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Chap. 5 - Side Jigs

Jon Matcho

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Chapter 5, page 2 of Cozy Mark IV plans show the max width of FJC to be 5". On the same page in the AeroCanard SB/FG manual, it shows this measurement to be 3", or 2" shorter, to account for the widened rear.


However, the max width of FJE (for the lower part of the fuselage) is 6" for BOTH plans. Shouldn't this measurement be reduced as well, also to allow for the widened rear?


Unless I'm convinced otherwise, I am planning to use 2" shorter here as well.


Edit: Another way to "see" this, is to know that both the upper and lower longerons are moved out 2" each, so why not the corresponding jig angles?

Jon Matcho :busy:
Builder & Canard Zone Admin
Now:  Rebuilding Quickie Tri-Q200 N479E
Next:  Resume building a Cozy Mark IV

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However, the max width of FJE (for the lower part of the fuselage) is 6" for BOTH plans. Shouldn't this measurement be reduced as well, also to allow for the widened rear?

Look again Jon. The drawing I'm looking at, (downloaded when it was legal:) ), shows the FJE to be 6.0 for the SB (Cozy) and 4.5" for the FG (AeroCanard). Didn't you get the memo?:D

So, don't go 2" shorter, go 1.5" shorter.

"I run with scissors."


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Wow! I just looked at my electronic version -- there it is 4.5"! Also interesting how the both versions only show the 3" AeroCanard FG measurement for FJC, without reference to the AeroCanard SB (Cozy Mark IV) measurement of 5".


Concluding, we now know that the following are needed to build an AeroCanard FG from plans:

  • AeroCanard FG printed plans
  • AeroCanard electronic plans (or an updated printed version)
  • Cozy Mark IV plans (to translate the poor OCR)
To top things off, I understand that the landing gear bulkheads will need to be cut down some during assembly.


Still, I'm looking forward!

Jon Matcho :busy:
Builder & Canard Zone Admin
Now:  Rebuilding Quickie Tri-Q200 N479E
Next:  Resume building a Cozy Mark IV

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Here's another measurement: The firewall moves the upper longerons out by exactly 2.5" on each side.


I'm going to use the 2" adjustment, so I can bend anywhere between 1.5" and 2.5". Should be fine.

Jon Matcho :busy:
Builder & Canard Zone Admin
Now:  Rebuilding Quickie Tri-Q200 N479E
Next:  Resume building a Cozy Mark IV

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Still, I'm looking forward!



Glad to hear you're back at it!:) (The bottom is on the fuse, it looks really cool!):D


Just build it like the plans say, it works out. (The only problem was the aft lg, and the plywood in Chap. 7. I hope to have it figured out for you when you get to that point.;)

Carlos Fernandez

AeroCanard FG

Plans #206

Chp. 13


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