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Everything posted by vh2q

  1. The Colorado Cozy (Chad) is available, I passed due to the gross weight claim not matching reality, as inspected by an expert.
  2. Josiah from FF looked it over, specifically to look for evidence the plane was modified correctly for 2000lb gross. He found that it's a standard Cozy III build, rear seat omitted, no reinforcement of the landing gear. So on that basis I passed, as my current bird has more useful load than a standard Cozy III. I did learn from this experience that the Cozy IV may fit the bill, if I can find one pref somewhere nearer BWD which is home base (central TX).
  3. Yeah it's starting to look like a mkIV might be a better choice. I did touch base with Free Flight and they agreed to go take a look, will await their take on it. It's pretty much apart so they can get a good look. It may be that the reason this plane has sat since 2009 (about the time it was relocated from CA to CO) is that the builder flew it heavy and stressed the LG, took it apart, and then gave up. He passed unexpectedly in 2023 so he allowed it to gather dust for more than a decade. Wife is 110 so we average out at 175! You guys have been most helpful.
  4. Mark, the guy that built the plane, was an FAA engineer, DAR, commercial pilot, and a BSEE. If that counts for anything. Is it possible he built the plane a bit sturdier to achieve 2000 max gross? If so, what evidence would we look for? I am really not interested in a one person plane with 3 seats that might lose a wing if it hit an air pocket in a turn. I already own a plane with 750lb useful.
  5. Seems the paste did not work. Empty 1069 useful 931 so max gross 2000 w O320. That's good news as I am 240.
  6. He's a generic A&P out of Denver, works for some outfit that services small jets. That's the only guy I could come up with. I don't think he knows anything about composites. The logbook indicates useful load 931 not gross.
  7. Can't raise these guys (Freeflight), neither by phone or email. Mike Cronk is going to check it out for me. Logbook says 900 lbs + useful which is a surprise.
  8. Deal is contingent. That's pretty normal. Zeitlin guy is near LA. Thinking there must be someone near Denver who is composite-savvy.
  9. Corrosion!!! San Diego is on the Pacific Ocean. There is a reason this plane was donated
  10. Perhaps he has more than one, as he accepted my offer two days ago!
  11. Anyone familiar with this bird? Belonged to an A&P by the name of Dalrymple, who is deceased. I think I just bought it. Will be needing some hands on help as well, if the deal holds up.
  12. I have purchased a Cozy that belonged to a gent by the name of Dalrymple who has passed. It's in pieces but was flying for several years, has not flown for about 15. Looks like he was tinkering with the engine cover and maybe avionics because the radios and transponder are out. Lycoming 320 doesn't have a lot of hours on it. We have the logbooks which appear to be complete, including the engine logbook which predates the Cozy but was rebuilt before it was installed. I am looking to hire someone to do a prebuy including removal and examination of one jug and the cam lobes. This person should know something about engines obviously, and also composite canards. Cozy knowhow would be A+. Ideally, a person with a detective bent who can figure out why Dalrymple took it all apart. Then if that's OK, I need to get it to TX. Plan A is to hire someone to put it back together in situ and get it airworthy so we can fly it down here. Plan B is to load it all on a truck. Correspond by email as I am traveling through middle Feb. russ at victor hotel 2 quebec dot com. If that does not work or is not permitted for some reason, I will check PMs. Looking forward to flying my Cozy!
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