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Posts posted by CBarber

  1. I am in "pre" Clear Lake. About one or two exits before Clear Lake "proper". Clear Lake is a really nice area. Our EAA chapter meeting is the first Wednesday of the month and as timing would have it the coming meeting for Oct has me doing a brief presentation of the rotary engine. Meetings are at the Southwest Services FBO and start at about 7:00 pm.


    Also, the big Wings Over Houston airshow is coming up. On the first day of the airshow (Oct 6 IIRC) we are opening up our hangar (Alpha Papa) for folks to get out of the sun and hang out (some food and beverage may be available too). Both my Velocity and my hangar mates VariEZ (he is restoring a once flying plane, I am finished with the airframe of a new build and working on the engine....even though a recent back injury at work as slowed me down the last few weeks).


    You still need to pay to get in the airshow (but the Ron Carter car dealership usually has a number of free tickets available)

    Our hangar overlooks the main flight line and you should be able to see the EAAHouston.com banner hanging from the top of out hangar.


    Also, Bob Knucklos of the AeroElectric Connection will be presenting his seminar for electronics for amature built and maintaine aircraft on Oct 27 & 28 (Sat and Sun). Workshop cost is $150.00 but should be well worth it. You can register at http://aeroelectric.com/seminars/Houston.html or more info on the workshop is at http://www.aeroelectric.com/seminars/seminars.html


    Hope to see ya at one or all the events.


    All the best,



  2. I will be very curious as to what the factory tells ya. I do not believe your first presupostion is correct. I do not believe the seat bulkhead is the only difference. I also think the instruent panel is structual in the classic Velocity fuselage and there is no structual center console along with any others that I am unaware of. Of course I am only really familiar with the Elites. I have only sat in a couple of the classic style Velo's over the last few years and they seem quite different.


    Also, one of the gripes folks will try to use to tear down the Velocity (I think it gives some solace to condemn something that so many seem to like:sad: :irked::rolleyes: ) is that with the gull wing doors the Elites do not have enough structural intergrity to be safe while flying. Jeff Russell (who did not in anyway condemn the Velo), the former owner of Aerocanard, stated that the Velo structure could kinda have the gull wing doors bellow out a bit during flight. I don't know if this was before or after Velo intergrated four point rod closure secure points. To my knowledge the fuselage integrity has not been an issue with the Velocity....Cozy, longEZ et al. I do seem to recall a structual breakup of a Velo when a pilot (who's son referred to as a "cavalier pilot") flew into a thunderstorm and the plane came out in pieces. But, IMAO, you really can't blame that on the design.


    Please let me/us know what you find out.


    All the best,



  3. Mark,


    I understand your confusion. As I stated in my original post, the construction method between the Elite (gull wing doors model name) and the old hatch syle is different. VERY different. When I said the construction method was different, I should have been more clear. They are both composite, however, the older style of build (read that more as STRUCTUAL methods) for the hatch version is much more akin to the Cozy with bulkheads being part of the front seat etc.


    The Elites are more of a empty shell thus allowing for the gull doors. The structure comes from the "shell" and center console (which is structual and kinda acts as a spine for the outer shell). The Cozy and older Velocity's get there structure from the additional builkheads (such as the front seat bulkhead and instrument panal bulkhead etc). So putting the gull wing doors on an older Velocity would be similiar to putting them on a Cozy...which I think most who are on this forum would concede would be a huge undertaking. I have no idea how Velocity is able to do it and I understand why they are saying it would be so expensive. Also, knowing Velocity Inc, I would think they would try to disuade you not to sell a new kit, but because it is the better way to go.


    The SUV had one gull wing door but other than the yokes as oppossed to a center stick, the SUV WAS an SE (Standard Elite) with one door on the pilot side....the yokes allowed passangers to slide to the front passanger seat since there was no center stick in the way. The SE needs a stronger spine for structure as the SUV got more structual regidity by not having the second door, thus the extra layups on the SE are a result of extra glass on the center console/spine


    I would not suggest the conversion unless you have a bird that is already flying and consider it ONLY if there is some REALLY compelling reason. That much price difference for the conversion would likely undermine any price advantage to a used project...you would be better off buying a new one from the factory, IMAO.


    I am VERY biased in my preference for the Velocity. I like its "lines" better than the Cozy and do like the gull wing doors (I also prefer getting IN a plane as oppossed to strapping one on:) ), however, the Cozy is a great plane that can be started NOW with a $500.00 plans purchase and kit purchase for Chapter 4 form ASS or Wicks.


    I would still sugest the Velocity. I am VERY pleased with mine. However, I would continue the search for a newer project. I know they come available somewhat routinly.....Usually, as a rule, more XL's than SE's though.


    There is no real urgency, however, you may very well regret, like most of us, that you were not able to start sooner. Also, building a plane is kinda like having kids....if you wait 'till you have the money, you will never do it. I had some money fall out of the sky (two clients unexpectanly paid me pretty large past due fees while I was practicing law full time before I started playing cop too). Before I did something really stupid with the money like pay bills or invest for my retirement, I bought my kit.


    I am currently in rotary engine tuning, wire runs and some preliminary taxi testing.....so, 85% done, 75% to go.


    Good luck. Feel free to contact me if you should have other questions, concerns, comments, rants, *****es, confusions, curiosities etc. or if you are in Houston, stop by.


    I regret if my earlier post was misleading and caused confusion. Go to my webpage and then go to John Slade's Cozy page ( www.canardaviation.com/cozy )and you should be able to tell the differences between the fusalage sections and the way they are put together structually.


    All the best,




    Sorry for the spelling. I have no spell check on this 'puter and I AM the reason God invented spell checkers.

  4. Yes, give the factory a call. They have always been great to work with and to my knowledge have always been very helpful to, not only purchasers of second/third/etc. hand kits, but also to builders of any kit/plans plane. Don't be shy.:)


    Even though construction is different between the hatch style and the elites, my bird was originally an SUV. They discontinued the single door SUV the day after my kit was delivered. Velocity sold me the second door for about $400.00 and that was the only change needed, other than a few additional layups, to make it the two door SE. Funny, what was part of the cheaper SUV kit, the yoke option, is now about a $1200.00 option/upgrade(?)


    So far I have been very lucky with vendors. Velocity, Inc. and Real World Solutions (Tracy Crooks rotary solutions) being the clear standouts. I even lucked out with Conversion Concepts rotary engine mounts a few years ago before Fred Breeze's injury and fall from grace (he was always helpful to me and shipment was prompt. I was suprised and disappointed to hear folks lost money).


    All the best,



  5. As most of y'all may know, my project is an all electric bird (Velocity SE) with a rotary engine. Since if I loose power things get quite I am using Bob Knuckls' duel alternator/duel battery set up. What I am curious about is the switches in the cabin. Currently I have all the switches up high on the panel a bit right of center towards the co-pilot position. I hope to not have a passanger who would inadvertanlty flip a switch down and off, HOWEVER, you never know what may get tangled or a stray move may flip a switch. If my coil switch or primary injectors get switched off I will start sweating. Also, I don't really mind the switches where they are, but I do have a couple of other places I would like them, but I placed them here as to minimize being bumped.


    My question is what other options do I have to either guard against accidental deactivation. I have purchased a couple of aviation locking toggles from ebay, but they are kinda small and may not be up for the task (but at $13.00 for twoI couldn't go too wrong...they may work for my coil switch and primary fuel). The regular priced DPDT (for my contactors and injectors) seem to start at close to $60.00 a piece...a bit much for my police salary if other options will surfice.


    I have also considered installing some of the switch guards you see in old nuclear missle bunker movies that they would open to expose the firing buttons for the big ol' missles. I considered installing them upside down (which is really easy) so that they are on when the cover is closed thus making the switch impossible to turn off by mistake. This seems really fool proof, however, the guards, while cheap, are pretty big and do not look all that, well, elligant.


    Also, I was watching the Astronaut Farmer last night on PPV and saw the little hard wire loops that where installed next to the switches on each side of the individual switches in his space capsule and this reminded me of the ones NASA used to use....maybe still do. Donno. These seem to be just half circles that make grabbing the switch very deliberate and minimizes potential knocks. Finally, it seems as if I have seen bars held in by springs that lay across a series of switches to keep them in place.


    What say ye? Insight? Wisdom? Warnings? Observations? WAG's?




    All the best,


    Chris Barber



    crossed posted on Reflector, FlyRotary, Aeroelectric Connection email list & Canard Aviation forum

  6. I couldn't be much closer. I live in Sagemont at BW-8 and I-45 (went to Dobie HS a lifetime ago)....my brother lives in Friendswood. I am building my Velocity SE w/ a rotary engine at Ellington and I am president of the local EAA Houston; Chapter 12. Our monthy meeting is tonightg at Southwest Services at Ellington at about 6:30 ish to 7:00pm


    Let me know if I can help.


    All the best,


    Chris Barber

  7. Good to know of another Officer dedicated to the build.


    I am approaching first engine start of my rotary Mazda 13b on my Velocity


    All the best,


    Chris Barber

    Bellaire Polilce

    Badge 330

    (BTW, Bellaire is surrounded by Houston)

  8. Yeah, I hope the best for Mistral. We bought their intake for my Velo's rotary. Beautiful piece of work. We would have spent much more for a much lesser item if'n we would have tried to make one ourselves.


    I do have a concern that the powers at Mistral may be so convinced of their good engineering expecting all to flock to the better mousetrap, but may be kinda dropping the ball with marketing and more detail on their seldom updted website. IMAO.


    All the best,



  9. IMO, the place to get your redrive (gearbox), or more formally known as PSRU (prop speed reduction unit...or something close to that) is www.rotaryaviation.com from Real World Solutions (RWS). The owner/engineer is Tracy Crook and has other parts you will probably want/need. FWIW.


    All the best,



  10. The Velocity XL is bigger than the Cozy by about 5 inches. The Cozy is closer in size to the Velocity SE (which is what I am building). As in the XL is like 47.5, the SE is 42 and, if memory serves, the Cozy is 42 at the shoulders, but slopes up (as does the velo). To use a base of comparison, again IF memory serves, the 182 is about 42 inches across, the 172 is about 40 and the 150/2 is about 38 inches across. The XL felt cavernous to me. I will gain some room by cutting down the center keel with my yokes instead of a center stick, but be mindful of the wiggle room for your, uh, bottom. FWIW.


    All the best,



  11. Not a bad idea, but be careful that you don't mess it up (no accusation on y'all). I only state this because video can show what you don't want shown. People think doing a video Will (as in Last Will and Testiment) is a great idea....however, it is now often avoided because of the real possiblity a jury may not agree that mom really was compitent when she signed. :scared:


    Sorry, even though I am also working as a cop, I am still a pracitcing attorney and it is difficult to overcome the compulsion to mention stuff like this. :sad:


    All the best,



  12. Ok, I do not wish to get into a long discussion on asset protection, but it is an area I know more than a bit about (yeah, I really am a lawyer and this is one of my areas). Waiter, I could sue you right now because I didn't like your post.....don't worry, I won't AND I hope I would lose (if for no other reason than it being a chickensh*t lawsuite) If the liabilty is there, it is there. Do some adult planning and minimize the impact on you. You are correct, deep pockets are at risk, however, deep pockets also don't focus on the false economy of not planning to protect themselves.


    As to hold harmless agreements.....they MAY be evidence that you knew what you were doing and you assumed the risk, however, you never know what a jury will do when they are looking at a poor widow who just lost her spouse and you look like a cavilier pilot/builder who built a "death trap. I do thinik the agreements are a good idea to show everybody was informed and still wanted to go on with the transaction. But they may are may not be valuble in court....they are evidence of..., not proof.


    You are also correct that if all you have is a rusty ol' car, you are not an attractive target (so to speak). Also, many things may be excempt from a judgemnet. For example, in Texas, if the ol' car (or any car) was your only car.....you get to keep it. Also, in Texas, they CANNOT take you house (only the government or the mortage company(purchase money lender) can do that.....not a judgment creditor.


    Look into some asset protection.....insureance is only a starting point. OWN NOTHING, CONTROL EVERYTHING. It is LEGAL, tested and used often by many, but many would rather bury their head and gripe about liabilty than find out the facts. NO, it is not all easy or nessesarily cheap, neither is building/flying a plane. Don't step over a dollar to pick up a dime. Find out what may be right for you.


    But, more than anything, balance the risk....yeah, it could happen, but it PROBABLY will not. Don't stop kissing girls because one may have bad breath.....even really bad breath. :cool: As was stated, I do not think any home builder has ever been successfully sued (or even filed on????) but the topic sure seems to get a lot of attention (undue attention, IMHO). You don't even have to be liable to be held liable.....read the case about the instrument company who was able to prove their instruments did not fail, but were still held liable. (don't recall the details, sorry). So worry about how good the plane will fly, not about being sued. BTW, this is important, any planning you do must be done BEFORE you know of a problem...so procrastinate later. (if the Doctor already dropped the baby, even if you don't know of any injury, it is too late to plan for that incident)


    So, as are many things in life, dont' MAJOR in minor things.


    Yeah, I know, it is the guy you are buying from, and it could be a problem, but in my personal opinion, this issue is given WAAAAAAAY to much weight.....cutting up and destoying an airplane....... :scared::scared:


    Oh, Disclaimer time:not legal advice, consult your own asset protection/estate planning attorny in your state for your personal needs, no attorney/client relationship has been developed (talking at a cocktail party actually had a lawyer held responsible for a case.....I am not being responsible for any of y'alls legal issues :P I know, you didn't ask me to <g>), yadda yadda yadda. legalese, blah blah blah etc, etc.


    All the best,



  13. Noodles (I love that nickname),


    The Velocity Carlos is referring to belongs to Andy Millin. Andy has been a huge help with my project (we have communicated though, email, mail and our webpages since I started building)


    Now, and I could be wrong, Carlos is venturing into his own project. I guess he too bleeds epoxy.


    .....still havn't made it to the hangar :( ....yet?


    All the best,



  14. CFernandez.....is this Carlos????


    Do I know Andy, heck, even though I have never met him I feel he is an old friend. I still have his really long permagrit sanding bar. I still have wings to sand/finish. A flight up to MI is a priority once I fly off the 40 hrs.


    Welcome to the forum and the fun. I hope to get out to the hangar later today.......Andy is catching up with me again. ;)


    You too may become adicted to the forums. They are a great resource and the fellowship is great. Congrats on the Aerocanard choice.


    Give Andy my best and invite him to the forums....it is loney being the only Velo builder :sad:;)


    All the best :cool:



  15. Do we have a ballpark time when the intake will be available? Are you speaking of the one Bruce has been working on for what SEEMS an internity now ;) ? What price range....$400 ish?? TIA.


    I am ready for one. I don't really want to do my own.


    All the best,



  16. It was my understanding that the controls on the Cozy run down the side of the cabin. This is more difficult to do in a Velo since you have to allow for the gull wing doors. The rudder cable run under the doors, but the aileron cables run down the center keel for both the center stick and yoke. I have seen at least one picture (very bad picture) of a duel stick Velo and I too may like to do it one day, but it will require some solid creative thinking. I would like mine to be similiar to the Cirrus' I have seen....pretty sweet. For me, for now, the yoke works fine. The drawback is a little less panal room. FWIW.


    All the best,



  17. Don't know where I'm gonna mount my throttle yet. I am debating between a simple push pull knob in the center of the panel like a standard Cessna or a throttle quadrant in the cut down center keel (the yoke option allows the center keel to be cut way down since the center stick is omitted). It will depend on my mood at the time.


    I understand that many fly with their right hand to adapt to the plane, but when I am building my own plane I would prefer to make it more to my preference. Thus I do prefer to fly with my left hand and write/fiddle with knobs with my right. The yoke suites me fine....it even alows me to SWITCH hands :cool: . Again, a pure left stick like on the Cirrus may be something to figue out way down the road.


    All the best,



  18. Well, you could go, shudder the thought, with the yoke option. That is what my Velocity SE (former SUV) came with ($1000.00 extra from Velocity, Inc.). I too prefer to fly with my left hand and do other stuff with my dominant, right hand, and the yoke solves this issue while giving me more percieved cabin room due to a cut down center keel. To be fair, you have less free panal space since the yoke is sticking out of the panal, but I do not think that is that big an issue. For that matter, you could actually cut off the right yoke horn and have a side stick....essentially ;)


    We spoke to some factory folks at SWRFI this year about modifying the yoke to a side stick and they said they made some attempts at it but, while the concept would probabley work, it would require a level of complexity that they wish to avoid in a kit (understandable). It involved a number of U-joints that must be incorporated due to the gradual slope of the fuselage inward. It is a modification that I may consider if I ever want a additional project AFTER I get flying for a while. Like you, I like the idea. I believe this mod will more closely resemble my yokes than the standard center stick.


    The controls, like on all the Velocitys, go down the center keel and not along the side of the fuselage like on the non gull wing door planes.


    Remember, it is your plane and you can make it what you want. The folks at Velocity, Inc. have been very helpful every step of the way and I suspect they will willingly provide input and insight.


    Good luck, I will be very interested in your progress.


    All the best,



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