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Kirk last won the day on August 13 2020

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About Kirk

  • Birthday July 31

Flying Information

  • Flying Status
    incomplete student
  • Airport Base

Personal Information

  • Real Name (Public)
    Kirk Taylor
  • Location (Public)
    Colorado Springs, Colorado USA
  • Occupation
    Forklift technician-service manager

Project/Build Information

  • Plane Type
    Cozy Mark IV
  • Plans/Kit Number

Contact Methods

  • City
    Colorado Spings
  • State/Province
  • Country
    United States
  • Phone Number

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  1. Went out to KFLY and met Burrall a couple of weeks ago! Nice guy, shot the breeze with me for awhile and I got to see what was going on in his shop! Got to see his Cozy3, there's plenty of room in there for me and the wife! Strakes for sure though!
  2. Nice! I like that panel, nice and clean, simple. That thing looks fast just sitting there!
  3. The view out of the glass must be great! Looks a little snug, I'm not claustrophobic but I need a little elbow room, especially on long trips. Interesting little plane though.
  4. Those are good pictures! Sounds like a good time! Speed Canard huh? I wonder how that thing performs. What ever happened to "you gotta paint it white" theory? That paint job on that Quickie is pretty cool! Kirk out...
  5. So how was it? Man, I'm jealous, I'm not too proud to say it either!
  6. Hey Jon! Glad to hear from you! I think that's the route I'm going to take too. I like the idea of being able to move them off to the sides as separate workbenches.
  7. I don't know where everyone is, but as long as this site is here...i'm posting! Continued with the updates, progressing slowly but surely! Doing a lot of reading too! All this "PREP" is probably more complicated than the actual building! Anyway, You all have a good Thursday! Talk to you soon! Kirk
  8. Greetings gentlemen and ladies, It's been a long time since I've been here, but i'm back. A shoulder operation and then a computer crash kinda let the air out of my balloon for a while. Since my last visit, I've had my shoulder operated on, and due to the way I fell on it, it had several repairs needed, the bicep reattached, and the muscle under the shoulder blade repaired as well as the rotator cuff tears. It SUCKED! We bought a house in Fountain $$$$$$$(not as close to KFLY as I had hoped), but I have 5.5 acres of space and a nice big hangar, er BARN/garage! And being that we were living in a fifth wheel for three years, we had to fill the house with furniture $$$, do some small repairs $, and just bought a new car $$, and just spent a week and a half in southern CA for Thanksgiving with my family $$$. Oh, and I have a laptop again $! Got the plans dug out and have about a third of the updates to finish, trying to get all the info I lost downloaded again, planning the workbenches and making my shopping lists. Regards, Kirk
  9. Greetings gentlemen! It's been a long time since I've been here, but i'm back. The shoulder operation and then a computer crash kinda let the air out of my balloon for a while. Since my last visit, I've had my shoulder operated on, and due to the way I fell on it, it had several repairs needed, the bicep reattached, and the muscle under the shoulder blade repaired as well as the rotator cuff tears. It SUCKED! We bought a house in Fountain $$$$$$$(not as close to KFLY as I had hoped), but I have 5.5 acres of space and a nice big hangar, er BARN/garage! And being that we were living in a fifth wheel for three years, we had to fill the house with furniture $$$, do some small repairs $, and just bought a new car $$, and just spent a week and a half in southern CA for Thanksgiving with my family $$$. Oh, and I have a laptop again $! Got the plans dug out and have about a third of the updates to finish, trying to get all the info I lost downloaded again, planning the workbenches and making my shopping lists. Talk at you all soon! Jon, Rick, Magnum, Kent
  10. Thanks Jon, I guess life does take some doing, and i'm in the same boat...doing updates on paper is easier than fiberglass layups in a garage. Anyway, just trying to keep everyones pilot lights lit!
  11. I was going to join the CSA a couple of weeks ago, but Terry was on vacation. I'm going to join this weekend. If he (Terry) takes the time to compile the info and put the thing together, I have no problem paying for the subscription. I have been reading the Cozy newsletters and the canard pusher NL's, been checking and doing the update to my plans set as well. I just wanted to see how things are progressing with everyones builds...maybe create a spark in someones progress?! i've about worn out my hard drive on Mark Z's site!
  12. Even if it's one word...I want to know! I scan these boards and build sites relentlessly searching for updates. I find a lot that are half built and the last post dates are YEARS old. i'm rooting for all of you! I wish I were where you are already! Keep it going! I fell at work two weeks ago in the snow, tried to catch myself with my left arm, and it slipped on the ice as well, went behind me and i've torn my rotater cuff, so NOW, i'm reading more than ever. Still working though... light duty/managerial stuff mostly. operation to come in a couple of weeks. What have you done to your plane lately?
  13. check out this guys wing mounted camera! Found this years ago, thought it was cool! www.rguerra.com/velocity/ part 1 http://www.rguerra.com/velocity/ part 2 remote from the cockpit and some cameras are so small these days, i'm sure you could make that whole unit smaller!
  14. Jon, tracing the M drawings might be interesting, especially since I have no place to build YET, I might just trace them, i've got the time. We're looking at some property in the Falcon/Peyton area wich just so happens to be where Meadow-lake airport is and its close to work. As for the plans being updated, the Feb 2002 date is just a reprint date I think,the Cozy NL33 is from April of 1991. eh, ohwell... The Plans are MINE, there are many like them, but this set is mine! I wake up thinking about building this flying machine! I hope to see everyone here at OSH, KY, or some other airport across the country someday! This is gonna be cool! Kent, I guess if someone wasnt sure how to do it, it might be a good idea...the money spent on that chpt 3 kit could nearly get you the chpt 4 kit though! I've done fiberglass layup before, just not over foam. I've been thinking about a Glass cabinet on rollers so I can take it where I need it instead of trying to maneuver everything (wings, fuse) to the correct angle to lay glass. I like that hot box with the scale between the two bottles!
  15. It does include a copy of the "owners manual" and the larger sheet you see in the picture on the right are the "M drawings", There is also a CD that has all the newsletters up to #91, Oct. 2005, and a DVD of the composite construction, they come with the plans order. Any later newsletters are online I do believe.
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