to whole time (once around the pattern to fix the situation). A pitch up response (without a hand correction) was going to keep going up until most likely main wing stall.

  • 2 months later...

Well I adjusted my ailerons up to just above 'in trail'. The trim lever sits mid range in level flight now and I figure I picked up about 5-8 knots.:)

Thanks for the input fellas.

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